diff --git a/tests/Phabricator/ProjectsMapTest.php b/tests/Phabricator/ProjectsMapTest.php
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Phabricator/ProjectsMapTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+namespace Nasqueron\Notifications\Tests\Phabricator;
+use Nasqueron\Notifications\Phabricator\ProjectsMap;
+use Nasqueron\Notifications\Tests\TestCase;
+class ProjectsMapTest extends TestCase {
+    /**
+     * @var Nasqueron\Notifications\Phabricator\ProjectsMap
+     */
+    private $map;
+    public function setUp () {
+        parent::setUp();
+        //
+        // We mock the API, so an imaginary instance of Phabricator
+        // will return 3 results: Accounts, Agora & architecture.
+        //
+        // Agora has the key 'PHID-PROJ-cztcgpvqr6smnnekotq7'.
+        //
+        $this->mockPhabricatorAPIForProjectsMap();
+        $this->map = ProjectsMap::fetch("http://phabricator.acme.tld");
+    }
+    public function testIteratorIsTraversable () {
+        $this->assertInstanceOf(
+            "Traversable",
+            $this->map->getIterator()
+        );
+    }
+    ///
+    /// Tests for ArrayAccess
+    ///
+    public function testOffsetExistsWhenItDoes () {
+        $this->assertTrue(
+            $this->map->offsetExists('PHID-PROJ-cztcgpvqr6smnnekotq7')
+        );
+    }
+    public function testOffsetExistsWhenItDoesNot () {
+        $this->assertFalse(
+            $this->map->offsetExists('non-existing-key')
+        );
+    }
+    public function testOffsetGetWhenItDoesExist () {
+        $this->assertSame(
+            "Agora",
+            $this->map->offsetGet('PHID-PROJ-cztcgpvqr6smnnekotq7')
+        );
+    }
+    /**
+     * @expectedException ErrorException
+     */
+    public function testOffsetGetWhenItDoesNotExist () {
+        $this->map->offsetGet('non-existing-key');
+    }
+    /**
+     * @covers Nasqueron\Notifications\Phabricator\ProjectsMap::offsetSet
+     */
+    public function testOffsetSet () {
+        $this->map->offsetSet('newkey', 'quux');
+        $this->assertSame('quux', $this->map->offsetGet('newkey'));
+    }
+    /**
+     * @covers Nasqueron\Notifications\Phabricator\ProjectsMap::offsetUnset
+     */
+    public function testOffsetUnset () {
+        unset($this->map['PHID-PROJ-cztcgpvqr6smnnekotq7']);
+        $this->assertFalse(
+            $this->map->offsetExists('PHID-PROJ-cztcgpvqr6smnnekotq7')
+        );
+    }
+    ///
+    /// Tests for cache
+    ///
+    ///
+    /// Tests for helper methods
+    ///
+    public function testGetProjectName () {
+        $this->assertSame(
+            "Agora",
+            $this->map->getProjectName('PHID-PROJ-cztcgpvqr6smnnekotq7')
+        );
+    }
+    public function testGetProjectNameForNewInstance () {
+        $map = new ProjectsMap("http://phabricator.acme.tld");
+        $this->assertSame(
+            "Agora",
+            $map->getProjectName('PHID-PROJ-cztcgpvqr6smnnekotq7')
+        );
+    }
+    public function testGetProjectNameWhenItDoesNotExist () {
+        $this->assertSame(
+            "",
+            $this->map->getProjectName('non-existing-key')
+        );
+    }
+    public function testToArrayProducesArray () {
+        $array = $this->map->toArray();
+        $this->assertTrue(
+            is_array($array),
+            "Test if toArray return an array"
+        );
+    }
+    public function testThatArrayCount () {
+        $array = $this->map->toArray();
+        $this->assertSame(3, count($array));
+    }
+    public function testThatArrayContainsExpectedData () {
+        $this->assertSame(
+            [
+                 ["PHID-PROJ-6dg6ogx5pjmk24ur4tp4", "Accounts"],
+                 ["PHID-PROJ-cztcgpvqr6smnnekotq7", "Agora"],
+                 ["PHID-PROJ-3iew3cqf3htpazfyzb5a", "architecture"]
+            ],
+            $this->map->toArray()
+        );
+    }