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Harbormaster All Buildables
All Buildables
All Buildables
- Buildable 3479 D2246: Resolve caesar cipher
- Diff 5646
- Buildable 3478 D2245: Bump 502 to b70191ce1fdb
- Diff 5644
- Buildable 3477 D2244: Switch from purl to agora URL for support
- Diff 5642
- Buildable 3476 D2227: Provide PaaS Docker nginx default vhosts
- Diff 5640
- Buildable 3475 D2227: Provide PaaS Docker nginx default vhosts
- Diff 5639
- Buildable 3474 D2243: Drop libphutil
- Diff 5637
- Buildable 3473 D2242: Offer stable version of Arcanist
- Diff 5635
- Buildable 3472 D2241: Update pathto arc autocomplete
- Diff 5633
- Buildable 3471 D2240: Fix keys for novolume version
- Diff 5630
- Buildable 3470 D2239: Proofread readme
- Diff 5628
- Buildable 3469 D2238: Migrate to PHP 7
- Diff 5627
- Buildable 3468 D2237: Fix permissions issue
- Diff 5625
- Buildable 3467 D2236: Upgrade to PHP 7.3.14
- Diff 5624
- Buildable 3466 D2235: Upgrade to PHP 7.4.2
- Diff 5623
- Buildable 3465 D2235: Upgrade to PHP 7.4.2
- Diff 5622
- Buildable 3464 D2235: Upgrade to PHP 7.4.2
- Diff 5621
- Buildable 3463 D2235: Upgrade to PHP 7.4.2
- Diff 5620
- Buildable 3462 D2235: Upgrade to PHP 7.4.2
- Diff 5619
- Buildable 3461 D2234: Upgrade to PHP 7.3.14
- Diff 5617
- Buildable 3460 D2233: Upgrade to PHP 7.2.27
- Diff 5615
- Diff 5613
- Buildable 3458 D2231: Use nasqueron/cachet image for status.nasqueron.org
- Diff 5611
- Buildable 3457 D2227: Provide PaaS Docker nginx default vhosts
- Diff 5610
- Buildable 3456 D2230: Provide url command on dev servers
- Diff 5608
- Buildable 3455 D2230: Provide url command on dev servers
- Diff 5607
- Buildable 3454 D2230: Provide url command on dev servers
- Diff 5606
- Buildable 3453 D2229: Detect Matroska containers video
- Diff 5604
- Buildable 3452 D2228: Provide PaaS Docker nginx base content
- Diff 5602
- Buildable 3451 D2227: Provide PaaS Docker nginx default vhosts
- Diff 5601
- Buildable 3450 D2226: Pull Cachet image on Equatower
- Diff 5598
- Buildable 3449 D2225: Provide nginx TLS configuration on PaaS Docker
- Diff 5597
- Buildable 3448 D2224: Provide nginx base configuration
- Diff 5595
- Buildable 3447 D2224: Provide nginx base configuration
- Diff 5594
- Buildable 3446 D2223: Install nginx on PaaS Docker servers
- Diff 5592
- Buildable 3445 D2223: Install nginx on PaaS Docker servers
- Diff 5591
- Buildable 3444 D2222: Provide GNU Watch on FreeBSD
- Diff 5589
- Buildable 3443 D2221: Create docker group on Dwellers
- Diff 5587
- Buildable 3442 D2221: Create docker group on Dwellers
- Diff 5586
- Buildable 3441 D2221: Create docker group on Dwellers
- Diff 5585
- Buildable 3440 D2220: WIP: Install Docker development tools on Dwellers
- Diff 5582
- Buildable 3439 D2220: WIP: Install Docker development tools on Dwellers
- Diff 5581
- Buildable 3438 D2219: Don't allow direct login as root through SSH
- Diff 5580
- Buildable 3437 D2218: Normalize spaces
- Diff 5578
- Buildable 3436 D2217: Use pillar information for IP and gateway in MOTD
- Diff 5576
- Buildable 3435 D2216: Use net-tools to setup Dwellers IPv6 tunnel
- Diff 5574
- Buildable 3434 D2215: Enable Docker service
- Diff 5572
- Buildable 3433 D2215: Enable Docker service
- Diff 5571
- Buildable 3432 D2214: Ensure pip is installed in order to invoke it
- Diff 5569
- Buildable 3431 D2214: Ensure pip is installed in order to invoke it
- Diff 5568
- Buildable 3430 D2214: Ensure pip is installed in order to invoke it
- Diff 5567
- Buildable 3429 D2214: Ensure pip is installed in order to invoke it
- Diff 5566
- Buildable 3428 D2213: Don't try to install last docker-ce version on CentOS
- Diff 5564
- Buildable 3427 D2213: Don't try to install last docker-ce version on CentOS
- Diff 5563
- Buildable 3426 D2213: Don't try to install last docker-ce version on CentOS
- Diff 5562
- Buildable 3425 D2212: Ignore containers if zr isn't available
- Diff 5560
- Buildable 3424 D2211: Fix nginx map syntax
- Diff 5558
- Buildable 3423 D2210: Provide placeholders for Sentry services containers
- Diff 5556
- Buildable 3422 D2209: Ensure SLS IDs are unique
- Diff 5554
- Buildable 3421 D2208: Allow connections between Docker containers
- Diff 5552
- Buildable 3420 D2207: Install Python Docker library through pip
- Diff 5550
- Buildable 3419 D2206: WIP: improve wwwroot 51 clone repository
- Diff 5549
- Diff 5547
- Buildable 3417 D2204: Create swap file if no swap partition exist
- Diff 5545
- Buildable 3416 D2203: Configure periodic tasks on FreeBSD
- Diff 5542
- Buildable 3415 D2202: Generate Nano configuration
- Diff 5539
- Buildable 3414 D2201: Publish homepage for infographics topic
- Diff 5537
- Buildable 3413 D2201: Publish homepage for infographics topic
- Diff 5536
- Buildable 3412 D2199: Publish Openfire releases timeline
- Diff 5534
- Buildable 3411 D2199: Publish Openfire releases timeline
- Diff 5533
- Buildable 3410 D2200: Fix whitespace issues
- Diff 5531
- Buildable 3409 D2199: Publish Openfire releases timeline
- Diff 5530
- Buildable 3408 D2198: Bump assets.n.o to 834ec5336c33
- Diff 5528
- Buildable 3407 D2197: Import timeknots library
- Diff 5526
- Buildable 3406 D2195: Configure Arcanist
- Diff 5524
- Buildable 3405 D2194: Create inidal account
- Diff 5521
- Buildable 3404 rAPIa7acec475403: Add /datasources to homepage
- rAPI
- Buildable 3403 D2193: Add /datasources to homepage
- Diff 5516
- Buildable 3402 rAPI08316a5599aa: Prune dots
- rAPI
- Buildable 3401 D2192: Prune dots
- Diff 5514
- Buildable 3400 rAPI908069713713: Add /docker/registry to homepage
- rAPI
- Buildable 3399 D2191: Add /docker/registry to homepage
- Diff 5512
- Buildable 3398 D2190: Trust proxy for HTTP/HTTPS forwarded protocol
- Diff 5511
- Buildable 3397 D2187: Serve Nasqueron datasources API
- Diff 5509
- Buildable 3396 D2189: Fix mounting point for nginx proxy
- Diff 5507
- Buildable 3395 D2189: Fix mounting point for nginx proxy
- Diff 5506
- Buildable 3394 D2189: Fix mounting point for nginx proxy
- Diff 5505
- Buildable 3393 D2189: Fix mounting point for nginx proxy
- Diff 5504
- Buildable 3392 D2188: Publish Docker image
- Diff 5502
- Buildable 3391 D2187: Serve Nasqueron datasources API
- Diff 5501
- Buildable 3390 D2186: Initial release
- Diff 5499
- Buildable 3389 D2185: Provides required libraries for graphics capabilities
- Diff 5497
- Buildable 3388 D2184: Listen port 5229 with Openfire for Flash Cross domain
- Diff 5495
- Buildable 3387 D2183: Allow Openfire to listen on port 5270
- Diff 5493
- Buildable 3386 D2182: Allow Docker containers to use ACME DNS API
- Diff 5491
- Diff 5489
- Diff 5488
- Buildable 3383 D2180: Provide homepage for ACME DNS Server
- Diff 5486
- Buildable 3382 D2179: Restrict access to ACME DNS
- Diff 5484
- Buildable 3381 D2178: Provide nginx configuration for ACME DNS
- Diff 5482
- Buildable 3380 D2178: Provide nginx configuration for ACME DNS
- Diff 5481
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