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bind pub - .config pub:config
bind dcc - config dcc:config
bind pub D .+surname pub:surname
bind dcc D +surname dcc:surname
bind pub D .+nom pub:surname
bind dcc D +nom dcc:surname
bind pub D .+prenom pub:givenname
bind dcc D +prenom dcc:givenname
bind pub D .+prénom pub:givenname
bind dcc D +prénom dcc:givenname
bind pub D .+givenname pub:givenname
bind dcc D +givenname dcc:givenname
# Wikidata
# Handles .+surname command
proc pub:surname {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
if {[isAcceptableItemTitle $arg]} {
create_surname $arg "serv $chan"
return 1
} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick : ne sont gérés comme que les caractères alphanumériques, le tiret, l'apostrophe droite, de même que tout ce qui n'est pas ASCII standard."
return 0
# Handles .+surname command
proc dcc:surname {handle idx arg} {
if {[isAcceptableItemTitle $arg]} {
create_surname $arg "dcc $idx"
return 1
} {
putdcc $idx "crée cet item manuellement, je ne suis pas conçu pour gérer ces caractères dans le titre."
return 0
# Creates a surname
# @param $title the item title
# @param $state the state to pass to the create command callback (here with a mode and a target to print result)
proc create_surname {title state} {
run_command "[get_external_script create_surname] [posix_escape $title]" print_command_callback $state
# Handles .+givenname command
proc pub:givenname {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
set params [split $arg]
if {[llength $params] > 1} {
set title [lindex $params 0]
set genre [string toupper [lindex $params 1]]
switch -- $genre {
M {}
F {}
D {}
U {}
default {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :Attendu : F (féminin), M (masculin), U (unisexe)"
return 0
} {
set title $arg
set genre D
if {[isAcceptableItemTitle $title]} {
create_givenname $title $genre "serv $chan"
return 1
} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick : crée cet item manuellement, je ne suis pas conçu pour gérer ces caractères dans le titre."
# Handles .+givenname command
proc dcc:givenname {handle idx arg} {
set params [split $arg]
if {[llength $params] > 1} {
set title [lindex $params 0]
set genre [string toupper [lindex $params 1]]
switch -- $genre {
M {}
F {}
D {}
U {}
default {
putdcc $idx "Attendu : F (féminin), M (masculin), U (unisexe)"
return 0
} {
set title $arg
set genre D
if {[isAcceptableItemTitle $title]} {
create_givenname $title $genre "dcc $idx"
return 1
} {
putdcc $idx "crée cet item manuellement, je ne suis pas conçu pour gérer ces caractères dans le titre."
# Creates a given name
# @param $title the item title
# @param $state the state to pass to the create command callback (here with a mode and a target to print result)
proc create_givenname {title genre state} {
run_command "[get_external_script create_given_name] [posix_escape $title] $genre" print_command_callback $state
# Determines if the specified title is suitable to pass as shell argument
# @param $title The title to check
# @return 0 is the title is acceptable; otherwise, false.
proc isAcceptableItemTitle {title} {
set re {[A-Za-z \-']}
foreach char [split $title {}] {
set value [scan $char %c]
if {$value < 128} {
if {![regexp $re $char]} { return 0 }
#UTF-8 ok
return 1
# Wikimedia configuration files
# Handles .config pub command
proc pub:config {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
if {[llength $arg] < 2} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Usage: .config <setting> <project>"
return 0
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[wikimedia::get_config_variable [lindex $arg 0] [lindex $arg 1] [lrange $arg 2 end]]"
return 1
# Handles .config dcc command
proc dcc:config {handle idx arg} {
if {[llength $arg] < 2} {
putdcc $idx "Usage: .config <setting> <project>"
return 0
putdcc $idx [wikimedia::get_config_variable [lindex $arg 0] [lindex $arg 1] [lrange $arg 2 end]]
return 1
namespace eval ::wikimedia {
# Script to get a configuration variable
set get_config_script {
$value = $wgConf->settings%%key%%;
if (is_array($value)) {
$values = array();
if (array_keys($value) !== range(0, count($value) - 1)) {
//Associative arary
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
$values[] = "$k => $v";
echo implode(' / ', $values);
} else {
//Numeric array
echo implode(', ', $value);
} else if (is_bool($value)) {
echo $value ? 'true' : 'false';
} else {
echo $value;
# Gets a configuration variable, defined in $wgConf aray
# @param $setting the config variable's name
# @param $project the project
# @param $args If the config variable is an array, the keys to get (facultative, specify how many you want)
# @return the config value
proc get_config_variable {setting project args} {
if {[string index $setting 0] == "\$"} {
set setting [string rang $setting 1 end]
if {![regexp "^\[a-z]\[A-Za-z0-9]*$" $setting]} {
return "Not a valid setting: $setting"
if {![regexp "^\[a-z]\[a-z0-9_]*$" $project]} {
return "Not a valid project: $project"
set key "\['$setting']\['$project']"
foreach arg $args {
if {$arg == ""} break
if {![regexp "^\[A-Za-z0-9]*$" $arg]} {
return "Not a valid setting: $arg"
append key "\['$arg']"
set code [string map [list %%key%% $key %%dir%% [registry get repositories.operations.mediawiki-config]] $wikimedia::get_config_script]
exec_php $code
# Executes inline PHP code
# @param code The PHP code to execute
# @return the script stdout
proc exec_php {code} {
string trim [exec -- echo $code | php]

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Feb 28, 21:39 (1 d, 5 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
Wikimedia.tcl (5 KB)

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