diff --git a/pillar/dbserver/cluster-A.sls b/pillar/dbserver/cluster-A.sls index 3ac2008..a31bb37 100644 --- a/pillar/dbserver/cluster-A.sls +++ b/pillar/dbserver/cluster-A.sls @@ -1,49 +1,66 @@ dbserver_postgresql: server: cluster: A # Fantoir database needs the pg_trgm extension with_contrib: True listen_addresses: "*" users: # Password paths are relative to ops/secrets/ airflow: password: dbserver/cluster-A/users/airflow privileges: - database: airflow scope: schema privileges: - ALL fantoir: password: dbserver/cluster-A/users/fantoir privileges: - database: fantoir scope: schema privileges: - ALL + orbeon: + password: dbserver/cluster-A/users/orbeon + privileges: + - database: forms + scope: schema + privileges: + - ALL + databases: airflow: encoding: UTF8 owner: airflow fantoir: encoding: UTF8 owner: fantoir extensions: - pg_trgm + forms: + encoding: UTF8 + owner: orbeon + # Network connections allowed in pg_hba.conf connections: - db: airflow user: airflow ips: - db: fantoir user: fantoir ips: + + - db: forms + user: orbeon + ips: &dwellers + method: password diff --git a/roles/dbserver-pgsql/server/files/pg_hba.conf b/roles/dbserver-pgsql/server/files/pg_hba.conf index 4792689..4102e49 100644 --- a/roles/dbserver-pgsql/server/files/pg_hba.conf +++ b/roles/dbserver-pgsql/server/files/pg_hba.conf @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ # ------------------------------------------------------------- # PostgreSQL # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Project: Nasqueron # License: Trivial work, not eligible to copyright # Source file: roles/dbserver-pgsql/server/files/pg_hba.conf # ------------------------------------------------------------- # # # This file is managed by our rOPS SaltStack repository. # # Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior # and will be lost if the state is redeployed. # # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all peer # Local connections host all all scram-sha-256 host all all ::1/128 scram-sha-256 # External connections {%- for conn in connections %} -host {{ "%-15s" | format(conn.db) }} {{ "%-15s" | format(conn.user) }} {{ "%-23s" | format(conn.ips) }} scram-sha-256 +host {{ "%-15s" | format(conn.db) }} {{ "%-15s" | format(conn.user) }} {{ "%-23s" | format(conn.ips) }} {{ conn.method | default("scram-sha-256") }} {%- endfor %} # Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the # replication privilege. local replication all peer host replication all scram-sha-256 host replication all ::1/128 scram-sha-256