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Harbormaster All Buildables
All Buildables
All Buildables
- Diff 4194
- Diff 4193
- Buildable 2576 D1643: Create Keruald\OmniTools\IO namespace
- Diff 4191
- Buildable 2575 D1641: Allow to manipulate time ranges and check overlaps
- Diff 4190
- Buildable 2574 D1641: Allow to manipulate time ranges and check overlaps
- Diff 4189
- Buildable 2573 D1642: Install zip on shellserver and devserver roles
- Diff 4187
- Buildable 2572 D1641: Allow to manipulate time ranges and check overlaps
- Diff 4186
- Buildable 2571 D1640: Support other countable legacy types
- Diff 4184
- Buildable 2570 D1639: Allow to compute CIDR ranges
- Diff 4183
- Buildable 2569 D1639: Allow to compute CIDR ranges
- Diff 4182
- Buildable 2568 D1638: Improve support for multiple remote addresses
- Diff 4179
- Buildable 2567 D1637: Split CodeFile into CodeFile and File classes
- Diff 4178
- Buildable 2566 D1636: Allow to get server URL, port, name, scheme
- Diff 4176
- Buildable 2565 D1635: Allow to represent a YYYY-MM-DD date stamp
- Diff 4174
- Buildable 2564 D1634: Get accepted languages from HTTP request
- Diff 4172
- Buildable 2563 D1634: Get accepted languages from HTTP request
- Diff 4171
- Buildable 2562 D1633: Implement a weighted list
- Diff 4169
- Buildable 2561 D1633: Implement a weighted list
- Diff 4168
- Buildable 2560 D1633: Implement a weighted list
- Diff 4167
- Buildable 2559 D1632: Allow to count "null" and "false" values
- Diff 4165
- Buildable 2558 D1631: Allow to determine if a string is an UUID
- Diff 4163
- Buildable 2557 D1631: Allow to determine if a string is an UUID
- Diff 4162
- Buildable 2556 D1630: Configure PsySH
- Diff 4160
- Buildable 2555 D1630: Configure PsySH
- Diff 4159
- Buildable 2554 D1629: Allow to generate a random sring
- Diff 4157
- Buildable 2553 D1628: Add OmniString::len() method
- Diff 4155
- Buildable 2552 D1627: Merge branch 'transition-to-omnitools'
- Diff 4153
- Buildable 2551 D1626: Stablize omnitools library version
- Diff 4151
- Buildable 2550 D1625: Rename RemoteAddress::getOne to getClientAddress
- Diff 4148
- Diff 4147
- Buildable 2548 D1623: Get remote address
- Diff 4145
- Buildable 2547 D1623: Get remote address
- Diff 4144
- Buildable 2546 D1623: Get remote address
- Diff 4143
- Diff 4141
- Diff 4139
- Buildable 2543 D1620: Allow to include a PHP code file
- Diff 4137
- Buildable 2542 D1619: Prune unused import
- Diff 4135
- Buildable 2541 D1618: Provide a data tests folder with MockLib
- Diff 4133
- Buildable 2540 D1617: Refactor autoloader
- Diff 4131
- Buildable 2539 D1617: Refactor autoloader
- Diff 4130
- Buildable 2538 D1614: Offer debugger methods to dump a variable
- Diff 4128
- Diff 4126
- Buildable 2536 D1615: Install optipng
- Diff 4124
- Buildable 2535 D1614: Offer debugger methods to dump a variable
- Diff 4123
- Buildable 2534 D1614: Offer debugger methods to dump a variable
- Diff 4122
- Buildable 2533 D1613: Refactor IPTest class
- Diff 4120
- Buildable 2532 D1613: Refactor IPTest class
- Diff 4119
- Buildable 2531 D1612: Switch uuid to Keruald\OmniTools\Identifiers\UUID
- Diff 4117
- Buildable 2530 D1611: Move UUID class from Strings to Identifiers namespace
- Diff 4115
- Buildable 2529 D1610: Allow to generate RFC 4122 UUID v4
- Diff 4113
- Diff 4111
- Buildable 2527 D1608: Allow to detect if a string is a valid IP address
- Diff 4109
- Buildable 2526 D1608: Allow to detect if a string is a valid IP address
- Diff 4108
- Diff 4106
- Buildable 2524 D1606: Configure phpunit to rely on Composer
- Diff 4104
- Diff 4102
- Buildable 2522 D1604: Update tests for PHPUnit 7
- Diff 4100
- Buildable 2521 D1603: Configure Git to ignore Composer artefacts
- Diff 4098
- Buildable 2520 D1602: Reconfigure Arcanist to use https
- Diff 4096
- Buildable 2519 D1601: Allow to pad an UTF-8 or other multibyte string
- Diff 4094
- Buildable 2518 D1601: Allow to pad an UTF-8 or other multibyte string
- Diff 4093
- Buildable 2517 D1601: Allow to pad an UTF-8 or other multibyte string
- Diff 4092
- Diff 4090
- Buildable 2515 D1600: Add PSR-4 autoload register implementation
- Diff 4088
- Buildable 2514 D1600: Add PSR-4 autoload register implementation
- Diff 4087
- Buildable 2513 D1600: Add PSR-4 autoload register implementation
- Diff 4086
- Buildable 2512 D1599: Add a hindu arabic to roman numerals converter
- Diff 4084
- Buildable 2511 D1599: Add a hindu arabic to roman numerals converter
- Diff 4083
- Buildable 2510 D1599: Add a hindu arabic to roman numerals converter
- Diff 4082
- Buildable 2509 D1599: Add a hindu arabic to roman numerals converter
- Diff 4081
- Buildable 2508 D1599: Add a hindu arabic to roman numerals converter
- Diff 4080
- Buildable 2507 D1598: Configure PHPUnit
- Diff 4078
- Buildable 2506 D1597: Configure phpcs
- Diff 4076
- Buildable 2505 D1596: Configure phan
- Diff 4074
- Diff 4072
- Buildable 2503 D1595: License this code under BSD-2-Clause
- Diff 4071
- Buildable 2502 D1594: Declare Composer package
- Diff 4069
- Diff 4068
- Buildable 2500 D1592: Configure Arcanist
- Diff 4066
- Buildable 2499 D1592: Configure Arcanist
- Diff 4065
- Buildable 2498 D1591: Ignore false positives log requests
- Diff 4064
- Buildable 2497 D1590: Serve zed51.dereckson.be
- Diff 4063
- Buildable 2496 D1590: Serve zed51.dereckson.be
- Diff 4062
- Buildable 2495 D1590: Serve zed51.dereckson.be
- Diff 4061
- Buildable 2494 D1589: Mark file.managed not to replace content explicitly
- Diff 4059
- Buildable 2493 D1588: Bump Zed to b8d050c8c4e3
- Diff 4057
- Buildable 2492 Diff 4056
- Buildable 2491 D1586: Serve Zed rZED as https://hypership.space
- Diff 4055
- Buildable 2490 D1587: Stage hypership.space
- Diff 4053
- Buildable 2489 D1587: Stage hypership.space
- Diff 4052
- Buildable 2488 D1586: Serve Zed rZED as https://hypership.space
- Diff 4051
- Buildable 2487 D1585: Serve Zed rC as https://hypership.space/content
- Diff 4049
- Buildable 2486 D1584: Serve Zed website
- Diff 4047
- Buildable 2485 D1583: Deploy Zed rC hypership content to /srv/zed/content
- Diff 4045
- Buildable 2484 D1582: Serve hg.dereckson.be
- Diff 4043
- Buildable 2483 D1581: Install moreutils on shellserver and devserver roles
- Diff 4041
- Buildable 2482 D1562: Allow to create a wiki database
- Diff 4040
- Buildable 2481 D1562: Allow to create a wiki database
- Diff 4039
- Buildable 2480 D1562: Allow to create a wiki database
- Diff 4038
- Buildable 2479 D1562: Allow to create a wiki database
- Diff 4037
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