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diff --git a/woof b/woof
index a4328f8..9c88163 100755
--- a/woof
+++ b/woof
@@ -1,605 +1,617 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# woof -- an ad-hoc single file webserver
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Simon Budig <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#, you can also write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Darwin support with the help from Mat Caughron, <>
# Solaris support by Colin Marquardt, <>
# FreeBSD support with the help from Andy Gimblett, <>
# Cygwin support by Stefan Reichör <>
# tarfile usage suggested by Morgan Lefieux <>
# File upload support loosely based on code from Stephen English <>
import sys, os, errno, socket, getopt, commands, tempfile
import cgi, urllib, urlparse, BaseHTTPServer
import readline
import ConfigParser
import shutil, tarfile, zipfile
import struct
maxdownloads = 1
TM = object
cpid = -1
compressed = 'gz'
upload = False
class EvilZipStreamWrapper(TM):
def __init__ (self, victim):
self.victim_fd = victim
self.position = 0
self.tells = []
self.in_file_data = 0
def tell (self):
self.tells.append (self.position)
return self.position
def seek (self, offset, whence = 0):
if offset != 0:
if offset == self.tells[0] + 14:
# the zipfile module tries to fix up the file header.
# write Data descriptor header instead,
# the next write from zipfile
# is CRC, compressed_size and file_size (as required)
self.write ("PK\007\010")
elif offset == self.tells[1]:
# the zipfile module goes to the end of the file. The next
# data written definitely is infrastructure (in_file_data = 0)
self.tells = []
self.in_file_data = 0
raise "unexpected seek for EvilZipStreamWrapper"
def write (self, data):
# only test for headers if we know that we're not writing
# (potentially compressed) data.
if self.in_file_data == 0:
if data[:4] == zipfile.stringFileHeader:
# fix the file header for extra Data descriptor
hdr = list (struct.unpack (zipfile.structFileHeader, data[:30]))
hdr[3] |= (1 << 3)
data = struct.pack (zipfile.structFileHeader, *hdr) + data[30:]
self.in_file_data = 1
elif data[:4] == zipfile.stringCentralDir:
# fix the directory entry to match file header.
hdr = list (struct.unpack (zipfile.structCentralDir, data[:46]))
hdr[5] |= (1 << 3)
data = struct.pack (zipfile.structCentralDir, *hdr) + data[46:]
self.position += len (data)
self.victim_fd.write (data)
def __getattr__ (self, name):
return getattr (self.victim_fd, name)
# Utility function to guess the IP (as a string) where the server can be
# reached from the outside. Quite nasty problem actually.
def find_ip ():
# we get a UDP-socket for the TEST-networks reserved by IANA.
# It is highly unlikely, that there is special routing used
# for these networks, hence the socket later should give us
# the ip address of the default route.
# We're doing multiple tests, to guard against the computer being
# part of a test installation.
candidates = []
for test_ip in ["", "", ""]:
s = socket.socket (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.connect ((test_ip, 80))
ip_addr = s.getsockname ()[0]
s.close ()
if ip_addr in candidates:
return ip_addr
candidates.append (ip_addr)
return candidates[0]
# our own HTTP server class, fixing up a change in python 2.7
# since we do our fork() in the request handler
# the server must not shutdown() the socket.
class ForkingHTTPServer (BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
def process_request(self, request, client_address):
self.finish_request (request, client_address)
self.close_request (request)
# Main class implementing an HTTP-Requesthandler, that serves just a single
# file and redirects all other requests to this file (this passes the actual
# filename to the client).
# Currently it is impossible to serve different files with different
# instances of this class.
class FileServHTTPRequestHandler (BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
server_version = "Simons FileServer"
protocol_version = "HTTP/1.0"
filename = "."
def log_request (self, code='-', size='-'):
if code == 200:
BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_request (self, code, size)
def do_POST (self):
global maxdownloads, upload
if not upload:
self.send_error (501, "Unsupported method (POST)")
# taken from
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header (self.headers.getheader ('Content-Type'))
form = cgi.FieldStorage (fp = self.rfile,
headers = self.headers,
environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD' : 'POST'},
keep_blank_values = 1,
strict_parsing = 1)
if not form.has_key ("upfile"):
self.send_error (403, "No upload provided")
upfile = form["upfile"]
if not upfile.file or not upfile.filename:
self.send_error (403, "No upload provided")
upfilename = upfile.filename
if "\\" in upfilename:
upfilename = upfilename.split ("\\")[-1]
upfilename = os.path.basename (upfile.filename)
destfile = None
for suffix in ["", ".1", ".2", ".3", ".4", ".5", ".6", ".7", ".8", ".9"]:
destfilename = os.path.join (".", upfilename + suffix)
destfile = (destfilename, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0644)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
if not destfile:
upfilename += "."
destfile, destfilename = tempfile.mkstemp (prefix = upfilename, dir = ".")
print >>sys.stderr, "accepting uploaded file: %s -> %s" % (upfilename, destfilename)
shutil.copyfileobj (upfile.file, os.fdopen (destfile, "w"))
if upfile.done == -1:
self.send_error (408, "upload interrupted")
txt = """\
<head><title>Woof Upload</title></head>
<h1>Woof Upload complete</title></h1>
<p>Thanks a lot!</p>
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ("Content-Type", "text/html")
self.send_header ("Content-Length", str (len (txt)))
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write (txt)
maxdownloads -= 1
def do_GET (self):
global maxdownloads, cpid, compressed, upload
# Form for uploading a file
if upload:
txt = """\
<head><title>Woof Upload</title></head>
<h1>Woof Upload</title></h1>
<form name="upload" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p><input type="file" name="upfile" /></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Upload!" /></p>
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ("Content-Type", "text/html")
self.send_header ("Content-Length", str (len (txt)))
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write (txt)
# Redirect any request to the filename of the file to serve.
# This hands over the filename to the client.
self.path = urllib.quote (urllib.unquote (self.path))
location = "/" + urllib.quote (os.path.basename (self.filename))
if os.path.isdir (self.filename):
if compressed == 'gz':
location += ".tar.gz"
elif compressed == 'bz2':
location += ".tar.bz2"
elif compressed == 'zip':
location += ".zip"
location += ".tar"
if self.path != location:
txt = """\
<head><title>302 Found</title></head>
<body>302 Found <a href="%s">here</a>.</body>
</html>\n""" % location
self.send_response (302)
self.send_header ("Location", location)
self.send_header ("Content-Type", "text/html")
self.send_header ("Content-Length", str (len (txt)))
self.end_headers ()
self.wfile.write (txt)
maxdownloads -= 1
# let a separate process handle the actual download, so that
# multiple downloads can happen simultaneously.
cpid = os.fork ()
if cpid == 0:
# Child process
child = None
type = None
if os.path.isfile (self.filename):
type = "file"
elif os.path.isdir (self.filename):
type = "dir"
if not type:
print >> sys.stderr, "can only serve files or directories. Aborting."
sys.exit (1)
self.send_response (200)
self.send_header ("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
self.send_header ("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=%s" % urllib.quote (os.path.basename (self.filename)))
if os.path.isfile (self.filename):
self.send_header ("Content-Length",
os.path.getsize (self.filename))
self.end_headers ()
if type == "file":
datafile = file (self.filename)
shutil.copyfileobj (datafile, self.wfile)
datafile.close ()
elif type == "dir":
if compressed == 'zip':
ezfile = EvilZipStreamWrapper (self.wfile)
zfile = zipfile.ZipFile (ezfile, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
stripoff = os.path.dirname (self.filename) + os.sep
for root, dirs, files in os.walk (self.filename):
for f in files:
filename = os.path.join (root, f)
if filename[:len (stripoff)] != stripoff:
raise RuntimeException, "invalid filename assumptions, please report!"
zfile.write (filename, filename[len (stripoff):])
zfile.close ()
tfile = (mode=('w|' + compressed),
tfile.add (self.filename,
arcname=os.path.basename (self.filename))
tfile.close ()
except Exception, e:
print e
print >>sys.stderr, "Connection broke. Aborting"
def serve_files (filename, maxdown = 1, ip_addr = '', port = 8080):
global maxdownloads
maxdownloads = maxdown
# We have to somehow push the filename of the file to serve to the
# class handling the requests. This is an evil way to do this...
FileServHTTPRequestHandler.filename = filename
httpd = ForkingHTTPServer ((ip_addr, port), FileServHTTPRequestHandler)
except socket.error:
print >>sys.stderr, "cannot bind to IP address '%s' port %d" % (ip_addr, port)
sys.exit (1)
if not ip_addr:
ip_addr = find_ip ()
if ip_addr:
- print "Now serving on http://%s:%s/%s" % (ip_addr, httpd.server_port, urllib.quote (os.path.basename (filename)))
+ location = "http://%s:%s/%s" % (ip_addr, httpd.server_port,
+ urllib.quote (os.path.basename (filename)))
+ if os.path.isdir (filename):
+ if compressed == 'gz':
+ location += ".tar.gz"
+ elif compressed == 'bz2':
+ location += ".tar.bz2"
+ elif compressed == 'zip':
+ location += ".zip"
+ else:
+ location += ".tar"
+ print "Now serving on %s" % location
while cpid != 0 and maxdownloads > 0:
httpd.handle_request ()
def usage (defport, defmaxdown, errmsg = None):
name = os.path.basename (sys.argv[0])
print >>sys.stderr, """
Usage: %s [-i <ip_addr>] [-p <port>] [-c <count>] <file>
%s [-i <ip_addr>] [-p <port>] [-c <count>] [-z|-j|-Z|-u] <dir>
%s [-i <ip_addr>] [-p <port>] [-c <count>] -s
%s [-i <ip_addr>] [-p <port>] [-c <count>] -U
%s <url>
Serves a single file <count> times via http on port <port> on IP
address <ip_addr>.
When a directory is specified, an tar archive gets served. By default
it is gzip compressed. You can specify -z for gzip compression,
-j for bzip2 compression, -Z for ZIP compression or -u for no compression.
You can configure your default compression method in the configuration
file described below.
When -s is specified instead of a filename, %s distributes itself.
When -U is specified, woof provides an upload form, allowing file uploads.
defaults: count = %d, port = %d
If started with an url as an argument, woof acts as a client,
downloading the file and saving it in the current directory.
You can specify different defaults in two locations: /etc/woofrc
and ~/.woofrc can be INI-style config files containing the default
port and the default count. The file in the home directory takes
precedence. The compression methods are "off", "gz", "bz2" or "zip".
Sample file:
port = 8008
count = 2
ip =
compressed = gz
""" % (name, name, name, name, name, name, defmaxdown, defport)
if errmsg:
print >>sys.stderr, errmsg
print >>sys.stderr
sys.exit (1)
def woof_client (url):
urlparts = urlparse.urlparse (url, "http")
if urlparts[0] not in [ "http", "https" ] or urlparts[1] == '':
return None
fname = None
f = urllib.urlopen (url)
f_meta = ()
disp = f_meta.getheader ("Content-Disposition")
if disp:
disp = disp.split (";")
if disp and disp[0].lower () == 'attachment':
fname = [x[9:] for x in disp[1:] if x[:9].lower () == "filename="]
if len (fname):
fname = fname[0]
fname = None
if fname == None:
url = f.geturl ()
urlparts = urlparse.urlparse (url)
fname = urlparts[2]
if not fname:
fname = "woof-out.bin"
if fname:
fname = urllib.unquote (fname)
fname = os.path.basename (fname)
readline.set_startup_hook (lambda: readline.insert_text (fname))
fname = raw_input ("Enter target filename: ")
readline.set_startup_hook (None)
override = False
destfile = None
destfilename = os.path.join (".", fname)
destfile = (destfilename,
os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0644)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
override = raw_input ("File exists. Overwrite (y/n)? ")
override = override.lower () in [ "y", "yes" ]
if destfile == None:
if override == True:
destfile = (destfilename, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0644)
for suffix in [".1", ".2", ".3", ".4", ".5", ".6", ".7", ".8", ".9"]:
destfilename = os.path.join (".", fname + suffix)
destfile = (destfilename,
os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0644)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
if not destfile:
destfile, destfilename = tempfile.mkstemp (prefix = fname + ".",
dir = ".")
print "alternate filename is:", destfilename
print "downloading file: %s -> %s" % (fname, destfilename)
shutil.copyfileobj (f, os.fdopen (destfile, "w"))
return 1;
def main ():
global cpid, upload, compressed
maxdown = 1
port = 8080
ip_addr = ''
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser () (['/etc/woofrc', os.path.expanduser ('~/.woofrc')])
if config.has_option ('main', 'port'):
port = config.getint ('main', 'port')
if config.has_option ('main', 'count'):
maxdown = config.getint ('main', 'count')
if config.has_option ('main', 'ip'):
ip_addr = config.get ('main', 'ip')
if config.has_option ('main', 'compressed'):
formats = { 'gz' : 'gz',
'true' : 'gz',
'bz' : 'bz2',
'bz2' : 'bz2',
'zip' : 'zip',
'off' : '',
'false' : '' }
compressed = config.get ('main', 'compressed')
compressed = formats.get (compressed, 'gz')
defaultport = port
defaultmaxdown = maxdown
options, filenames = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], "hUszjZui:c:p:")
except getopt.GetoptError, desc:
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown, desc)
for option, val in options:
if option == '-c':
maxdown = int (val)
if maxdown <= 0:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown,
"invalid download count: %r. "
"Please specify an integer >= 0." % val)
elif option == '-i':
ip_addr = val
elif option == '-p':
port = int (val)
except ValueError:
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown,
"invalid port number: %r. Please specify an integer" % val)
elif option == '-s':
filenames.append (__file__)
elif option == '-h':
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown)
elif option == '-U':
upload = True
elif option == '-z':
compressed = 'gz'
elif option == '-j':
compressed = 'bz2'
elif option == '-Z':
compressed = 'zip'
elif option == '-u':
compressed = ''
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown, "Unknown option: %r" % option)
if upload:
if len (filenames) > 0:
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown,
"Conflicting usage: simultaneous up- and download not supported.")
filename = None
if len (filenames) == 1:
if woof_client (filenames[0]) != None:
sys.exit (0)
filename = os.path.abspath (filenames[0])
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown,
"Can only serve single files/directories.")
if not os.path.exists (filename):
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown,
"%s: No such file or directory" % filenames[0])
if not (os.path.isfile (filename) or os.path.isdir (filename)):
usage (defaultport, defaultmaxdown,
"%s: Neither file nor directory" % filenames[0])
serve_files (filename, maxdown, ip_addr, port)
# wait for child processes to terminate
if cpid != 0:
while 1:
os.wait ()
except OSError:
if __name__=='__main__':
main ()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
File Metadata
Mime Type
Mon, Nov 25, 11:25 (1 d, 13 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(20 KB)
Attached To
rWURF wurf
Detach File
Event Timeline
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