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Harbormaster All Buildables
All Buildables
All Buildables
- Buildable 3681 D2373: Upgrade to Openfire 4.6.4
- Diff 5969
- Diff 5967
- Buildable 3679 D2371: Update arc wrapper for Docker development server role
- Diff 5965
- Buildable 3678 D2370: Allow tu update user image
- Diff 5963
- Buildable 3677 D2370: Allow tu update user image
- Diff 5962
- Buildable 3676 D2369: Be more flexible with Docker image selection
- Diff 5960
- Buildable 3675 D2368: Build Git manually
- Diff 5958
- Buildable 3674 D2367: Ensure enough memory for Composer
- Diff 5956
- Buildable 3673 D2366: Set project name in CI Ant script
- Diff 5954
- Buildable 3672 D2365: Set project name in CI Ant script
- Diff 5952
- Buildable 3671 D2364: Bump phan version
- Diff 5950
- Buildable 3670 D2363: Install PHP ast extension through package
- Diff 5948
- Buildable 3669 D2362: WIP: Improve nginx configuration for Jenkins
- Diff 5947
- Buildable 3668 D2361: Upgrade to pika 1.1.0
- Diff 5945
- Buildable 3667 D2360: Restore executable bit for notifications script
- Diff 5943
- Buildable 3666 D2359: Allow to import application as module
- Diff 5941
- Buildable 3665 D2358: Upgrade JRE to OpenJDK 11 LTS
- Diff 5939
- Buildable 3664 D2357: Upgrade to Openfire 4.5.4
- Diff 5937
- Buildable 3663 D2356: Install certbot for Python 3
- Diff 5935
- Buildable 3662 D2354: Configure Notifications center
- Diff 5934
- Diff 5932
- Buildable 3660 D2354: Configure Notifications center
- Diff 5931
- Buildable 3659 D2354: Configure Notifications center
- Diff 5930
- Buildable 3658 D2354: Configure Notifications center
- Diff 5929
- Buildable 3657 D2354: Configure Notifications center
- Diff 5928
- Buildable 3656 D2353: Deploy RabbitMQ on docker-001
- Diff 5925
- Buildable 3655 D2353: Deploy RabbitMQ on docker-001
- Diff 5924
- Buildable 3654 D2352: Configure Arcanist
- Diff 5922
- Buildable 3653 D2352: Configure Arcanist
- Diff 5921
- Buildable 3652 D2351: Bump Mastodon public to dd04497150ae
- Diff 5919
- Diff 5917
- Diff 5915
- Diff 5914
- Diff 5913
- Buildable 3647 D2348: Provide bash completion support file
- Diff 5911
- Diff 5909
- Buildable 3645 D2346: Rebuild xhpast
- Diff 5907
- Buildable 3644 D2345: Upgrade userland to Debian Buster
- Diff 5905
- Buildable 3643 D2344: Install colordiff on Docker dev servers
- Diff 5903
- Buildable 3642 D2343: Allow to run arc commands as root
- Diff 5901
- Buildable 3641 D2342: Build Arcanist Docker images by user
- Diff 5899
- Buildable 3640 D2342: Build Arcanist Docker images by user
- Diff 5898
- Buildable 3639 D2342: Build Arcanist Docker images by user
- Diff 5897
- Buildable 3638 D2341: Upgrade userland to Debian Buster
- Diff 5895
- Buildable 3637 D2341: Upgrade userland to Debian Buster
- Diff 5894
- Buildable 3636 D2310: Install Kubernetes
- Diff 5893
- Buildable 3635 D2341: Upgrade userland to Debian Buster
- Diff 5889
- Buildable 3634 D2340: Upgrade to PHP 7.4.10
- Diff 5887
- Buildable 3633 D2339: Let Docker package manage the docker group
- Diff 5886
- Buildable 3632 D2338: Update Docker CentOS repository
- Diff 5885
- Buildable 3631 D2337: Prune Docker configuration for Equatower
- Diff 5883
- Buildable 3630 D2336: Prune mcrypt extension
- Diff 5881
- Buildable 3629 D2335: Update private IP for WindRiver
- Diff 5880
- Buildable 3628 D2334: Configure IntraNought interface for FreeBSD
- Diff 5878
- Buildable 3627 rLF56b5eae8479a: Lazy evaluate default values
- rLF
- Buildable 3626 D2333: Don't provide IPv6 route when not defined in config
- Diff 5874
- Buildable 3625 D2333: Don't provide IPv6 route when not defined in config
- Diff 5873
- Buildable 3624 D2332: Improve whitelines in Jinja2 templates
- Diff 5871
- Buildable 3623 D2331: Configure OVH IP failover for FreeBSD
- Diff 5869
- Buildable 3622 D2330: Add router-001.nasqueron.org as router
- Diff 5867
- Buildable 3621 D2330: Add router-001.nasqueron.org as router
- Diff 5866
- Buildable 3620 D2329: Ensure sudo can be installed on FreeBSD too
- Diff 5864
- Buildable 3619 D2328: Clone Equatower Docker configuration for docker-001
- Diff 5862
- Buildable 3618 rINFRAWWW79554819d121: Use new registry server
- Buildable 3617 D2327: Use new registry server
- Diff 5860
- Buildable 3616 D2326: Install sqlite in Docker development server
- Diff 5858
- Buildable 3615 D2325: Give access to /srv/pad to etherpad user
- Diff 5856
- Buildable 3614 D2324: Create directory when needed for certbot plugin
- Diff 5854
- Diff 5852
- Buildable 3612 D2322: Configure Docker for docker-001
- Diff 5850
- Buildable 3611 D2321: Add server docker-001 for paas-docker role
- Diff 5848
- Buildable 3610 D2320: Fetch Etherpad API key as a token
- Diff 5846
- Buildable 3609 D2319: Fix nginx configuration for paas-docker role
- Diff 5844
- Buildable 3608 D2318: Fix Wolfplex Phabricator canonical URL
- Diff 5843
- Buildable 3607 D2317: Improve entry point syntax
- Diff 5838
- Buildable 3606 D2316: Drop privileges
- Diff 5836
- Buildable 3605 D2315: Upgrade to Debian 10 and Node 10
- Diff 5834
- Buildable 3604 D2314: Configure Arcanist
- Diff 5832
- Diff 5831
- Diff 5830
- Diff 5829
- Buildable 3600 D2312: [WIP] Initialize nasqueron-k8s-prod cluster
- Diff 5828
- Buildable 3599 D2310: Install Kubernetes
- Diff 5827
- Buildable 3598 D2310: Install Kubernetes
- Diff 5826
- Buildable 3597 D2310: Install Kubernetes
- Diff 5825
- Buildable 3596 D2310: Install Kubernetes
- Diff 5824
- Buildable 3595 D2311: Reapply initial tmux scheme in modern config
- Diff 5822
- Buildable 3594 D2310: Install Kubernetes
- Diff 5821
- Buildable 3593 D2309: Provide GRE tunnels for Debian
- Diff 5818
- Buildable 3592 D2309: Provide GRE tunnels for Debian
- Diff 5817
- Buildable 3591 D2304: Add cloudhugger as new Kubernetes server
- Diff 5816
- Buildable 3590 D2304: Add cloudhugger as new Kubernetes server
- Diff 5815
- Buildable 3589 D2307: Refactor network unit
- Diff 5813
- Buildable 3588 D2308: Use LF as EOL separator
- Diff 5811
- Buildable 3587 D2307: Refactor network unit
- Diff 5810
- Buildable 3586 D2307: Refactor network unit
- Diff 5809
- Buildable 3585 D2307: Refactor network unit
- Diff 5808
- Buildable 3584 D2304: Add cloudhugger as new Kubernetes server
- Diff 5807
- Buildable 3583 D2307: Refactor network unit
- Diff 5806
- Buildable 3582 D2306: Set IPv6 gateway for windriver
- Diff 5804
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