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+ <p>Nasqueron is a budding community of creative people, writers, developers and thinkers.</p>
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+ <p>You'll find here like-minded people to connect to, hang out, and build projects.</p>
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+ <p>We focus on free culture, ethics and to be a positive change. Our software is open source our datasources and content are licensed under CC-BY-SA or CC-BY license. We share values like respect, justice and equity.</p>
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+ <p>We like experiments, originality and to discover new thing.</p>
+ <p>In 2016, we've focused to build a great infrastructure. Servers, continuous integration, places to communicate, notifications, operations workflows.</p>
+ <p>We believe this infrastructure first provides a great added value to any project: everything is in place and polished.</p>
+ <p>The infrastructure is open and managed by the Operations special interest group. A configuration-as-code repository is used, so it's reliable, well documented and open source.</p>
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+ <p>To communicate, we've deployed mailing lists, Etherpad, a forum, a wiki, IRC bots with a great glue notifications tooling.</p>
+ <p>To craft software, we've Phabricator and Jenkins instances. Did we tell you we've notifications sorted?</p>
+ <p>To host apps, we've a PaaS built on Docker. And an server dedicated to IRC. And a development and staging server.</p>
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+ <p>So whatever project you wish to start, we're here to support you and provide you with an awesome infrastructure.</p>
+ <p>We're baking a great shell hosting service. Claim a little space for your files, an IRC connection for you or your bot, a website. Something where to code, experiment, connect with like-minded people.</p>
+ <p>FΓΌr die Freikultur. Eglide is a free culture project. Everyone is welcome to participate or use it.</p>
+ <h2 class="text-center">Our involvement</h2>
+ <p>The service is managed by Nasqueron.</p>
+ <p>Nasqueron is committed to provide ITC management at operations and devops level to free culture projects.</p>
+ <p>Nasqueron is organised in special interest groups (SIG). Each group is autonomous and self managed. Decisions for the project as a whole are taken by consensus.</p>
+ <p>Some SIGs take responsibilities for the project as a whole, for example the Operations SIG build and maintain our infrastructure. Others can represent the project to third parties like the IRC SIG to the Freenode network.</p>
+ <p>We aren't incorporated: a de facto status is currently enough for our needs. If we decide to incorporate, it will be as a non-profit foundation.</p>
+ <h2 class="text-center">Covenant</h2>
+ <p>We as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.</p>