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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Salt — Node execution module
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Project: Nasqueron
# Created: 2017-10-21
# Description: Functions related to the nodes' pillar entry
# License: BSD-2-Clause
# -------------------------------------------------------------
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError, SaltCloudConfigError
from salt._compat import ipaddress
def _get_all_nodes():
return __pillar__.get("nodes", {})
def get_all_properties(nodename=None):
A function to get a node pillar configuration.
CLI Example:
salt * node.get_all_properties
if nodename is None:
nodename = __grains__["id"]
all_nodes = _get_all_nodes()
if nodename not in all_nodes:
raise CommandExecutionError(
SaltCloudConfigError("Node {0} not declared in pillar.".format(nodename))
return all_nodes[nodename]
def get(key, nodename=None):
A function to get a node pillar configuration key.
CLI Example:
salt * node.get hostname
return _get_property(key, nodename, None)
def _explode_key(k):
return k.split(":")
def _get_first_key(k):
return _explode_key(k)[0]
def _strip_first_key(k):
return ":".join(_explode_key(k)[1:])
def _get_property(key, nodename, default_value, parent=None):
if parent is None:
parent = get_all_properties(nodename)
if ":" in key:
first_key = _get_first_key(key)
if first_key in parent:
return _get_property(
_strip_first_key(key), nodename, default_value, parent[first_key]
elif key in parent:
return parent[key]
return default_value
def get_list(key, nodename=None):
A function to get a node pillar configuration.
Returns a list if found, or an empty list if not found.
CLI Example:
salt * node.list network:ipv4_aliases
return _get_property(key, nodename, [])
def has(key, nodename=None):
A function to get a node pillar configuration.
Returns a boolean, False if not found.
CLI Example:
salt * node.has network:ipv6_tunnel
value = _get_property(key, nodename, False)
return bool(value)
def has_role(role, nodename=None):
A function to determine if a node has the specified role.
Returns a boolean, False if not found.
CLI Example:
salt * node.has_role devserver
return role in get_list("roles", nodename)
def filter_by_role(pillar_key, nodename=None):
A function to filter a dictionary by roles.
The dictionary must respect the following structure:
- keys are role to check the current node against
- values are list of items
If a key '*' is also present, it will be included
for every role.
Returns a list, extending all the filtered lists.
CLI Example:
salt * node.filter_by_role web_content_sls
roles = get_list("roles", nodename)
dictionary = __pillar__.get(pillar_key, {})
filtered_list = []
for role, items in dictionary.items():
if role == "*" or role in roles:
return filtered_list
def filter_by_name(pillar_key, nodename=None):
A function to filter a dictionary by node name.
The dictionary must respect the following structure:
- keys are names to check the current node against
- values are list of items
If a key '*' is also present, it will be included
for every node.
Returns a list, extending all the filtered lists.
CLI Example:
salt * node.filter_by_name mars
if nodename is None:
nodename = __grains__["id"]
dictionary = __pillar__.get(pillar_key, {})
filtered_list = []
for name, items in dictionary.items():
if name == "*" or name == nodename:
return filtered_list
def has_deployment(nodename=None):
A function to determine if this server does continuous delivery.
return any(role in DEPLOY_ROLES for role in get_list("roles", nodename))
def has_web_content(content, nodename=None):
return content in filter_by_role("web_content_sls", nodename)
def get_wwwroot(nodename=None):
A function to determine the wwwroot folder to use.
Returns a string depending on the FQDN.
CLI Example:
salt * node.get_wwwroot
hostname = _get_property("hostname", nodename, None)
if hostname is None:
raise CommandExecutionError(
"Node {0} doesn't have a hostname property".format(nodename)
if hostname.count(".") < 2:
return "wwwroot/{0}/www".format(hostname)
fqdn = hostname.split(".")
return "wwwroot/{1}/{0}".format(".".join(fqdn[0:-2]), ".".join(fqdn[-2:]))
def get_ipv6_list():
A function to get a list of IPv6, enclosed by [].
Returns a string depending on the IPv6 currently assigned.
CLI Example:
salt * node.get_ipv6_list
ipv6 = __grains__.get("ipv6")
return " ".join(["[" + ip + "]" for ip in ipv6])
def resolve_network():
A function to determine canonical properties of networks
from the nodes pillar.
CLI Example:
salt * node.resolve_network
network = {
"ipv4_address": "",
"ipv4_gateway": "",
private_network = network.copy()
is_private_network_stable = True
interfaces = _get_property("network:interfaces", __grains__["id"], {})
for interface_name, interface in interfaces.items():
if "ipv4" not in interface:
ipv4 = interface["ipv4"]["address"]
if ipaddress.ip_address(ipv4).is_private:
target = private_network
target = network
if target["ipv4_address"] != "":
target["ipv4_address"] = ipv4
target["ipv4_gateway"] = interface["ipv4"]["gateway"]
except KeyError:
if network["ipv4_address"] == "":
main_network = private_network
main_network = network
if private_network["ipv4_address"] == "":
is_private_network_stable = False
tunnels = resolve_gre_tunnels()
if tunnels:
tunnel = tunnels[0]
private_network = {
"ipv4_address": tunnel["src"],
"ipv4_gateway": tunnel["gateway"],
return main_network | {
"private_ipv4_address": private_network["ipv4_address"],
"private_ipv4_gateway": private_network["ipv4_gateway"],
"is_private_network_stable": is_private_network_stable,
def _resolve_gre_tunnels_for_router(network, netmask):
tunnels = []
for node, tunnel in __pillar__.get(f"{network}_gre_tunnels", {}).items():
"network": network,
"description": f"{network}_to_{node}",
"interface": tunnel["router"]["interface"],
"src": tunnel["router"]["addr"],
"dst": tunnel["node"]["addr"],
"netmask": netmask,
"icann_src": get("network")["canonical_public_ipv4"],
"icann_dst": get("network", node)["canonical_public_ipv4"],
return tunnels
def resolve_gre_tunnels():
A function to get the GRE tunnels for a node
CLI Example:
salt * node.resolve_gre_tunnels
gre_tunnels = []
for network, network_args in __pillar__.get("networks", {}).items():
if __grains__["id"] == network_args["router"]:
gre_tunnels += _resolve_gre_tunnels_for_router(
network, network_args["netmask"]
tunnel = __salt__["pillar.get"](f"{network}_gre_tunnels:{__grains__['id']}")
if not tunnel:
"network": network,
"description": f"{network}_via_{network_args['router']}",
"interface": tunnel["node"].get("interface", "gre0"),
"src": tunnel["node"]["addr"],
"dst": tunnel["router"]["addr"],
"netmask": network_args["netmask"],
"gateway": network_args["default_gateway"],
"icann_src": get("network")["canonical_public_ipv4"],
"icann_dst": get("network", network_args["router"])[
return gre_tunnels
def get_gateway(network):
# For tunnels, gateway is the tunnel endpoint
tunnel = __salt__["pillar.get"](f"{network}_gre_tunnels:{__grains__['id']}")
if tunnel:
return tunnel["router"]["addr"]
return __salt__["pillar.get"](f"networks:{network}:default_gateway")
def _get_static_route(cidr, gateway):
if __grains__["os_family"] == "FreeBSD":
return f"-net {cidr} {gateway}"
if __grains__["kernel"] == "Linux":
return f"{cidr} via {gateway}"
raise ValueError("No static route implementation for " + __grains__["os_family"])
def _get_default_route(gateway):
if __grains__["os_family"] == "FreeBSD":
return f"default {gateway}"
if __grains__["kernel"] == "Linux":
return f"default via {gateway}"
raise ValueError("No static route implementation for " + __grains__["os_family"])
def _get_interface_route(ip, interface):
if __grains__["os_family"] == "FreeBSD":
return f"-net {ip}/32 -interface {interface}"
if __grains__["kernel"] == "Linux":
return f"{ip} dev {interface}"
raise ValueError("No static route implementation for " + __grains__["os_family"])
def _get_routes_for_private_networks():
Every node, excepted the routeur, should have a route
for the private network CIDR to the router.
For GRE tunnels, the gateway is the tunnel endpoint.
In other cases, the gateway is the main router (private) IP.
routes = {}
for network, network_args in __pillar__.get("networks", {}).items():
if network_args["router"] == __grains__["id"]:
gateway = get_gateway(network)
routes[f"private_{network}"] = _get_static_route(network_args["cidr"], gateway)
return routes
def get_routes():
routes = {}
interfaces = _get_property("network:interfaces", __grains__["id"], {})
for interface_name, interface in interfaces.items():
flags = interface.get("flags", [])
if "gateway" in interface.get("ipv4", {}):
gateway = interface["ipv4"]["gateway"]
if "ipv4_ovh_failover" in flags:
routes[f"{interface_name}_gateway"] = _get_interface_route(
gateway, interface["device"]
if __grains__["os_family"] != "RedHat":
# On RHEL/CentOS/Rocky, legacy network scripts take care of this with GATEWAY=
routes[f"{interface_name}_default"] = _get_default_route(gateway)
return routes

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