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diff --git a/Core.tcl b/Core.tcl
index d9a46b2..351eefc 100644
--- a/Core.tcl
+++ b/Core.tcl
@@ -1,744 +1,748 @@
package require http
package require tls
# HTTP support
::tls::init -ssl2 false -ssl3 false -tls1 true
::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket
# Determines if a specified page's source code contains the specified string
proc http_contains {pattern url} {
try {
set fd [::http::geturl $url -timeout 600]
} on error {result} {
return 0
if {[::http::status $fd] != "ok"} {
set result 0
} elseif {[::http::ncode $fd] != 200} {
set result 0
} elseif {[string first $pattern [::http::data $fd]] > -1} {
set result 1
} {
set result 0
::http::cleanup $fd
return $result
# TCL helpers
#Determines if $proc exists
proc proc_exists {proc} {
expr {[info procs $proc] == $proc}
proc is_package_present {package} {
expr ![catch {package present $package}]
# Loop constructs
proc do {code while cond} {
tailcall try $code\n[list $while $cond $code]
# Trivial procs
#Determines if $v is a number
proc isnumber {v} {
return [expr {! [catch {expr {int($v)}}]}]
# Returns +-<number>
proc numberSign {number} {
if {$number > 0} {
return "+$number"
} {
return $number
#Returns "s" if $count implies a plural
#TODO: keep this method for French (ie NOT adjusting values for English)
# and grab the plural proc from for English.
proc s {count} {
if {$count >= 2 || $count <= -2} {return "s"}
proc isnotasciiutf8char {char} {
regexp {(?x)
[\xC0-\xDF] [\x80-\xBF] | # Two-byte chars (\u0080-\u07FF)
[\xE0-\xEF] [\x80-\xBF]{2} | # Three-byte chars (\u0800-\uFFFF)
[\xF0-\xF4] [\x80-\xBF]{3} # Four-byte chars (U+10000-U+10FFFF, not suppoted by Tcl 8.5)
} $char
proc isutf8char {char} {
regexp {(?x)
[\x00-\x7F] | # Single-byte chars (ASCII range)
[\xC0-\xDF] [\x80-\xBF] | # Two-byte chars (\u0080-\u07FF)
[\xE0-\xEF] [\x80-\xBF]{2} | # Three-byte chars (\u0800-\uFFFF)
[\xF0-\xF4] [\x80-\xBF]{3} # Four-byte chars (U+10000-U+10FFFF, not suppoted by Tcl 8.5)
} $char
# Dictionaries
# Gets recursively a value in a dictionary
# @param $dict the dictionary (without any dots in keys)
# @param $key the value's key; if dict are nested, succesive keys are separated by dots (e.g.
# @param $throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist when the key doesn't exist: if true, throws an error; otherwise, returns an empty string
# @return the dictionary value at the specified key, or an empty string if the key doesn't exist
proc dg {dict key {throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist 0}} {
set keys [split $key .]
if {[llength $keys] > 1} {
# Recursive call
# dg $dict a.b = dict get [dict get $dict a] b
dg [dg $dict [lindex $keys 0] $throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist] [join [lrange $keys 1 end] .] $throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist
} elseif {([llength $dict] % 2 == 0) && [dict exists $dict $key]} {
# This is a dict and we have a key
dict get $dict $key
} elseif {$throwErrorIfKeyDoesNotExist > 0} {
error "Key not found: $key"
# Strings
+proc strlen {str} {
+ string length $str
#Completes $text by spaces or $char so the returned text length is $len
proc completestring {text len {char " "}} {
set curlen [string length $text]
if {$curlen >= $len} {
return $text
if {[string length $char] < 2} {
append text [string repeat $char [expr $len - $curlen]]
} {
while {[string length $text] < $len} {
append text $char
string range $text 0 $len+1
proc completestringright {text len {char " "}} {
set curlen [string length $text]
if {$curlen >= $len} {
return $text
set completedtext [string range [completestring $text $len $char] $curlen end]
append completedtext $text
## Prepends 0s to a number
## @param $number The number to zerofill
## @param $digits The number length
## @return The zerofilled number
proc zerofill {number digits} {
format "%0${digits}d" $number
#Reconnects to the sql & sql2 server
proc sqlrehash {} {
global sql
catch {
sql disconnect
sql2 disconnect
sql connect $sql(host) $sql(user) $sql(pass)
sql2 connect $sql(host) $sql(user) $sql(pass)
sql selectdb $sql(database)
sql2 selectdb $sql(database)
#Escape a string to use as sql query parameter
proc sqlescape {data} {
#\ -> \\
#' -> \'
string map {"\\" "\\\\" "'" "\\'"} $data
#Gets the first item of the first row of a sql query (scalar results)
proc sqlscalar {sql} {
lindex [lindex [sql $sql] 0] 0
#Adds specified data to specified SQL table
proc sqladd {table {data1 ""} {data2 ""}} {
if {$data1 == ""} {
set fields ""
#Prints field to fill
foreach row [sql "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table"] {
lappend fields [lindex $row 0]
return $fields
if {$data2 == ""} {
set sql "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ("
set data $data1
} {
set sql "INSERT INTO $table (`[join $data1 "`, `"]`) VALUES ("
set data $data2
set first 1
foreach value $data {
if {$first == 1} {set first 0} {append sql ", "}
append sql "'[sqlescape $value]'"
append sql ")"
sql $sql
# Gets the value of the AUTOINCREMENT column for the last INSERT
# @return the last value of the primary key
proc sqllastinsertid {} {
# Registry
#Gets, sets, deletes or increments a registry value
proc registry {command key {value ""}} {
switch -- $command {
"add" {
sqladd registry "data value" [list $key $value]
"get" {
sqlscalar "SELECT value FROM registry WHERE `data` = '$key'"
"set" {
sqlreplace registry "data value" [list $key $value]
"del" {
registry delete $key $value
"delete" {
sql "DELETE FROM registry WHERE `data` = '$key'"
"incr" {
if {$value == ""} {
set term 1
} elseif {[string is integer $value]} {
set term $value
} {
error "The increment term must be an integer."
set current [registry get $key]
if {$current == ""} {
registry set $key $term
} {
registry set $key [incr current $term]
default {
error "unknown subcommand: must be add, get, set, incr or delete"
# Users information
# Gets user_id from a username, idx or user_id
proc getuserid {who} {
if {$who == ""} {
} elseif {![isnumber $who]} {
#username -> user_id
sql "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = '[sqlescape $who]'"
} elseif {$who < 1000} {
#idx -> user_id
getuserid [idx2hand $who]
} else {
#user_id -> user_id (or "" if not existing)
sql "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE user_id = $who"
# Gets user info
# @param who The user
# @param what The information to get
proc getuserinfo {who what} {
sqlscalar "SELECT $what FROM users WHERE user_id = [getuserid $who]"
# Text parsing
proc geturls {text} {
#Finds the first url position
set pos -1
foreach needle "http:// https:// www." {
set pos1 [string first $needle $text]
if {$pos1 != -1 && ($pos == -1 || $pos1 < $pos)} {
set pos $pos1
#No URL found
if {$pos == -1} {return}
#URL found
set pos2 [string first " " $text $pos]
if {$pos2 == -1} {
#Last URL to be found
string range $text $pos end
} {
#Recursive call to get other URLs
concat [string range $text $pos $pos2-1] [geturls [string range $text $pos2+1 end]]
#Reads specified URL and returns content
proc geturltext {url {trim 1}} {
set fd [http::geturl $url]
set text [http::data $fd]
http::cleanup $fd
if $trim {
string trim $text
} {
return $text
proc numeric2ordinal {n} {
switch $n {
1 { return first }
2 { return second }
3 { return third }
5 { return fifth }
8 { return eight }
9 { return ninth }
#todo: ve -> f / y -> ie
12 { return twelfth }
default {
set ordinal "[numeric2en $n]th"
set m [expr $n % 10]
if {$m == 0} {
return [string map "yth ieth" $ordinal]
if {$n < 20} { return $ordinal }
if {$n > 100} { return "${n}th" }
return "[numeric2en [expr $n - $m]]-[numeric2ordinal $m]"
proc numeric2en {n {optional 0}} {
#---------------- English spelling for integer numbers
if {[catch {set n [expr $n]}]} {return $n}
if {$optional && $n==0} {return ""}
array set dic {
0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven
8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve
if [info exists dic($n)] {return $dic($n)}
foreach {value word} {1000000 million 1000 thousand 100 hundred} {
if {$n>=$value} {
return "[numeric2en $n/$value] $word [numeric2en $n%$value 1]"
} ;#--------------- composing between 13 and 99...
if $n>=20 {
set res $dic([expr $n/10])ty
if $n%10 {append res -$dic([expr $n%10])}
} else {
set res $dic([expr $n-10])teen
} ;#----------- fix over-regular compositions
regsub "twoty" $res "twenty" res
regsub "threet" $res "thirt" res
regsub "fourty" $res "forty" res
regsub "fivet" $res "fift" res
regsub "eightt" $res "eight" res
set res
} ;#RS
# Truncates the first word
# @param string the string to truncate
# @return the truncated string
proc truncate_first_word {string} {
set pos [string first " " $string]
if {$pos == -1} return
string range $string $pos+1 end
proc xmlescape {text} {
#Determines if we should use <![CDATA[]]>
set useCDATA 0
if {[string first < $text] > -1 || [string first > $text] > -1} {
set useCDATA 1
#TODO: check if there is no other case for CDATA
# check when to use CDATA instead &lt; &gt;
set text [string map {& {&amp;} ' {&apos;} {"} {&quot;}} $text]
if {$useCDATA} {
return "<!\[CDATA\[$text]]>"
return $text
# URLs
namespace eval url {
variable map
variable alphanumeric a-zA-Z0-9._~-
namespace export encode decode
namespace ensemble create
proc url::init {} {
variable map
variable alphanumeric a-zA-Z0-9._~-
for {set i 0} {$i <= 256} {incr i} {
set c [format %c $i]
if {![string match \[$alphanumeric\] $c]} {
set map($c) %[format %.2x $i]
# These are handled specially
array set map { " " + \n %0d%0a }
proc url::encode {str} {
variable map
variable alphanumeric
# The spec says: "non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by '%HH'"
# 1 leave alphanumerics characters alone
# 2 Convert every other character to an array lookup
# 3 Escape constructs that are "special" to the tcl parser
# 4 "subst" the result, doing all the array substitutions
regsub -all \[^$alphanumeric\] $str {$map(&)} str
# This quotes cases like $map([) or $map($) => $map(\[) ...
regsub -all {[][{})\\]\)} $str {\\&} str
return [subst -nocommand $str]
# Decodes an URL
# @param $str The URL to decode
# @return The decoded URL
proc url::decode {str} {
# rewrite "+" back to space
# protect \ from quoting another '\'
set str [string map [list + { } "\\" "\\\\"] $str]
# prepare to process all %-escapes
regsub -all -- {%([A-Fa-f0-9][A-Fa-f0-9])} $str {\\u00\1} str
# process \u unicode mapped chars
return [subst -novar -nocommand $str]
# Gets the MD5 of a string, and returns it following the GUID format
# @param $str The string to compute the hash
# @return The MD5, formatted as a GUID
proc guidmd5 {str} {
set md5 [md5 $str]
set output ""
for {set i 0} {$i < 32} {incr i} {
if {$i == 8 || $i == 12 || $i == 16 || $i == 20} {
append output "-"
append output [string index $md5 $i]
return $output
# Run interactive commands with callbacks
# Uses fileevent example code by Bryan Oakley
# e.g. proc put_command_callback {fd line state} { put[lindex $state 0] [lindex $state 1] $line }
# run_command "pwd" put_command_callback "" {dcc 12}
# run_command "pwd" put_command_callback "" {quick "#foo"}
# (we provide a more generic print_command_callback procedure for this general use.)
# Callback to print non interactive commands output in partyline, debug, channel or query
# @param $fd File descriptor of the command (not used)
# @param $line Line printed by the command result
# @param $state A list of two items, the first the mode, the second the target
# Accepted modes and matched target descriptions:
# - bot: target is another linked bot. A third optional state parameter could be the bot command.
# - quick/serv/help: target is a channel or a nick (through a private message)
# - notice: target is a nick (through a notice, sent in the putserv queue)
# - dcc: target is the dcc connection IDX
# - debug: prints the line as debug, target is ignored
proc print_command_callback {fd line state} {
foreach "mode target" $state {}
switch $mode {
bot {
if {[llength $state] > 2} {
set cmd [lindex $state 2]
putbot $target $cmd $line
} {
putbot $target $line
dcc { putdcc $target $line }
quick { putquick "PRIVMSG $target :$line" }
serv { putserv "PRIVMSG $target :$line" }
help { puthelp "PRIVMSG $target :$line" }
notice { putserv "NOTICE $target :$line" }
debug { putdebug $line }
default { putdebug "Unknown message mode: $mode (line were $line)" }
# Same to print a Python error without the traceback
proc print_python_error_callback {fd output state} {
print_command_callback $fd [extractPythonError $output] $state
# Runs a command, opens a file descriptor to communicate with the process
# @param $cmd the command to run
# @param $callbackProc a callback proc to handle the command output and send input
# @param $errorCallbackProc a callback proc to handle the command error output
# @param $state a state object to send to the callback proc
proc run_command {cmd callbackProc {errorCallbackProc ""} state} {
set fd [open "| $cmd" r]
fconfigure $fd -blocking false
fileevent $fd readable [list interactive_command_handler $fd $callbackProc $errorCallbackProc $state]
# Closes a command
# @param $fd File descriptor to the command process
proc close_interactive_command {fd {errorCallbackProc ""} {state ""}} {
fconfigure $fd -blocking true
if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
if {$errorCallbackProc == ""} {
putdebug $err
} {
$errorCallbackProc $fd $err $state
# Callback for fileevent to handle command output and state
# @param $fd File descriptor to the command process
# @param $callbackProc a callback proc to handle the command output and send input
# @param $state a state object to send to the callback proc
proc interactive_command_handler {fd callbackProc errorCallbackProc {state ""}} {
set status [catch {gets $fd line} result]
if { $status != 0 } {
# unexpected error
putdebug "Unexpected error running command: "
putdebug $result
close_interactive_command $fd $errorCallbackProc $state
} elseif {$result >= 0} {
$callbackProc $fd $line $state
} elseif {[eof $fd]} {
close_interactive_command $fd $errorCallbackProc $state
} elseif {[fblocked $f]} {
# Read blocked, so do nothing
proc posix_escape {name} {
foreach char [split $name {}] {
switch -regexp $char {
{'} {append escaped \\' }
{[[:alnum:]]} {append escaped $char }
{[[:space:]]} {append escaped \\$char }
{[[:punct:]]} {append escaped \\$char }
default {append escaped '$char' }
return $escaped
# Returns absolute path to external script
proc get_external_script {script} {
global env
set path $env(HOME)/bin/
append path $script
# Extracts the error from Python
proc extractPythonError {exception} {
# The exception is one of the line of the text (so the newline-sensitive matching)
# Before that, we have the full traceback we want to ignore
# e.g. of a line to match: modification-failed: Item …
if {[regexp -line {^([A-Za-z\.]+)\: (.*)$} $exception line type message]} {
return $line
} {
putdebug "Regexp doesn't match a Python error for this output in extractPythonError:"
putdebug $exception
# IP and host string manipulations
# Gets the host part of a [nick!]user@host string
proc gethost {uhost} {
set pos [string first @ $uhost]
if {$pos == -1} {
return ""
string range $uhost [expr $pos + 1] end
# Determines if the specified string is a valid IPv4 address
proc isipv4 {string} {
# - Michael A. Cleverly
set octet {(?:\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])}
regexp -- "^[join [list $octet $octet $octet $octet] {\.}]\$" $string
# Determines if the specified string is a valid IPv6 address
proc isipv6 {string} {
# NOTE: 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:1428:57ab
# 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000::1428:57ab
# 2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab
# 2001:0db8:0:0::1428:57ab
# 2001:0db8::1428:57ab
# 2001:db8::1428:57ab
# 2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:<IPv4>
# ::1
# ::
if {$string eq "::"} then {
return true
if {[string range $string 0 1] == "::"} then {
set string [string range $string 1 end]
if {[string range $string end-1 end] == "::"} then {
set string [string range $string 0 end-1]
set octets [split $string :]
set llength [llength $octets]
if {$llength > 0 && $llength <= 8} then {
set last [expr {$llength - 1}]
for {set index 0} {$index < $llength} {incr index} {
set octet [lindex $octets $index]
set length [string length $octet]
if {$length == 0} then {
if {![info exists null]} then {
set null $index; continue
} else {
return false
if {$length <= 4 && [string is xdigit -strict $octet]} then {
if {$llength <= 7 && $index == $last && [isipv4 $octet]} then {
return false
return true
return false
# Determines if the specified string is a valid IP address
proc isip {string} {
expr [isipv4 $string] || [isipv6 $string]
### IP helper procedures
# Extracts an IP address from a Freenode cloak
# Freenode tends to add IPs as suffix for gateway cloaks.
proc extract_addr_from_cloak {host} {
if {[string first gateway/web/cgi-irc/ $host] == 0} {
return [string range $host 35 end]
# Finds an IPv4
# Regexp from
if {[regexp {[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$} $host ip]} {
return $ip
return ""
# Extracts an IP or hostname from an IRC host
# If the host is a cloak not parseable, returns "".
proc extract_addr {host} {
if {[string first / $host] > -1} {
return [extract_addr_from_cloak $host]
return $host
diff --git a/tests/Core.test b/tests/Core.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8246672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Core.test
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package require tcltest
+namespace import ::tcltest::*
+### Init
+source init.tcl
+### Tests
+test strlen_regular_string {} -body {
+ strlen "quux"
+} -result 4
+test strlen_empty_string {} -body {
+ strlen ""
+} -result 0
+### Cleanup
diff --git a/tests/init.tcl b/tests/init.tcl
index 7265d68..89b7f23 100644
--- a/tests/init.tcl
+++ b/tests/init.tcl
@@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
# Procs to mock
proc bind {type flags cmdOrMask {procName ""}} {}
proc unbind {type flags cmdOrMask procname} {}
# Tests config
set dir [info script]
if {$dir == ""} {
set dir [pwd]
append dir "/scripts"
} {
set dir [file dirname [file dirname [file normalize $dir]]]
# Standard procedures
source $dir/Core.tcl
-# Eggdrop procedures
-proc strlen {text} {
- string length $text

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Feb 28, 20:37 (21 h, 7 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(20 KB)

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