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* A MediaWiki data source
* @todo Evaluate if it makes sense to split this class in two, one for wikitext parsing, one for HTML output parsing
class MediaWikiDataSource extends DataSource {
* The source reading mode: wiki to parse wikitext, html to parse HTML output
public $source_mode;
* The name of the article (used in wiki source mode)
public $source_wiki;
* The URL of the article (used in HTML source mode)
public $source_html;
* The text of the article (wikitext in wiki source mode, raw HTML in HTML source mode)
public $source_data;
* The API entry point URL (e.g.
public $api_url;
* Initializes a new instance of the MediaWikiDataSource class
* @param $source The source target, article title in wiki mode, article URL in html mode
* @param $mode The source mode (facultative, by default 'wiki')
public function __construct ($source = false, $mode = 'wiki') {
$this->source_mode = $mode;
if ($source !== false) {
switch ($mode) {
case 'wiki': $this->source_wiki = $source; break;
case 'html': $this->source_html = $source; break;
default: throw new Exception("Unknown source mode: $mode.");
* Gets the general purpose MediaWiki entry point (e.g.
* @return string The MediaWiki entry point
* @todo This currently considers nobody has prepared rewrite rules blocking access to index.php and api.php
public function get_entry_point () {
return substr($this->api_url, 0, -7) . "index.php";
* Loads the source content into the source_data property.
public function load () {
switch ($this->source_mode) {
case 'wiki':
$url = $this->get_entry_point() . "?title=" . urlencode($this->source_wiki) . "&action=raw";
case 'html':
$url = $this->source_html;
throw new Exception("$source_mode isn't a valid MediaWikiDataSource source mode.");
$this->source_data = file_get_contents($url, false, get_http_context());
* Gets categories, from cache or API.
* @param $bypassCache If true, bypass the cache; otherwise, use the cached result if available.
* @return Array an single dimension array, each row a category, including Category: prefix.
public function get_categories ($bypassCache = false) {
if ($this->source_mode != 'wiki') {
throw new Exception("get_categories is only supported in wiki mode.");
//Loads cache information
$cache = Cache::load();
$key = 'tools-ds-mwcats-' . md5($this->api_url . $this->source_wiki);
if (!$bypassCache && $data = $cache->get($key)) {
return unserialize($data);
//API query
$api = new MediaWikiBot($this->api_url);
$reply = $api->query([
'prop' => 'categories',
'titles' => $this->source_wiki,
'cllimit' => 500,
//Processes the query reply and caches it
$reply = array_shift($reply['query']['pages']);
$categories = [];
if (count($reply['categories'])) {
foreach ($reply['categories'] as $category) {
$categories[] = $category['title'];
$cache->set($key, serialize($categories));
return $categories;
* Gets title from URL
* @param string The article URL
* @return string The article title
public static function get_title_from_url ($url) {
$pos = strpos($url, "/wiki/");
return ($pos === false) ? "" : substr($url, $pos + 6);
* Gets name from title
* @param string The article title
* @return string The subject of the article's name
public static function get_name_from_title ($title) {
$name = str_replace('_', ' ', urldecode($title));
$pos = strpos($name, '(');
if ($pos !== false) {
$name = substr($name, 0, $pos - 1);
return $name;
* Gets name from URL
* @param string The article URL
* @return string The subject of the article's name
public static function get_name_from_url ($url) {
if ($title = get_title_from_url($url)) {
return get_name_from_title($title);
return "";
* A MediaWiki data source, matching a Wikipedia project.
* @todo use case to get a wikipedia specific class: do we need WP specific helper methods?
class WikipediaDataSource extends MediaWikiDataSource {
* Initializes a new instance of the WikipediaDataSource class
* @param $source The source target, article title in wiki mode, article URL in html mode
* @param $mode The source mode
* @param $language The language project (e.g. "en")
public function __construct ($source, $mode, $language) {
parent::__construct($source, $mode);
$this->api_url = "http://$";
* French Wikipedia data source.
class FrWikipediaDataSource extends WikipediaDataSource {
* Initializes a new instance of the FrWikipediaDataSource class
* @param $source The source target, article title in wiki mode, article URL in html mode
* @param $mode The source mode
public function __construct ($source = false, $mode = 'wiki') {
parent::__construct($source, $mode, 'fr');
* Gets birth year, from the category Naissance en.
* @param $name The person article title
* @param $bypassCache If true, bypass the cache; otherwise, use the cached result if available.
* @return integer|null The birth year of the person if available; otherwise, null.
static public function get_birth_year ($name, $bypassCache = false) {
$ds = new FrWikipediaDataSource($name);
$categories = $ds->get_categories($bypassCache);
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/Catégorie:Naissance en ([0-9]{4})/', $category, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
return null;

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Feb 28, 20:13 (9 h, 31 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
mediawikidatasources.php (5 KB)

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