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diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index faae3ce..bc8667f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,434 +1,435 @@
#import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
from lxml import etree
import re
from math import *
SVG_NS = ""
# Class to hanle XML trees in SVG files.
class SvgTreeManager:
def __init__(self, arg):
self.svg = arg.encode('utf-8')
parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, recover=True, encoding='utf-8')
self.tree = etree.fromstring(self.svg, parser=parser)
# ----------------------------------------
# returns a list of SVG Paths with that name. Default is void, which returns all SVG:Paths
def findPath(self, name=""):
work = []
for node in self.tree.findall('.//{%s}path' % SVG_NS):
if (name in node.get('id')):
return work
# ----------------------------------------
# returns parent node of current XML node
def findParent(self, node):
return node.find("..")
# ----------------------------------------
# returns a list of parent nodes of current XML node in ascending order (root will bit last in the list)
def findParents(self, node):
currentNode = node
ancestry = []
while True:
currentNode = self.findParent(currentNode)
if currentNode is None:
return ancestry
# ----------------------------------------
# returns transformation (as in
# transform="matrix(15.278846,0,0,15.278846,3144.1413,1135.7902)"
# notation)
def getTransform(self, node):
return node.get('transform')
# ----------------------------------------
# returns local transformation matrix (tranf. mat. defined in the element itself)
def getTransformMatrix(self, node):
return toMatrix( self.getTransform(node) )
# ----------------------------------------
# returns overall tranformation matrix of parent node (even if nested)
def getParentsTransformMatrix(self, node):
matrices = []
for j in self.findParents(node):
n = toMatrix( self.getTransform(j) )
m = [1,0,0,1,0,0]
for j in matrices:
m = multiplySvgMatrices (m, j)
return m
#m = [1,0,0,1,0,0]
#for j in self.findParents(node):
#n = toMatrix( self.getTransform(j) )
##m = multiplySvgMatrices (n, m)
#m = multiplySvgMatrices (m, n)
#return m
# ----------------------------------------
# returns total transformation matrix, applying parent transformations (even if nested).
def getTotalTransformMatrix(self, node):
a = self.getParentsTransformMatrix(node)
b = self.getTransformMatrix(node)
#return multiplySvgMatrices(b, a)
return multiplySvgMatrices(a, b)
#return [1,0,0,1,0,0]
# ----------------------------------------
# computes the barycentre of the points of a path.
def centreOfMass(self, path):
coordinatesX = (self.extractPoints(path))[0]
coordinatesY = (self.extractPoints(path))[1]
#barycentreX = sum(coordinatesX)/len(coordinatesX) # + offsetX
#barycentreY = sum(coordinatesY)/len(coordinatesY) # + offsetY
#barycentreX = ( max(coordinatesX) - min(coordinatesX) )/2.0 + min(coordinatesX) # + offsetX
#barycentreY = ( max(coordinatesY) - min(coordinatesY) )/2.0 + min(coordinatesY) # + offsetY
barycentreX = median(coordinatesX)
barycentreY = median(coordinatesY)
barycentre = [barycentreX, barycentreY]
return barycentre
# ----------------------------------------
# Extracts significant points from a path, applying transforms for Translation and Matrix (removes control points from path).
def extractPoints(self, path):
from itertools import islice
import re
# This will extract the endpoints of the segments forming the path (removing control points)
coordinatesX = []
coordinatesY = []
- offsetX = 0.0
- offsetY = 0.0
pathData = path.get('d')
- #transformData = path.get('transform')
pathData = re.findall('[a-df-zA-DF-Z]+|[\\d.eE\-]+', pathData) # To separate lettres from numbers. E is special case (exponent)
path_iter = iter( pathData )
state = "start"
typeOfSegment = "" # can take values MLHVCSQTAZmlhvcsqtaz
previousX = 0.0
previousY = 0.0
- for i in path_iter:
+ for i in path_iter:
i = i.replace(',', '')
if (state == "start"):
+ #if (typeOfSegment in "MLHVCSQTAZ"): # Absolute coordinates
+ #previousX = 0.0
+ #previousY = 0.0
- if (typeOfSegment in "MLHVCSQTAZ"): # Absolute coordinates
- previousX = 0.0
- previousY = 0.0
- # Do NOT do that! It's very wrong for countries with non-continuguous land masses (islands).
+ # Do NOT break here! It's very wrong for countries with non-continuguous land masses (islands).
# Might look all right for the USSR or if France is represented by her metropolitan area,
# but it will represent Great Britain with Ootsta and Germany with List in Schleswig-Holstein.
#if (i in "Zz"): # We have encountered a STOP signal. Exit loop.
if (i in "Zz"):
if (i in "MLHVCSQTAmlhvcsqta"): # We have encountered a new segment-type. Set typeOfSegment accordingly.
typeOfSegment = i
# Setting states to perform operations
- if (typeOfSegment in "MmLlHhVvTt"):
+ if (typeOfSegment in "MmLlHhVvTt"): # Commands that take 2 arguments
state = "recieveX"
- if (typeOfSegment in "SsQq"):
+ if (typeOfSegment in "SsQq"): # Commands that take 4 arguments
state = "wait2"
- if (typeOfSegment in "Cc"):
+ if (typeOfSegment in "Cc"): # Commands that take 6 arguments
state = "wait4"
- if (typeOfSegment in "Aa"):
+ if (typeOfSegment in "Aa"): # Commands that take 7 arguments
state = "wait5"
if (state == "recieveX"):
+ if (typeOfSegment in "MLHVCSQTAZ"): previousX = 0.0
newX = float(i) + previousX
coordinatesX.append( newX )
previousX = newX
state = "recieveY"
if (state == "recieveY"):
+ if (typeOfSegment in "MLHVCSQTAZ"): previousY = 0.0
newY = float(i) + previousY
coordinatesY.append( newY )
+ #if not (coordinatesX == [] or coordinatesY == []):
+ #print ("\tSegType=", typeOfSegment, "\tCoordinates: ", coordinatesX[-1], coordinatesY[-1], "\tPreviousY: ", previousY, "\tnewY", newY, "\tfloat(i)", float(i))
previousY = newY
state = "start"
if (state == "wait5"):
next(islice(path_iter, 3, 4), '')
state = "recieveX"
if (state == "wait4"):
next(islice(path_iter, 2, 3), '')
state = "recieveX"
if (state == "wait2"):
next(islice(path_iter, 0, 1), '')
state = "recieveX"
#if (transformData):
#newCoordinatesX = []
#newCoordinatesY = []
#transformDataValues = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+", transformData)
#if "translate" in transformData:
#for coordinateX, coordinateY in zip(coordinatesX, coordinatesY):
#newCoordinatesX.append( coordinateX + float(transformDataValues[0]) )
#newCoordinatesY.append( coordinateY + float(transformDataValues[1]) )
#if "matrix" in transformData:
#for coordinateX, coordinateY in zip(coordinatesX, coordinatesY):
#newCoordinatesX.append( float(transformDataValues[0])*coordinateX + float(transformDataValues[2])*coordinateY + float(transformDataValues[4]) )
#newCoordinatesY.append( float(transformDataValues[1])*coordinateX + float(transformDataValues[3])*coordinateY + float(transformDataValues[5]) )
#coordinatesX = newCoordinatesX
#coordinatesY = newCoordinatesY
M = self.getTotalTransformMatrix(path)
newCoordinatesX = []
newCoordinatesY = []
for coordinateX, coordinateY in zip(coordinatesX, coordinatesY):
v = [coordinateX, coordinateY]
v = multiplySvgMatrixVector(M, v)
newCoordinatesX.append( v[0] )
newCoordinatesY.append( v[1] )
return [newCoordinatesX, newCoordinatesY]
#return [coordinatesX, coordinatesY]
# Stand-alone functions
# This is a procedural marxist utopia:
# classless subroutines.
# ---------------------
# detects if a string is a float
def isFloat(str):
except ValueError:
return False
return True
# matrice-vector multiplication
# matrix = [a,b,c,d,e,f]
# vector = [x, y]
def multiplySvgMatrixVector(M,V):
a = M[0]
b = M[1]
c = M[2]
d = M[3]
e = M[4]
f = M[5]
x = V[0]
y = V[1]
x_out = a*x + c*y + e
y_out = b*x + d*y + f
return [x_out, y_out]
def multiplySvgMatrices(M1,M2):
a1 = M1[0]
b1 = M1[1]
c1 = M1[2]
d1 = M1[3]
e1 = M1[4]
f1 = M1[5]
a2 = M2[0]
b2 = M2[1]
c2 = M2[2]
d2 = M2[3]
e2 = M2[4]
f2 = M2[5]
a3 = a1*a2 + c1*b2
b3 = b1*a2 + d1*b2
c3 = a1*c2 + c2*d2
d3 = b1*c2 + d1*d2
e3 = a1*e2 + c1*f2 + e1
f3 = b1*e2 + d1*f2 + f1
return [a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3]
def addSvgMatrices(M1,M2):
a1 = M1[0]
b1 = M1[1]
c1 = M1[2]
d1 = M1[3]
e1 = M1[4]
f1 = M1[5]
a2 = M2[0]
b2 = M2[1]
c2 = M2[2]
d2 = M2[3]
e2 = M2[4]
f2 = M2[5]
a3 = a1 + a2
b3 = b1 + b2
c3 = c1 + c2
d3 = d1 + d2
e3 = e1 + e2
f3 = f1 + f2
return [a3, b3, c3, d3, e3, f3]
# ----------------------------------------
# Converts SVG code describing transformations into 6-element matrices
def toMatrix(string):
work = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] # identity in this algebra
# cf
# Matrix (3x3, only 6 variable componants):
# ( a c e )
# ( b d f )
# ( 0 0 1 )
# useful testing tool:
if string is None:
return work
regex = re.compile('[\),\(, ,]')
string = list ( filter( None, re.split(regex, string) ) )
#print (string)
items = iter(string)
for item in items:
#a = b = c = d = e = f = 0
# State machine
if ("translate" in item):
state = "translate"
if ("rotate" in item ):
state = "rotate"
if ("scale" in item ):
state = "scale"
if ("skewX" in item ):
state = "skewX"
if ("skewY" in item ):
state = "skewY"
if ("matrix" in item ):
state = "matrix"
# Translation: two attributes
if (state == "translate"):
e = float( next(items) )
f = float( next(items) )
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [1, 0, 0 , 1, e , f])
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [1, 0, 0 , 1, e , f], work )
# Rotation: one or three attributes
# transform="rotate(15)" --> rotation of 15 degrees clockwise around (0,0)
# transform="rotate(15, 40, 40)" --> rotation of 15 degrees clockwise around (40,40)
if (state == "rotate"):
angle = radians( float( next(items) ) )
x = next(items)
except StopIteration:
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [cos(angle), sin(angle),-sin(angle),cos(angle),0,0] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [cos(angle), sin(angle),-sin(angle),cos(angle),0,0], work )
if not isFloat(x):
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [cos(angle), sin(angle),-sin(angle),cos(angle),0,0] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [cos(angle), sin(angle),-sin(angle),cos(angle),0,0], work )
state = x
x = float( x )
y = float( next(items) )
e = -x*cos(angle) + y*sin(angle) + x
f = -x*sin(angle) - y*cos(angle) + y
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [cos(angle), sin(angle),-sin(angle),cos(angle), e, f] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [cos(angle), sin(angle),-sin(angle),cos(angle), e, f], work )
# Scale: one or two arguments
#transform="scale(2)" --> Homotethy factor 2 (multiplies coordinates, heigth and width
#transform="scale(2,3)" --> Homotethy factor 2 on X axis and 3 on Y axis
if (state == "scale"):
a = float( next(items) )
b = next(items)
except StopIteration:
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [ a, 0, 0, a, 0, 0 ] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [ a, 0, 0, a, 0, 0 ], work )
if not isFloat(b):
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [ a, 0, 0, a, 0, 0 ] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [ a, 0, 0, a, 0, 0 ], work )
state = b
b = float ( b )
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [ a, 0, 0, b, 0, 0 ] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [ a, 0, 0, b, 0, 0 ], work )
# Skew: one attribute. Exists in "SkewX" and in "SkewY" flavours.
if (state == "skewX"):
a = radians( float( next(items) ) )
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [1, 0, tan(a), 1, 0 , 0] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [1, 0, tan(a), 1, 0 , 0], work )
if (state == "skewY"):
a = radians( float( next(items) ) )
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [1, tan(a), 0 , 1, 0 , 0] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [1, tan(a), 0 , 1, 0 , 0], work )
# General matrix: only six attributes
# NB: in case you were wondering: this allows parsing lines such as
# transform "translate(-1539.5729,-974.79019) matrix(1, 3.14, 23, 6, 0.7462, 42) rotate(50, -1000, 314) scale(2, 3)"
# It should not happen in an sane environment, but we want to be belt-and-braces.
if (state == "matrix"):
a = float( next(items) )
b = float( next(items) )
c = float( next(items) )
d = float( next(items) )
e = float( next(items) )
f = float( next(items) )
work = multiplySvgMatrices ( work, [a, b, c, d, e, f] )
#work = multiplySvgMatrices ( [a, b, c, d, e, f], work )
return work
# median
def median(mylist):
sorts = sorted(mylist)
length = len(sorts)
#if not length % 2:
#return (sorts[int(length / 2)] + sorts[int(length / 2 - 1)]) / 2.0
indice = int(length / 2)
return sorts[int(length / 2)]
\ No newline at end of file
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