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diff --git a/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl b/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl
index 25d980c..3632f07 100644
--- a/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl
+++ b/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl
@@ -1,292 +1,414 @@
# .tcl source scripts/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl
package require json
bind dcc - gerrit dcc:gerrit
# Gerrit eventss are at the bottom of the file
# Gerrit helper methods
namespace eval ::ssh:: {
proc set_agent {{tryToStartAgent 1}} {
global env
set file $env(HOME)/bin/ssh-agent-session
if {![file exists $file]} {
putcmdlog "Can't find SSH agent information - $file doesn't exist."
#TCSH rules -> set through env array
set fp [open $file]
fconfigure $fp -buffering line
gets $fp line
while {$line != ""} {
foreach "command variable value" [split $line] {}
if {$command == "setenv"} {
set env($variable) [string range $value 0 end-1]
gets $fp line
close $fp
#Checks if agent exists
if {[string first ssh-agent [get_processname $env(SSH_AGENT_PID)]] == -1} {
putcmdlog "SSH agent isn't running"
if {$tryToStartAgent} {
putdebug "Trying to launch SSH agent..."
exec -- ssh-agent -c | grep -v echo > $env(HOME)/bin/ssh-agent-session
if {![add_key]} {
# TODO: send a note to relevant people key should manually added
# something like sendNoteToGroup $username T "Key sould be manually added"
set_agent 0
proc add_key {{key ""}} {
if {$key == ""} { set key [registry get ssh.key] }
if {$key != ""} {
catch { exec -- ssh-add $key } result
putdebug "Adding SSH key: $result"
expr [string first "Identity added" $result] > -1
} {
return 0
proc get_processname {pid} {
set processes [exec ps xw]
foreach process [split $processes \n] {
set current_pid [lindex $process 0]
set command [lrange $process 4 end]
if {$pid == $current_pid} { return $command }
# Gets appropriate connection parameter
# @param $server The server to connect
# @return The server domain name, prepent by SSH options
proc get_connection_parameter {server} {
#TODO: return -p 29418 when appropriate instead to create SSH config alias
return $server
namespace eval ::gerrit:: {
## Queries a Gerrit server
+ ## @param $server The Gerrit server
## @param $query The query to send
## @seealso
proc query {server query} {
exec -- ssh [ssh::get_connection_parameter $server] gerrit query $query
+ ## Queries a Gerrit server, searching changes with an expression
+ ##
+ ## @param $server The Gerrit server
+ ## @param $project The project
+ ## @param $query The query
+ proc search {server project query} {
+ set query "message:$query"
+ if {$project != "*" } {
+ append query " project:$project"
+ }
+ foreach line [split [query $server "--format json $query"] "\n"] {
+ set c [json::json2dict $line]
+ if {![dict exists $c type]} {
+ lappend results "\[[dg $c project]\] <[dg $c]> [dg $c subject] ([status [dg $c status]]) - [dg $c number]"
+ }
+ }
+ return $results
+ }
+ # Gets a string representation of the API status
+ #
+ # @param $status the API status string code
+ # @return the textual representation of the status
+ proc status {status} {
+ switch $status {
+ "NEW" { return "Review in progress" }
+ default { return $status }
+ }
+ }
## Launches a socket to monitor Gerrit events in real time and initializes events.
## This uses a node gateway.
## @seealso
proc setup_stream_events {server} {
- control [connect [registry get gerrit.$] [registry get gerrit.$server.streamevents.port]] gerrit::listen:stream_event
+ set idx [connect [registry get gerrit.$] [registry get gerrit.$server.streamevents.port]]
+ control $idx gerrit::listen:stream_event
+ # Listens to a Gerrit stream event
+ #
+ # @param $idx The connection idx
+ # @param $text The message received
+ # @return 0 if we continue to control this connection; otherwise, 1
proc listen:stream_event {idx text} {
+ # To ensure a better system stability, we don't directly handle
+ # a processus calling the 'ssh' command, but use a lightweight
+ # non blocking socket connection:
+ #
+ # This script <--socket--> Node proxy <--SSH--> Gerrit server
+ #
+ # We receive line of texts from the proxy. There are chunks of a
+ # JSON message (we convert it to a dictionary, to be used here).
+ #
+ # As the json objects are rather long, it is generally truncated
+ # in several lines. Immediately after, a line with "--" is sent:
+ #
+ # 1. {"type":"comment-added","change":......................
+ # 2. ................,"comment":"Dark could be the night."}
+ # 3. --
+ # 4. {"type":"patchset-created",...........................}
+ # 5. --
+ # 6. ........
+ #
+ # Text is stored in a global array, shared with others control
+ # procs, called $buffers. The message is to add in the idx key.
+ # It should be cleared after, as the idx could be reassigned.
+ #
+ # When a message is received, we sent the decoded json message
+ # to gerrit::callevent, which has the job to fire events and
+ # to call event callback procedures.
global buffers
if {$text == ""} {
putdebug "Connection to Gerrit stream-events gateway closed."
if [info exists buffers($idx)] { unset buffers($idx) }
} elseif {$text == "--"} {
# Process gerrit event
set event [json::json2dict $buffers($idx)]
set buffers($idx) ""
set type [dict get $event type]
#todo: handle here multiservers
callevent wmreview $type $event
} {
append buffers($idx) $text
return 0
# Registers a new event
proc event {type callback} {
dict lappend gerrit::events $type $callback
# Calls an event proc
# @param $type the Gerrit type
# @param $message a dict representation of the JSON message sent by Gerrit
proc callevent {server type message} {
+ # Gerrit events could be from two types:
+ #
+ # (1) Generic events
+ # ------------------
+ # They are created with "gerrit::event all callbackproc".
+ # The callback procedure args are server, type & message.
+ #
+ # Every Gerrit event is sent to them.
+ #
+ # (2) Specific events
+ # -------------------
+ # Similar create way: "gerrit::event type callbackproc".
+ #
+ # Only Gerrit events of matching type are sent to them.
+ # The callback procedure arguments varie with the type.
+ #
+ # patchset-created ... server change patchSet uploader
+ # change-abandoned ... server change patchSet abandoner
+ # change-restored .... server change patchSet restorer
+ # change-merged ...... server change patchSet submitter
+ # comment-added ...... server change patchSet author approvals comment
+ # ref-updated ........ server submitter refUpdate
+ #
+ # The documentation of these structures can be found at this URL:
+ #
+ #
+ # The callback procedures are all stored in the global ditionary
+ # $gerrit::events.
+ #
+ # Generic events are fired before specific ones. They can't edit
+ # the message. They can't say "no more processing".
+ #
if [dict exists $gerrit::events all] {
foreach procname [dict get $gerrit::events all] {
$procname $server $type $message
if [dict exists $gerrit::events $type] {
# Determines the proc arguments from the Gerrit message type
switch $type {
"patchset-created" { set params "change patchSet uploader" }
"change-abandoned" { set params "change patchSet abandoner" }
"change-restored" { set params "change patchSet restorer" }
"change-merged" { set params "change patchSet submitter" }
"comment-added" { set params "change patchSet author approvals comment" }
"ref-updated" { set params "submitter refUpdate" }
default {
putdebug "Unknown Gerrit type in gerrit::callevent: $type"
# Gets the values of the proc arguments
set args $server
foreach param $params {
if [dict exists $message $param] {
lappend args [dict get $message $param]
} {
lappend args ""
# Calls callbacks procs
foreach procname [dict get $gerrit::events $type] {
$procname {*}$args
# The events callback methods
set events {}
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Handles statistics
proc stats {server type message} {
registry incr gerrit.stats.type.$type
# Announces a call
proc debug {server type message} {
putdebug "$server -> $type +1"
proc onNewPatchset {server change patchset uploader} {
# Gets relevant variables from change, patchset & uploader
set who [dict get $uploader name]
foreach var "project branch topic subject url" {
if [dict exists $change $var] {
set $var [dict get $change $var]
} {
set $var ""
set patchsetNumber [dict get $patchset number]
#IRC notification
if {$server == "wmreview" && $who != "L10n-bot"} {
set message "\[$project] $who uploaded a [numeric2ordinal $patchsetNumber] patchset to change '$subject'"
if {$branch != "master"} { append message " in branch $branch" }
append message " - $url"
#if {[string range $project 0 9] == "mediawiki/"} {
# puthelp "PRIVMSG #mediawiki :$message"
proc onCommentAdded {server change patchset author approvals comment} {
# Gets relevant variables from change, patchset & uploader
set who [dict get $author name]
foreach var "project branch topic subject url" {
if [dict exists $change $var] {
set $var [dict get $change $var]
} {
set $var ""
+ set CR 0
+ if {$approvals != ""} {
+ foreach approval $approvals {
+ if {[dict get $approval type] == "CRVW"} {
+ set CR [dict get $approval value]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
#IRC notification
if {$server == "wmreview" && $who != "jenkins-bot"} {
+ # English message
set verbs {
"\0034puts a veto on\003"
"\0034suggests improvement on\003"
"\0033definitely approves\003"
- set CR 0
- if {$approvals != ""} {
- foreach approval $approvals {
- if {[dict get $approval type] == "CRVW"} {
- set CR [dict get $approval value]
- break
- }
- }
- }
set verb [lindex $verbs [expr $CR + 2]]
set message "\[$project] $who $verb change '$subject'"
if {$comment != ""} {
if {[strlen $message] > 160} {
append message ": '[string range $comment 0 158]...'"
} {
append message ": '$comment'"
append message " - $url"
- if {[string range $project 0 9] == "mediawiki/" && ($comment != "" || $CR < 0)} {
- #putdebug "OK -> $message"
- puthelp "PRIVMSG #mediawiki :$message"
- } {
- putdebug "Not on IRC -> $message"
+ # IRC notification
+ if 0 {
+ if {[string range $project 0 9] == "mediawiki/" && ($comment != "" || $CR < 0)} {
+ puthelp "PRIVMSG #mediawiki :$message"
+ } {
+ putdebug "Not on IRC -> $message"
+ }
# Gerrit binds
+# .gerrit query
+# .gerrit stats
+# .gerrit search <project> <query to searh in commit message>
proc dcc:gerrit {handle idx arg} {
- switch $arg {
+ set server [registry get gerrit.defaultserver]
+ switch [lindex $arg 0] {
"" {
putdcc $idx "Usage: .gerrit <query>"
putdcc $idx "Cmds: .gerrit stats"
+ putdcc $idx "Cmds: .gerrit search <project> <query to searh in commit message>"
return 0
"stats" {
foreach row [sql "SELECT SUBSTRING(data, 19), value FROM registry WHERE LEFT(data, 18) = 'gerrit.stats.type.'"] {
putdcc $idx $row
return 1
+ "search" {
+ set nbResults 0
+ set project [lindex $arg 1]
+ set query [lrange $arg 2 end]
+ foreach result [gerrit::search $server $project $query] {
+ putdcc $idx $result
+ incr nbResults
+ }
+ if {$nbResults == 0} {
+ putdcc $idx ":/"
+ } {
+ putcmdlog "#$handle# gerrit search ..."
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
default {
# TODO: support several Gerrit servers
- set server [registry get gerrit.defaultserver]
putdcc $idx [gerrit::query $server $arg]
putcmdlog "#$handle# gerrit ..."
return 0
# Initialization code
gerrit::event all gerrit::stats
-gerrit::event all gerrit::debug
+#gerrit::event all gerrit::debug
gerrit::event patchset-created gerrit::onNewPatchset
gerrit::event comment-added gerrit::onCommentAdded
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Wed, Jan 29, 05:18 (1 d, 9 h)
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Raw Data
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Default Alt Text
(12 KB)
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