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diff --git a/BBS/vt100.tcl b/BBS/vt100.tcl
index d6edf48..59d0cc8 100644
--- a/BBS/vt100.tcl
+++ b/BBS/vt100.tcl
@@ -1,90 +1,91 @@
# VT100 server
listen [registry get bbs.vt100.port] script listen:vt100
+set protect-telnet 0
proc listen:vt100 {newidx} {
putcmdlog "Serving vt100 for idx $newidx."
listen:vt100:welcome $newidx
control $newidx control:vt100
proc listen:vt100:welcome {idx} {
#Menu files in 3 cols
set txtroot [registry get bbs.vt100.txtroot]
set files [split [glob $txtroot/*.vt]]
set pos [strlen $txtroot]
set cols 3
set rows [expr [llength $files].0 / $cols]
set rowsc [expr ceil($rows)]
set rows [expr floor($rows)]
for {set i 0} {$i < $rowsc} {incr i} {
set line ""
for {set j 0} {$j < $cols} {incr j} {
set item [string range [lindex $files [expr int ($i + $j * $rows)]] $pos+1 end-3]
append line [completestring $item 24]
putdcc $idx $line
putdcc $idx [string repeat _ 72]
putdcc $idx "Text to read: "
return 1
#Plays the relevant file to $idx, cleans and exit
proc vt100:play {idx} {
putcmdlog "(vt100) Playing file for idx $idx"
global vt100
set txtroot [registry get bbs.vt100.txtroot]
set fd [open $txtroot/[dict get $vt100($idx) file].vt r]
set i 0
while {![eof $fd] && $i < 1000} {
#Wait time: 0.0005s
putdcc $idx [gets $fd]
after 3
incr i
if {$i == 5000} {
putdcc $idx "Stop at 5000th line."
putcmdlog "(vt100) Stopping at 5000th line for idx $idx"
close $fd
putcmdlog "(vt100) End play file for idx $idx"
#Cleans and exit
unset vt100($idx)
killdcc $idx
#Controls the telnet connection
proc control:vt100 {idx text} {
global vt100
set txtroot [registry get bbs.vt100.txtroot]
if ![info exists vt100($idx)] {
if [file exists $txtroot/$text.vt] {
#Reads file
set vt100($idx) [dict create file $text]
#Prints file
vt100:play $idx
} {
putdcc $idx "Not a valid file"
} {
switch $text {
exit {
putdcc $idx "Ja mata!"
#Cleans and exit
unset vt100($idx)
return 1
default {
putdcc $idx "Unknown command: $text"
return 0
diff --git a/Core.tcl b/Core.tcl
index 26c246d..8faf28f 100644
--- a/Core.tcl
+++ b/Core.tcl
@@ -1,417 +1,434 @@
# TCL helpers
#Determines if $proc exists
proc proc_exists {proc} {
expr {[info procs $proc] == $proc}
# Trivial procs
#Determines if $v is a number
proc isnumber {v} {
return [expr {! [catch {expr {int($v)}}]}]
# Returns +-<number>
proc numberSign {number} {
if {$number > 0} {
return "+$number"
} {
return $number
#Returns "s" if $count implies a plural
#TODO: keep this method for French (ie NOT adjusting values for English)
# and grab the plural proc from for English.
proc s {count} {
- if {$count >= 2 || $count <= 2} {return "s"}
+ if {$count >= 2 || $count <= -2} {return "s"}
# Dictionaries
# Gets recursively a value in a dictionary
# @param $dict the dictionary (without any dots in keys)
# @param $key the value's key; if dict are nested, succesive keys are separated by dots (e.g.
# @param $throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist when the key doesn't exist: if true, throws an error; otherwise, returns an empty string
# @return the dictionary value at the specified key, or an empty string if the key doesn't exist
proc dg {dict key {throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist 0}} {
set keys [split $key .]
if {[llength $keys] > 1} {
# Recursive call
# dg $dict a.b = dict get [dict get $dict a] b
dg [dg $dict [lindex $keys 0] $throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist] [join [lrange $keys 1 end] .] $throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist
} elseif {([llength $dict] % 2 == 0) && [dict exists $dict $key]} {
# This is a dict and we have a key
dict get $dict $key
} elseif {$throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist > 0} {
error "Key not found: $key"
# Strings
#Completes $text by spaces or $char so the returned text length is $len
proc completestring {text len {char " "}} {
set curlen [string length $text]
if {$curlen >= $len} {
return $text
if {[string length $char] < 2} {
append text [string repeat $char [expr $len - $curlen]]
} {
while {[string length $text] < $len} {
append text $char
string range $text 0 $len+1
proc completestringright {text len {char " "}} {
set curlen [string length $text]
if {$curlen >= $len} {
return $text
set completedtext [string range [completestring $text $len $char] $curlen end]
append completedtext $text
## Prepends 0s to a number
## @param $number The number to zerofill
## @param $digits The number length
## @return The zerofilled number
proc zerofill {number digits} {
format "%0${digits}d" $number
#Reconnects to the sql & sql2 server
proc sqlrehash {} {
global sql
catch {
sql disconnect
sql2 disconnect
sql connect $sql(host) $sql(user) $sql(pass)
sql2 connect $sql(host) $sql(user) $sql(pass)
sql selectdb $sql(database)
sql2 selectdb $sql(database)
#Escape a string to use as sql query parameter
proc sqlescape {data} {
#\ -> \\
#' -> \'
string map {"\\" "\\\\" "'" "\\'"} $data
#Gets the first item of the first row of a sql query (scalar results)
proc sqlscalar {sql} {
lindex [lindex [sql $sql] 0] 0
#Adds specified data to specified SQL table
proc sqladd {table {data1 ""} {data2 ""}} {
if {$data1 == ""} {
set fields ""
#Prints field to fill
foreach row [sql "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table"] {
lappend fields [lindex $row 0]
return $fields
if {$data2 == ""} {
set sql "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ("
set data $data1
} {
set sql "INSERT INTO $table (`[join $data1 "`, `"]`) VALUES ("
set data $data2
set first 1
foreach value $data {
if {$first == 1} {set first 0} {append sql ", "}
append sql "'[sqlescape $value]'"
append sql ")"
sql $sql
# Gets the value of the AUTOINCREMENT column for the last INSERT
# @return the last value of the primary key
proc sqllastinsertid {} {
# Registry
#Gets, sets, deletes or increments a registry value
proc registry {command key {value ""}} {
switch -- $command {
"add" {
sqladd registry "data value" [list $key $value]
"get" {
sqlscalar "SELECT value FROM registry WHERE `data` = '$key'"
"set" {
sqlreplace registry "data value" [list $key $value]
"del" {
registry delete $key $value
"delete" {
set sql "DELETE FROM registry WHERE `data` = '$key'"
putdebug $sql
sql $sql
"incr" {
set current [registry get $key]
if {$value == ""} {set term 1}
if {$current == ""} {
registry set $key $term
} {
registry set $key [incr current $term]
default {
error "unknown subcommand: must be add, get, set, incr or delete"
# Users information
# Gets user_id from a username, idx or user_id
proc getuserid {who} {
if {$who == ""} {
} elseif {![isnumber $who]} {
#username -> user_id
sql "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = '[sqlescape $who]'"
} elseif {$who < 1000} {
#idx -> user_id
getuserid [idx2hand $who]
} else {
#user_id -> user_id (or "" if not existing)
sql "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_id = $who"
# Gets user info
# @param who The user
# @param what The information to get
proc getuserinfo {who what} {
sqlscalar "SELECT $what FROM users WHERE user_id = [getuserid $who]"
# Text parsing
proc geturls {text} {
#Finds the first url position
set pos -1
foreach needle "http:// https:// www." {
set pos1 [string first $needle $text]
if {$pos1 != -1 && ($pos == -1 || $pos1 < $pos)} {
set pos $pos1
#No URL found
if {$pos == -1} {return}
#URL found
set pos2 [string first " " $text $pos]
if {$pos2 == -1} {
#Last URL to be found
string range $text $pos end
} {
#Recursive call to get other URLs
concat [string range $text $pos $pos2-1] [geturls [string range $text $pos2+1 end]]
#Reads specified URL and returns content
proc geturltext {url {trim 1}} {
package require http
if {[string range [string tolower $url] 0 5] == "https:"} {
package require tls
http::register https 443 tls::socket
set fd [http::geturl $url]
set text [http::data $fd]
http::cleanup $fd
if $trim {
string trim $text
} {
return $text
proc numeric2ordinal {n} {
switch $n {
1 { return first }
2 { return second }
3 { return third }
5 { return fifth }
8 { return eight }
9 { return ninth }
#todo: ve -> f / y -> ie
12 { return twelfth }
default {
set ordinal "[numeric2en $n]th"
set m [expr $n % 10]
if {$m == 0} {
return [string map "yth ieth" $ordinal]
if {$n < 20} { return $ordinal }
if {$n > 100} { return "${n}th" }
return "[numeric2en [expr $n - $m]]-[numeric2ordinal $m]"
proc numeric2en {n {optional 0}} {
#---------------- English spelling for integer numbers
if {[catch {set n [expr $n]}]} {return $n}
if {$optional && $n==0} {return ""}
array set dic {
0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven
8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve
if [info exists dic($n)] {return $dic($n)}
foreach {value word} {1000000 million 1000 thousand 100 hundred} {
if {$n>=$value} {
return "[numeric2en $n/$value] $word [numeric2en $n%$value 1]"
} ;#--------------- composing between 13 and 99...
if $n>=20 {
set res $dic([expr $n/10])ty
if $n%10 {append res -$dic([expr $n%10])}
} else {
set res $dic([expr $n-10])teen
} ;#----------- fix over-regular compositions
regsub "twoty" $res "twenty" res
regsub "threet" $res "thirt" res
regsub "fourty" $res "forty" res
regsub "fivet" $res "fift" res
regsub "eightt" $res "eight" res
set res
} ;#RS
# Truncates the first word
# @param string the string to truncate
# @return the truncated string
proc truncate_first_word {string} {
set pos [string first " " $string]
if {$pos == -1} return
string range $string $pos+1 end
+proc xmlescape {text} {
+ #Determines if we should use <![CDATA[]]>
+ set useCDATA 0
+ if {[string first < $text] > -1 || [string first > $text] > -1} {
+ set useCDATA 1
+ }
+ #TODO: check if there is no other case for CDATA
+ # check when to use CDATA instead &lt; &gt;
+ #Output
+ set text [string map {& {&amp;} ' {&apos;} {"} {&quot;}} $text]
+ if {$useCDATA} {
+ return "<!\[CDATA\[$text]]>"
+ }
+ return $text
# URLs
namespace eval url {
variable map
variable alphanumeric a-zA-Z0-9._~-
namespace export encode decode
namespace ensemble create
proc url::init {} {
variable map
variable alphanumeric a-zA-Z0-9._~-
for {set i 0} {$i <= 256} {incr i} {
set c [format %c $i]
if {![string match \[$alphanumeric\] $c]} {
set map($c) %[format %.2x $i]
# These are handled specially
array set map { " " + \n %0d%0a }
proc url::encode {str} {
variable map
variable alphanumeric
# The spec says: "non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by '%HH'"
# 1 leave alphanumerics characters alone
# 2 Convert every other character to an array lookup
# 3 Escape constructs that are "special" to the tcl parser
# 4 "subst" the result, doing all the array substitutions
regsub -all \[^$alphanumeric\] $str {$map(&)} str
# This quotes cases like $map([) or $map($) => $map(\[) ...
regsub -all {[][{})\\]\)} $str {\\&} str
return [subst -nocommand $str]
# Decodes an URL
# @param $str The URL to decode
# @return The decoded URL
proc url::decode {str} {
# rewrite "+" back to space
# protect \ from quoting another '\'
set str [string map [list + { } "\\" "\\\\"] $str]
# prepare to process all %-escapes
regsub -all -- {%([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])} $str {\\u00\1} str
# process \u unicode mapped chars
return [subst -novar -nocommand $str]
# Gets the MD5 of a string, and returns it following the GUID format
# @param $str The string to compute the hash
# @return The MD5, formatted as a GUID
proc guidmd5 {str} {
set md5 [md5 $str]
set output ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 32} {incr i} {
if {$i == 8 || $i == 12 || $i == 16 || $i == 20} {
append output "-"
append output [string index $md5 $i]
return $output
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Nasqueron/Bugzilla.tcl b/Nasqueron/Bugzilla.tcl
index 4dc554f..6c405fd 100644
--- a/Nasqueron/Bugzilla.tcl
+++ b/Nasqueron/Bugzilla.tcl
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
# .tcl source scripts/Nasqueron/Bugzilla.tcl
+package require XMLRPC
package require SOAP
package require rpcvar
package require http
package require tls
http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
bind dcc - bug dcc:bug
# Bugzilla structures
namespace import -force rpcvar::typedef
typedef {
login string
password string
remember boolean
} userLoginRequest
# Bugzilla libraries
namespace eval ::Bugzilla:: {
proc endpoint {server} {
return [registry get bugzilla.$server.url]/xmlrpc.cgi
proc login {server} {
global errorInfo
if [catch { ::Bugzilla::${server}::UserLogin [list \
login [registry get bugzilla.$server.username] \
password [registry get bugzilla.$server.password] \
remember 1 \
] } reply] {
error [lindex [split $errorInfo \n] 0]
return $reply
proc version {server} {
# XML-RPC procedures
foreach bzServer [registry get bugzilla.servers] {
namespace eval ::Bugzilla::${bzServer} { }
XMLRPC::create ::Bugzilla::${bzServer}::UserLogin -name "User.login" -proxy [Bugzilla::endpoint $bzServer] -params {login userLoginRequest}
XMLRPC::create ::Bugzilla::${bzServer}::BugzillaVersion -name "Bugzilla.version" -proxy [Bugzilla::endpoint $bzServer]
# Userland
proc dcc:bug {handle idx arg} {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Nasqueron/Bureautique.tcl b/Nasqueron/Bureautique.tcl
index 1aca2c6..7ade1a2 100644
--- a/Nasqueron/Bureautique.tcl
+++ b/Nasqueron/Bureautique.tcl
@@ -1,181 +1,199 @@
bind dcc - antidater dcc:antidater
bind dcc - postdater dcc:postdater
bind dcc - days dcc:days
bind dcc - quux dcc:quux
+bind dcc - paypal dcc:paypal
# Dates calculation
#Removes $days from $date or if unspecified, current unixtime
proc antidater {days {date ""}} {
postdater [expr $days * -1] $date
#Adds $days from $date or if unspecified, current unixtime
proc postdater {days {date ""}} {
if {$date == ""} {
set date [unixtime]
incr date [expr 86400 * $days]
#.antidater 15
#.antidater 2011-01-29 4
proc dcc:antidater {handle idx arg} {
set argc [llength $arg]
if {$argc == 0} {
putdcc $idx "De combien de jours dois-je antidater ?"
if {$argc == 1} {
set date ""
set days $arg
} {
if [catch {set date [clock scan [lindex $arg 0]]} err] {
putdcc $idx $err
set days [lindex $arg 1]
if ![isnumber $days] {
putdcc $idx "$days n'est pas un nombre de jours"
putdcc $idx [clock format [antidater $days $date] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
return 1
#.postdater 15
#.postdater 2011-01-29 4
proc dcc:postdater {handle idx arg} {
set argc [llength $arg]
if {$argc == 0} {
putdcc $idx "De combien de jours dois-je postdater ?"
if {$argc == 1} {
set date ""
set days $arg
} {
if [catch {set date [clock scan [lindex $arg 0]]} err] {
putdcc $idx $err
set days [lindex $arg 1]
if ![isnumber $days] {
putdcc $idx "$days n'est pas un nombre de jours"
putdcc $idx [clock format [postdater $days $date] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
return 1
namespace eval ::quux:: {
## Adds a quux
## @param $userid The user id
## @param $category The quux category
## @param $content The quux content
## @param $tags The quux tags [optional]
proc add {userid category content {tags ""}} {
global username
lappend tags client:$username
sqladd quux "user_id quux_date quux_category quux_content quux_tags" [list $userid [unixtime] $category $content $tags]
## Tags a quux
## @param $id The quux id
## @param $tags The tags to add
proc tag {id tags} {
if {![isnumber $id]} { error "bad id \"$id\": must be integer" }
switch [sql "SELECT LENGTH(quux_tags) FROM quux WHERE quux_id = $id"] {
"" { error "Not existing quux: $id" }
0 { set value '[sqlescape $tags]' }
default { set value "CONCAT(quux_tags, ' ', '[sqlescape $tags]')" }
sql "UPDATE quux SET quux_tags = $value WHERE quux_id = $id"
## Determines if the specified user is the quux's owner
## @param $id The quux id
## @param $userid The user id
## @return 1 if the quux exists and added by the specified user; otherwise, 0
proc isauthor {id userid} {
if {![isnumber $id]} { error "bad id \"$id\": must be integer" }
if {![isnumber $userid]} { error "bad userid \"$userid\": must be integer" }
sql "SELECT count(*) FROM quux WHERE quux_id = $id AND user_id = $userid"
proc dcc:quux {handle idx arg} {
if {[llength $arg] == 0} {
#Prints categories
putdcc $idx [sql "SELECT DISTINCT quux_category FROM quux WHERE user_id = [getuserid $idx] AND quux_deleted = 0"]
return 1
#.quux <command>
set command [lindex $arg 0]
switch $command {
"tag" {
#.quux tag <quux id> <tag to add>
set id [lindex $arg 1]
set content [string range $arg [string length $id]+5 end]
if {![isnumber $id]} {
putdcc $idx "Not a number."
} elseif {![quux::isauthor $id [getuserid $idx]]} {
putdcc $idx "Not your quux."
} {
quux::tag $id $content
putcmdlog "#$handle# quux tag ..."
return 0
#.quux <category>
if {[llength $arg] == 1} {
global username
set category $arg
set i 0
set dateformat [registry get date.formats.long]
set sql "SELECT quux_id, quux_date, quux_category, quux_content, quux_tags FROM quux WHERE user_id = [getuserid $idx] AND quux_deleted = 0"
if { $category != "*" } { append sql " AND quux_category = '[sqlescape $category]'" }
append sql " ORDER BY quux_date DESC LIMIT 20"
foreach row [sql $sql] {
foreach "id date cat content tags" $row {}
set text "[completestringright $id 3]. "
if { $category == "*" } { append text "$cat - " }
append text $content
set tags [string trim [string map [list "client:$username" ""] $tags]]
if {$tags != ""} {
append text " \00314$tags\003"
putdcc $idx $text
incr i
if {$i == 0} {
putdcc $idx "$arg xuuQ."
return 0
return 1
#.quux <category> <text to add>
set category [lindex $arg 0]
set content [string range $arg [string length $category]+1 end]
putdcc $idx "Published under QX[quux::add [getuserid $idx] $category $content]"
putcmdlog "#$handle# quux ..."
return 0
+# Paypal calculation
+namespace eval ::paypal {
+ # -rate% - 0.35 €
+ # Default rate: 3.4% for EU
+ proc gross2net {net {rate 3.4}} {
+ format %0.2f [expr ($net - 0.35) / (100 + $rate) * 100]
+ }
+ # +rate% + 0.35 €
+ proc net2gross {gross {rate 3.4}} {
+ format %0.2f [expr $gross * (100 + $rate) / 100 + 0.35]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Nasqueron/Communication.tcl b/Nasqueron/Communication.tcl
index f8bae03..d8e3329 100644
--- a/Nasqueron/Communication.tcl
+++ b/Nasqueron/Communication.tcl
@@ -1,406 +1,413 @@
package require http
bind dcc - sms dcc:sms
bind dcc - mail dcc:mail
bind dcc - twitter dcc:twitter
bind pub - !sms pub:sms
bind pub - !identica pub:identica
bind pub - !pub pub:twitter
bind pub - !twit pub:twitter
bind pub - !tweet pub:twitter
bind pub - !idee pub:idee
bind pub - !idees pub:idee
+bind pub - !idée pub:idee
#Sends a SMS to $to with $message as text and $from as source
#Returns "" if SMS were sent, the error message otherwise
proc sendsms {from to message} {
switch [set mode [registry get sms.$to.mode]] {
1 {
#Triskel/Wolfplex form
set url [registry get sms.$to.url]
set pass [registry get sms.$to.pass]
set xtra [registry get sms.$to.xtra]
if {$url == ""} {return "URL inconnue pour $to"}
#Check length
set len [string length $from$message]
if {$len > 113} {
return "Message trop long, réduisez-le de [expr $len-113] caractère[s $len-113]."
#Posts form
package require http
set query [::http::formatQuery m $from p $message v $pass envoi Envoyer]
if {$xtra != ""} {append query &$xtra}
set tok [::http::geturl $url -query $query]
set result [::http::data $tok]
::http::cleanup $tok
#Parses reply
if {[string first "Impossible d'envoyer" $result] != -1} {
return "Le formulaire web indique qu'il est immpossible d'envoyer le message."
} elseif {[string first "Tu as subtilement" $result] != -1} {
return "Pass incorrect : $pass, regardez sur $url si la question antibot n'a pas été modifiée."
} elseif {[string first "envoi \[ Ok \]" $result] != -1} {
return ""
} {
putdebug $result
return "D'après la réponse du formulaire, il n'est pas possible de déterminer si oui ou non il a été envoyé."
"" {
return "$to n'a pas activé la fonction SMS."
default {
return "Unknown sms mode: $mode."
proc dcc:sms {handle idx arg} {
# The SMS configuration is stored in the following registry variables:
# sms.$destinataire.mode 1 Triskel or Wolfplex form
# For mode 1:
# sms.$destinataire.url form URL
# sms.$destinataire.pass e.g. rose
# sms.$destinataire.xtra not needed for triskel forms, who=Darkknow needed for Wolfplex form
if {$arg == "" || $arg == "config"} {
#Prints config
switch [set mode [registry get sms.$handle.mode]] {
1 {
putdcc $idx "URL ..... [registry get sms.$handle.url]"
if {[set pass [registry get sms.$handle.pass]] != ""]} {
putdcc $idx "Pass .... $pass"
if {[set xtra [registry get sms.$handle.xtra]] != ""} {
putdcc $idx "Extra ... $xtra"
"" {
putdcc $idx "Vous n'avez pas encore configuré votre fonctionnalité SMS."
default {
putdcc $idx "Unknown sms mode: $mode"
return 1
} elseif {[string range $arg 0 6] == "config "} {
putdcc $idx "Le script interactif de configuration n'est pas encore prêt."
putcmdlog "#$handle# sms config ..."
return 0
} else {
#Sends a SMS
set to [lindex $arg 0]
#TODO: use a proc to remove the first word instead and keep $arg as string
set message [lrange $arg 1 end]
if {[set result [sendsms $handle $to $message]] == ""} {
putdcc $idx "Envoyé."
putcmdlog "#$handle# sms ..."
} {
putdcc $idx $result
return 0
proc pub:sms {nick uhost handle chan text} {
#Sends a SMS
if {$handle == "" || $handle == "*"} {
set from $nick
} {
set from $handle
set to [lindex $text 0]
#TODO: use a proc to remove the first word instead and keep $arg as string
set message [lrange $text 1 end]
if {[set result [sendsms $from $to $message]] == ""} {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, c'est envoyé."
putcmdlog "!$nick! sms ..."
} {
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick, $result."
return 0
# and Twitter
#Posts $message on the $account account
proc identicapost {account message} {
package require http
package require base64
set row [lindex [sql "SELECT account_username, account_password FROM identica_accounts WHERE account_code = '$account'"] 0]
set auth "Basic [base64::encode [join $row :]]"
set tok [::http::geturl -headers [list Authorization $auth] -query [::http::formatQuery status $message]]
#putdebug [::http::data $tok]
::http::cleanup $tok
#Posts $message on the Twitter $account account
proc twitterpost {account message} {
set status_url ""
if {[catch {twitter_query $status_url $account [list status $message]} error]} {
putdebug "Twitter error: $error"
return 0
return 1
#Gets the Twitter OAuth token
proc twitter_token {account} {
registry get twitter.oauth.tokens.$account
proc dcc:twitter {handle idx arg} {
set command [lindex $arg 0]
switch $command {
"setup" {
set account [lindex $arg 1]
if {$account == ""} {
putdcc $idx "What account to setup?"
return 0
if {[twitter_token $account] != ""} {
switch [lindex $arg 2] {
"--force" { registry del twitter.oauth.tokens.$account }
"" {
putdcc $idx "There is already a token set for this account. Please use '.twitter setup $account --force' to erase it."
return 0
set pin [lindex $arg 2]
if {$pin == "" || $pin == "--force"} {
#Initializes requests
if {[catch {oauth::get_request_token {*}[registry get twitter.oauth.consumer]} data]} {
putdebug "Can't request OAuth token for Twitter $account account: $data"
putdcc $idx "An error occured, I can't request an OAuth token for you account."
return 0
} {
registry set twitter.oauth.tokens.$account "[dict get $data oauth_token] [dict get $data oauth_token_secret]"
putdcc $idx "Step 1 — Go to [dict get $data auth_url]"
putdcc $idx "Step 2 — .twitter setup $account <the PIN code>"
return 1
} {
#Saves token
if {[catch {oauth::get_access_token {*}[registry get twitter.oauth.consumer] {*}[twitter_token $account] $pin} data]} {
putdebug "Can't confirm OAuth token for Twitter $account account: $data"
putdcc $idx "An error occured, I can't confirm an OAuth token for you account."
return 0
} {
registry set twitter.oauth.tokens.$account "[dict get $data oauth_token] [dict get $data oauth_token_secret]"
putdcc $idx "Ok, I've now access to account [dict get $data screen_name]."
putcmdlog "#$handle# twitter setup $account ..."
return 0
default { putdcc $idx "Unknown Twitter command: $arg"}
#Sends a query
proc twitter_query {url account {query_list {}} {method {}}} {
# Uses POST for any query
if {$method == ""} {
if {$query_list == ""} {
set method GET
} {
set method POST
if {$method == "GET" && $query_list == ""} {
append url ?
append url [http::formatQuery {*}$query_list]
# Requests
set token [twitter_token $account]
if {$token == ""} {
error "Unidentified Twitter account: $account"
} {
set reply [oauth::query_api $url {*}[registry get twitter.oauth.consumer] $method {*}$token $query_list]
json::json2dict $reply
proc dcc:identica {handle idx arg} {
proc pub:idee {nick uhost handle chan text} {
+ set who [whois $nick]
+ if {$who == ""} {
+ append text " — via IRC."
+ } {
+ append text " — $who, via IRC."
+ }
twitterpublish ideedarticles $nick $text
proc pub:identica {nick uhost handle chan text} {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :!identica is currently disabled. Is still usable since migration? If so, please request the command."
proc whois {nickname} {
# By handle
set result [nick2hand $nickname]
if {$result != "*"} {
#Will return "", when nick doesn't exist to avoid further processing.
return $result
#Gets user@host
set uhost [getchanhost $nickname]
set host [lindex [split $uhost @] 1]
# By Cloak
if {[regexp / $host]} {
set cloak [split $host /]
- set group [lindex $host 0]
+ set group [lindex $cloak 0]
if {$group != "gateway" && $group != "nat"} {
# @freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko → niko
# @wikipedia/pdpc.21for7.elfix → elfix
# @wikipedia/poulpy → poulpy
return [lindex [split [lindex $cloak end] .] end]
# By NickServ
# TODO: code with callback
# By user@host, when the host doesn't contain any digit
if {[regexp {^[^0-9]*$} $host]} {
return "$nickname!$uhost"
# Can't identify
return ""
#!pub or !twit or !tweet
#The account is channel dependant
proc pub:twitter {nick uhost handle chan text} {
if {$chan == "#wikipedia-fr"} {
set account wikipediafr
set who [whois $nick]
if {$who == ""} {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :Pour utiliser !pub sur $chan, vous devez disposer d'un cloak projet ou unaffiliated, être connecté depuis un host sans chiffre ou encore avoir votre user@host reconnu par mes soins."
return 0
} {
append text " —$who"
} elseif {$chan == "#wolfplex"} {
set account wolfplex
} {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :!pub n'est pas activé sur le canal $chan"
twitterpublish $account $nick $text
proc twitterpublish {account nick text} {
if {$text == ""} {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :Syntaxe : !pub <texte à publier sur et Twitter>"
set len [string length $text]
if {$len > 140} {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :140 caractères max, là il y en a $len."
if [twitterpost $account $text] {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :Publié sur Twitter"
return 1
} {
putquick "NOTICE $nick :Non publié, une erreur a eu lieu."
# Mail
# .mail
proc dcc:mail {handle idx arg} {
global mail special
if {$arg == ""} {
putdcc $idx "## Syntaxe : .mail <destinataire> \[objet\]"
} elseif {[validuser [lindex $arg 0]]} {
set mail($idx-to) [getuserinfo [lindex $arg 0] user_email]
} elseif {[regexp {^[A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[[A-Za-z0-9.-]+$} [lindex $arg 0]]} {
set mail($idx-to) [lindex $arg 0]
} else {
putdcc $idx "Destinataire invalide : [lindex $arg 0]"
set mail($idx) ""
putdcc $idx "\002Alors, que désires tu envoyer comme mail ?\002"
putdcc $idx "Pour envoyer l'e-mail, entre une ligne ne contenant que ceci: \002+\002"
putdcc $idx "Pour annuler l'e-mail, entre une ligne ne contenant que ceci: \002-\002"
set mail($idx-subject) [truncate_first_word $arg]
if {$mail($idx-subject) == ""} {
putdcc $idx "\002Objet :\002"
} else {
putdcc $idx "\002Message :\002"
control $idx control:mail
dccbroadcast "Tiens, $handle est parti rédiger un mail ..."
# Controls mail encoding processus
proc control:mail {idx text} {
global mail
if {$text == "+"} {
mail.send $mail($idx-to) $mail($idx-subject) $mail($idx) [getuserinfo $idx user_email]
unset mail($idx)
putdcc $idx "Envoyé :-)"
dccbroadcast "Et, hop, un mail d'envoyé pour [idx2hand $idx] :)"
return 1
} elseif {$text == "-"} {
unset mail($idx)
dccbroadcast "[idx2hand $idx] vient de changer d'avis et revient."
putdcc $idx "Ok, le mail a été annulé: retour au party line !"
return 1
} elseif {$mail($idx-subject) == ""} {
set mail($idx-subject) $text
putdcc $idx "\002Message :\002"
} else {
regsub -all {\\} $text "\\\\\\" text
regsub -all "'" $text "\\'" text
append mail($idx) "\n$text"
# Sends a mail
# @param to The recipient
# @param subject The mail subject
# @param message The message to send
# @param from The mail author (optional)
proc mail.send {to subject message {from {}}} {
set fd [open "|sendmail -t" w]
if {$from != ""} {
puts $fd "From: $from"
puts $fd "To: $to"
puts $fd "Subject: $subject"
puts $fd
puts $fd "$message"
flush $fd
close $fd
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Nasqueron/GIS.tcl b/Nasqueron/GIS.tcl
index 8be7521..8541ffc 100644
--- a/Nasqueron/GIS.tcl
+++ b/Nasqueron/GIS.tcl
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
# Geographical data procs
bind pub - !fantoir pub:fantoir
bind dcc - fantoir dcc:fantoir
namespace eval fantoir {
#Path to the FANTOIR file
variable file_all [registry get fantoir.files.all]
#Path to the FANTOIR file, containing only streets
variable file_streets [registry get fantoir.files.streets]
# Performs a search
# @param text The text to search
# @return the number of lines in the file matching the expression
proc search {text} {
variable file_all
variable file_streets
if {[catch {set count_all [exec -- grep -a -c "$text" $file_all]}]} {
set count_all 0
set count_all [string trim $count_all]
set reply "$count_all occurrence[s $count_all]"
if {$count_all > 0} {
if {[catch {set count_voies [exec -- grep -a -c "$text" $file_streets]}]} {
set count_voies 0
set count_voies [string trim $count_voies]
- append reply "(dont $count_voies voie[s $count_voies])"
+ append reply " (dont $count_voies voie[s $count_voies])"
} {
return $reply
# Determines if a search expression is valid
# @param $expression The expression to check
# @return 1 if the expression is valid; otherwise, 0
proc is_valid_search_expression {expression} {
#TODO: allow some regexp
expr [regexp "^\[A-Z0-9 ]*\$" $expression] && [string length $expression] < 100
# Handles fantoir dcc bind
proc dcc:fantoir {handle idx arg} {
set text [string toupper $arg]
if {![::fantoir::is_valid_search_expression $text]} {
putdcc $idx "Format incorrect, !fantoir <chaîne de texte à rechercher, sans accent>"
return 0
putdcc $idx [::fantoir::search $text]
return 1
# Handles !fantoir pub bind
proc pub:fantoir {nick uhost handle chan text} {
set text [string toupper $text]
if {![::fantoir::is_valid_search_expression $text]} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Format incorrect, !fantoir <chaîne de texte à rechercher, sans accent>"
return 0
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick: [::fantoir::search $text]"
return 1
diff --git a/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl b/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl
index 87da1d8..d2637f7 100644
--- a/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl
+++ b/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl
@@ -1,554 +1,586 @@
# .tcl source scripts/Nasqueron/Gerrit.tcl
package require json
bind dcc - gerrit dcc:gerrit
# Gerrit events are at the bottom of the file
# Gerrit helper methods
namespace eval ::ssh:: {
proc set_agent {{tryToStartAgent 1}} {
global env
set file $env(HOME)/bin/ssh-agent-session
if {![file exists $file]} {
putcmdlog "Can't find SSH agent information - $file doesn't exist."
#TCSH rules -> set through env array
set fp [open $file]
fconfigure $fp -buffering line
gets $fp line
while {$line != ""} {
foreach "command variable value" [split $line] {}
if {$command == "setenv"} {
set env($variable) [string range $value 0 end-1]
gets $fp line
close $fp
#Checks if agent exists
if {[string first ssh-agent [get_processname $env(SSH_AGENT_PID)]] == -1} {
putcmdlog "SSH agent isn't running"
if {$tryToStartAgent} {
putdebug "Trying to launch SSH agent..."
exec -- ssh-agent -c | grep -v echo > $env(HOME)/bin/ssh-agent-session
if {![add_key]} {
# TODO: send a note to relevant people key should manually added
# something like sendNoteToGroup $username T "Key sould be manually added"
set_agent 0
proc add_key {{key ""}} {
if {$key == ""} { set key [registry get ssh.key] }
if {$key != ""} {
catch { exec -- ssh-add $key } result
putdebug "Adding SSH key: $result"
expr [string first "Identity added" $result] > -1
} {
return 0
proc get_processname {pid} {
set processes [exec ps xw]
foreach process [split $processes \n] {
set current_pid [lindex $process 0]
set command [lrange $process 4 end]
if {$pid == $current_pid} { return $command }
# Gets appropriate connection parameter
# @param $server The server to connect
# @return The server domain name, prepent by SSH options
proc get_connection_parameter {server} {
#TODO: return -p 29418 when appropriate instead to create SSH config alias
return $server
namespace eval ::gerrit:: {
## Queries a Gerrit server
## @param $server The Gerrit server
## @param $query The query to send
## @seealso
proc query {server query} {
exec -- ssh [ssh::get_connection_parameter $server] gerrit query $query
## Queries a Gerrit server, searching changes with an expression
## @param $server The Gerrit server
## @param $project The project
## @param $query The query
proc search {server project query} {
set query "message:$query"
if {$project != "*" } {
append query " project:$project"
set results ""
putdebug $query
foreach line [split [query $server "--format json $query"] "\n"] {
set c [json::json2dict $line]
if {![dict exists $c type]} {
lappend results "\[[dg $c project]\] <[dg $c]> [dg $c subject] ([status [dg $c status]]) - [dg $c number]"
return $results
# Gets the approvals for a specified change
proc approvals {server change} {
set change [query $server "--format JSON --all-approvals $change"]
#We exploit here a bug: parsing stops after correct item closure, so \n new json message is ignored
set change [json::json2dict $change]
set lastPatchset [lindex [dg $change patchSets] end]
dg $lastPatchset approvals
proc approvals2xml {approvals {indentLevel 0} {ignoreSubmit 1}} {
set indent [string repeat "\t" $indentLevel]
append xml "$indent<approvals>\n"
foreach approval $approvals {
set type [dg $approval type]
if {$type == "SUBM" && $ignoreSubmit} { continue }
append xml "$indent\t<approval type=\"$type\">
$indent<user email=\"[dg $approval]\">[dg $approval]</user>
$indent<date>[dg $approval grantedOn]</date>
$indent<value>[numberSign [dg $approval value]]</value>
append xml "$indent</approvals>"
# Gets a string representation of the API status
# @param $status the API status string code
# @return the textual representation of the status
proc status {status} {
switch $status {
"NEW" { return "Review in progress" }
default { return $status }
## Launches a socket to monitor Gerrit events in real time and initializes events.
## This uses a node gateway.
## @seealso
proc setup_stream_events {server} {
set idx [connect [registry get gerrit.$] [registry get gerrit.$server.streamevents.port]]
control $idx gerrit::listen:stream_event
# Listens to a Gerrit stream event
# @param $idx The connection idx
# @param $text The message received
# @return 0 if we continue to control this connection; otherwise, 1
proc listen:stream_event {idx text} {
# To ensure a better system stability, we don't directly handle
# a processus calling the 'ssh' command, but use a lightweight
# non blocking socket connection:
# This script <--socket--> Node proxy <--SSH--> Gerrit server
# We receive line of texts from the proxy. There are chunks of a
# JSON message (we convert it to a dictionary, to be used here).
# As the json objects are rather long, it is generally truncated
# in several lines. Immediately after, a line with "--" is sent:
# 1. {"type":"comment-added","change":......................
# 2. ................,"comment":"Dark could be the night."}
# 3. --
# 4. {"type":"patchset-created",...........................}
# 5. --
# 6. ........
# Text is stored in a global array, shared with others control
# procs, called $buffers. The message is to add in the idx key.
# It should be cleared after, as the idx could be reassigned.
# When a message is received, we sent the decoded json message
# to gerrit::callevent, which has the job to fire events and
# to call event callback procedures.
global buffers
if {$text == ""} {
putdebug "Connection to Gerrit stream-events gateway closed."
if [info exists buffers($idx)] { unset buffers($idx) }
} elseif {$text == "--"} {
# Process gerrit event
set event [json::json2dict $buffers($idx)]
set buffers($idx) ""
set type [dict get $event type]
#todo: handle here multiservers
if { [catch { callevent wmreview $type $event } err] } {
+ global errorInfo
putdebug "A general error occured during the Gerrit event processing."
putdebug $errorInfo
} {
append buffers($idx) $text
return 0
# Registers a new event
proc event {type callback} {
dict lappend gerrit::events $type $callback
# Calls an event proc
# @param $type the Gerrit type
# @param $message a dict representation of the JSON message sent by Gerrit
proc callevent {server type message} {
# Gerrit events could be from two types:
# (1) Generic events
# ------------------
# They are created with "gerrit::event all callbackproc".
# The callback procedure args are server, type & message.
# Every Gerrit event is sent to them.
# (2) Specific events
# -------------------
# Similar create way: "gerrit::event type callbackproc".
# Only Gerrit events of matching type are sent to them.
# The callback procedure arguments varie with the type.
# patchset-created ... server change patchSet uploader
- # change-abandoned ... server change patchSet abandoner
+ # change-abandoned ... server change patchSet abandoner reason
# change-restored .... server change patchSet restorer
# change-merged ...... server change patchSet submitter
# comment-added ...... server change patchSet author approvals comment
# ref-updated ........ server submitter refUpdate
# The documentation of these structures can be found at this URL:
# The callback procedures are all stored in the global ditionary
# $gerrit::events.
# Generic events are fired before specific ones. They can't edit
# the message. They can't say "no more processing".
if [dict exists $gerrit::events all] {
foreach procname [dict get $gerrit::events all] {
if [catch {$procname $server $type $message} err] {
putdebug "An error occured in $procname (called by a $type event):"
+ global errorInfo
putdebug $errorInfo
+ putdebug $message
if [dict exists $gerrit::events $type] {
# Determines the proc arguments from the Gerrit message type
switch $type {
"patchset-created" { set params "change patchSet uploader" }
- "change-abandoned" { set params "change patchSet abandoner" }
+ "change-abandoned" { set params "change patchSet abandoner reason" }
"change-restored" { set params "change patchSet restorer" }
"change-merged" { set params "change patchSet submitter" }
"comment-added" { set params "change patchSet author approvals comment" }
"ref-updated" { set params "submitter refUpdate" }
default {
putdebug "Unknown Gerrit type in gerrit::callevent: $type"
# Gets the values of the proc arguments
set args $server
foreach param $params {
if [dict exists $message $param] {
lappend args [dict get $message $param]
} {
lappend args ""
# Calls callbacks procs
foreach procname [dict get $gerrit::events $type] {
if [catch {$procname {*}$args} err] {
+ global errorInfo
putdebug "An error occured in $procname (called by a $type event):"
putdebug $errorInfo
+ putdebug $message
# The events callback methods
set events {}
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Handles statistics
proc stats {server type message} {
registry incr gerrit.stats.type.$type
# Announces a call
proc debug {server type message} {
putdebug "$server -> $type +1"
proc onNewPatchset {server change patchset uploader} {
# Gets relevant variables from change, patchset & uploader
set who [dict get $uploader name]
foreach var "project branch topic subject url topic id" {
set $var [dg $change $var]
set patchsetNumber [dict get $patchset number]
#IRC notification
if {$server == "wmreview" && $who != "L10n-bot"} {
set message "\[$project] $who uploaded a [numeric2ordinal $patchsetNumber] patchset to change '$subject'"
if {$branch != "master"} { append message " in branch $branch" }
append message " - $url"
#if {[string range $project 0 9] == "mediawiki/"} {
# puthelp "PRIVMSG #mediawiki :$message"
# Activity feed
set email [dict get $uploader email]
set item " <item type=\"patchset\">
+ <date>[unixtime]</date>
<user email=\"$email\">$who</user>
- <change id=\"$id\">$subject</change>
+ <change id=\"$id\">[xmlescape $subject]</change>
writeActivityFeeds $email $project $item
+ proc onChangeAbandoned {server change patchSet abandoner reason} {
+ if {$server == "wmreview"} {
+ foreach var "id project branch topic subject" { set $var [dg $change $var] }
+ set itemBase "
+ <date>[unixtime]</date>
+ <user email=\"[dg $abandoner email]\">[dg $abandoner name]</user>
+ <project>$project</project>
+ <branch>$branch</branch>
+ <topic>$topic</topic>
+ <change id=\"$id\">[xmlescape $subject]</change>
+ <message>$reason</message>"
+ set item "\t<item type=\"abandon\">$itemBase\n\t</item>"
+ set itemMerged "\t<item type=\"abandoned\">\n\t\t<owner email=\"[dg $change]\">[dg $change]</owner>$itemBase\n\t</item>"
+ set dir [registry get gerrit.feeds.path]
+ writeActivityFeed $dir/user/[guidmd5 [dg $abandoner email]].xml $item
+ if {[dg $change] != [dg $abandoner email]} {
+ writeActivityFeed $dir/user/[guidmd5 [dg $change]].xml $itemMerged
+ }
+ writeActivityFeed $dir/project/[string map {/ . - _} $project].xml $itemMerged
+ }
+ }
proc onCommentAdded {server change patchset author approvals comment} {
# Gets relevant variables from change, patchset & uploader
set who [dict get $author name]
foreach var "project branch topic subject url id status" {
if [dict exists $change $var] {
set $var [dict get $change $var]
} {
set $var ""
set CR 0
if {$approvals != ""} {
foreach approval $approvals {
if {[dict get $approval type] == "CRVW"} {
set CR [dict get $approval value]
#Wikimedia: IRC notification, activity feed
if {$server == "wmreview" && $who != "jenkins-bot"} {
# English message
set verbs {
"\0034puts a veto on\003"
"\0034suggests improvement on\003"
"\0033definitely approves\003"
set verb [lindex $verbs [expr $CR + 2]]
regexp "\[a-z\\s\]+" $verb plainVerb
set message "\[$project] $who $verb change '$subject'"
if {$comment != ""} {
if {[strlen $message] > 160} {
append message ": '[string range $comment 0 158]...'"
} {
append message ": '$comment'"
append message " - $url"
# IRC notification
if 0 {
if {[string range $project 0 9] == "mediawiki/" && ($comment != "" || $CR < 0)} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG #mediawiki :$message"
} {
putdebug "Not on IRC -> $message"
# Activity feed
set message [string map [list $verb $plainVerb] $message]
set email [dict get $author email]
set item " <item type=\"comment\">
+ <date>[unixtime]</date>
<user email=\"$email\">$who</user>
- <change id=\"$id\">$subject</change>
- <message cr=\"$CR\">$comment</message>
+ <change id=\"$id\">[xmlescape $subject]</change>
+ <message cr=\"$CR\">[xmlescape $comment]</message>
writeActivityFeeds $email $project $item
# Called when a Gerrit change ismerged
proc onChangeMerged {server change patchSet submitter} {
if {$server == "wmreview" && [dg $submitter name] != "L10n-bot"} {
foreach var "id project branch topic subject" { set $var [dg $change $var] }
set itemBase "
+ <date>[unixtime]</date>
<user email=\"[dg $submitter email]\">[dg $submitter name]</user>
- <change id=\"$id\">$subject</change>\n"
+ <change id=\"$id\">[xmlescape $subject]</change>\n"
set approvals [approvals $server $id]
append itemBase [gerrit::approvals2xml $approvals 2 1]
set item "\t<item type=\"merge\">$itemBase\n\t</item>"
set itemMerged "\t<item type=\"merged\">\n\t\t<owner email=\"[dg $change]\">[dg $change]</owner>$itemBase\n\t</item>"
set dir [registry get gerrit.feeds.path]
writeActivityFeed $dir/user/[guidmd5 [dg $submitter email]].xml $item
if {[dg $change] != [dg $submitter email]} {
writeActivityFeed $dir/user/[guidmd5 [dg $change]].xml $itemMerged
writeActivityFeed $dir/project/[string map {/ . - _} $project].xml $itemMerged
# Writes an activity feed item to the relevant feeds
# @param $who The user e-mail
# @param $project The project
# @param $item The XML item
proc writeActivityFeeds {who project item} {
set dir [registry get gerrit.feeds.path]
writeActivityFeed $dir/user/[guidmd5 $who].xml $item
writeActivityFeed $dir/project/[string map {/ . - _} $project].xml $item
#TODO: opw feed
# Writes an activity feed item to the specifief file
# @param $file The output file
# @param $item The XML item
proc writeActivityFeed {file item} {
if ![file exists $file] {
set fd [open $file w]
puts $fd "<items>"
puts $fd $item
puts $fd "</items>"
} {
set fd [open $file {RDWR CREAT}]
set header [read $fd 4096]
set startFound 0
set pos [string first "<items" $header]
if {$pos > -1} {
set pos [string first ">" $header $pos]
if {$pos > -1} {
set startFound 1
incr pos
if $startFound {
# Appends <item> block after <items>
# Prepare our file in a temporary $fdtmp
set fdtmp [file tempfile]
seek $fd 0 start
puts $fdtmp [read $fd $pos]
puts -nonewline $fdtmp $item
puts -nonewline $fdtmp [read $fd]
flush $fdtmp
seek $fdtmp 0 start
seek $fd 0 start
puts $fd [string trim [read $fdtmp]]
close $fdtmp
} {
# Adds a comment at the end of the file
seek $fd 0 end
puts $fd "<!-- Can't find <items> / added at [unixtime]:"
puts $fd $item
puts $fd "-->"
flush $fd
close $fd
# Gerrit binds
# .gerrit query
# .gerrit stats
# .gerrit search <project> <query to searh in commit message>
proc dcc:gerrit {handle idx arg} {
set server [registry get gerrit.defaultserver]
switch [lindex $arg 0] {
"" {
putdcc $idx "Usage: .gerrit <query>"
putdcc $idx "Cmds: .gerrit stats"
putdcc $idx "Cmds: .gerrit search <project> <query to searh in commit message>"
return 0
"stats" {
foreach row [sql "SELECT SUBSTRING(data, 19), value FROM registry WHERE LEFT(data, 18) = 'gerrit.stats.type.'"] {
putdcc $idx $row
return 1
"search" {
set nbResults 0
set project [lindex $arg 1]
set query [lrange $arg 2 end]
foreach result [gerrit::search $server $project $query] {
putdcc $idx $result
incr nbResults
if {$nbResults == 0} {
putdcc $idx ":/"
} {
putcmdlog "#$handle# gerrit search ..."
return 0
default {
# TODO: support several Gerrit servers
putdcc $idx [gerrit::query $server $arg]
putcmdlog "#$handle# gerrit ..."
return 0
# Initialization code
gerrit::event all gerrit::stats
#gerrit::event all gerrit::debug
gerrit::event patchset-created gerrit::onNewPatchset
gerrit::event comment-added gerrit::onCommentAdded
gerrit::event change-merged gerrit::onChangeMerged
+gerrit::event change-abandoned gerrit::onChangeAbandoned
diff --git a/Nasqueron/ b/Nasqueron/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14237ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasqueron/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# .tcl source scripts/Nasqueron/
+package require http
+package require json
+bind dcc - lastfm dcc:lastfm
+proc dcc:lastfm {handle idx arg} {
+ switch [set command [lindex $arg 0]] {
+ "" {
+ return [*dcc:help $handle $idx lastfm]
+ }
+ "count" {
+ }
+ "top5" {
+ set username [lindex $arg 1]
+ if {$username == ""} { set username $handle }
+ set i 0
+ foreach track [lastfm::library_getTracks $username 5] {
+ putdcc $idx "[incr i]. [dg $track] - [dg $track name] ([dg $track playcount])"
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ putdcc $idx "Unknown command: $command"
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+namespace eval ::lastfm {
+ proc library_getTracks {username {tracks 50} {artist ""}} {
+ set url "?method=library.gettracks&&user=[url::encode $username]&limit=$tracks"
+ if {$artist != ""} {
+ append url &artist=[url::encode $artist]
+ }
+ set result [get_json $url]
+ dg $result tracks.track
+ }
+ proc getTrackPlayCount {username artist track} {
+ foreach artistTrack [library_getTracks $username 500 $artist] {
+ if {[string tolower [dg $artistTrack name]] == [string tolower $track]} {
+ return [dg $artistTrack playcount]
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ proc get_json {url} {
+ set url [url]${url}&api_key=[key]&format=json
+ set token [http::geturl $url]
+ set data [http::data $token]
+ http::cleanup $token
+ json::json2dict $data
+ }
+ proc key {} {
+ registry get lastfm.api.key
+ }
+ proc url {} {
+ registry get lastfm.api.url
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Nasqueron/MediaWiki.tcl b/Nasqueron/MediaWiki.tcl
index fc1d10d..8cb4cc1 100644
--- a/Nasqueron/MediaWiki.tcl
+++ b/Nasqueron/MediaWiki.tcl
@@ -1,44 +1,66 @@
+# .tcl source scripts/Nasqueron/MediaWiki.tcl
# MediaWiki RC
# Configuration
set MediaWikiRC(source)
-set MediaWikiRC(port) 8675
+set MediaWikiRC(port) 8676
set MediaWikiRC(channel) #wolfplex
set MediaWikiRC(color) 0
+set MediaWikiRC(warnKnownEditorsChanges) 0
# This code implements "A simple UDP server"
# sample from
package require udp
+#Gets editor
+proc get_editor {message} {
+ set message [stripcodes abcgru $message]
+ regexp "\\* (.*?) \\*" $message match0 match1
+ if {![info exists match1]} {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return $match1
+#Checks if editor is known
+proc is_known_editor {editor} {
+ expr {$editor == "Dereckson" || $editor == "Spike"}
#Handles UDP event from $sock
proc mediawiki_rc_udp_event_handler {sock} {
global MediaWikiRC
set pkt [read $sock]
set peer [fconfigure $sock -peer]
#Check if peer is source IP to avoid flood
if {[string range $peer 0 [string length $MediaWikiRC(source)]-1] == $MediaWikiRC(source)} {
- if $MediaWikiRC(color) {
- puthelp "PRIVMSG $MediaWikiRC(channel) :$pkt"
- } {
- puthelp "PRIVMSG $MediaWikiRC(channel) :[stripcodes abcgru $pkt]"
- }
+ #putdebug "Received on udp: $pkt"
+ #putdebug "Editor: [get_editor $pkt]"
+ if {$MediaWikiRC(warnKnownEditorsChanges) || ![is_known_editor [get_editor $pkt]]} {
+ if $MediaWikiRC(color) {
+ puthelp "PRIVMSG $MediaWikiRC(channel) :$pkt"
+ } {
+ puthelp "PRIVMSG $MediaWikiRC(channel) :[stripcodes abcgru $pkt]"
+ }
+ }
} {
putdebug "$peer: [string length $pkt] {$pkt}"
#Listens UDP on $port
proc mediawiki_rc_udp_listen {port} {
set srv [udp_open $port]
+ putdebug "UDP connection on port $port: $srv"
fconfigure $srv -buffering none -translation binary
fileevent $srv readable [list ::mediawiki_rc_udp_event_handler $srv]
#putdebug "Listening on udp port: [fconfigure $srv -myport]"
return $srv
mediawiki_rc_udp_listen $MediaWikiRC(port)
diff --git a/Nasqueron/Time.tcl b/Nasqueron/Time.tcl
index 1dc8d46..ac272dd 100644
--- a/Nasqueron/Time.tcl
+++ b/Nasqueron/Time.tcl
@@ -1,25 +1,31 @@
utimer 8 onload
bind cron - "* * * * *" cron:minute
bind cron - "*/5 * * * *" cron:often
bind cron - "0 * * * *" cron:hourly
bind cron - "0 4 * * *" cron:daily
proc onload {} {
#Every minute
proc cron:minute {minute hour day month weekday} {
#Every 5 minutes
proc cron:often {minute hour day month weekday} {
+ regenerate_gerrit_index
#Every hour
proc cron:hourly {minute hour day month weekday} {
#Every day, at 4am
proc cron:daily {minute hour day month weekday} {
+proc regenerate_gerrit_index {} {
+ global env
+ exec -- $env(HOME)/bin/update-gerrit-activity-feeds
diff --git a/Nasqueron/Wolfplex.tcl b/Nasqueron/Wolfplex.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ad3cae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasqueron/Wolfplex.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package require http
+bind pub - !open pub:open
+bind pub - !ouvert pub:open
+bind pub - !close pub:close
+bind pub - !closed pub:close
+bind pub - !ferme pub:close
+bind pub - !fermé pub:close
+proc pub:open {nick uhost handle chan text} {
+ setisopen yes
+proc pub:close {nick uhost handle chan text} {
+ setisopen no
+proc setisopen {status} {
+ package require http
+ set query [::http::formatQuery oldid 0 wpTextbox1 $status wpSave Publier]
+ set url ""
+ set tok [::http::geturl $url -query $query]
+ set result [::http::data $tok]
+ ::http::cleanup $tok
+ set fd [open debug.log w]
+ puts $fd $result
+ flush $fd
+ close $fd

File Metadata

Mime Type
Wed, Jan 29, 05:14 (1 d, 9 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(58 KB)

Event Timeline