diff --git a/PolylangHelperFunctions.php b/PolylangHelperFunctions.php index 37a7573..7db24ef 100644 --- a/PolylangHelperFunctions.php +++ b/PolylangHelperFunctions.php @@ -1,105 +1,105 @@ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD * @filesource */ /** * Gets an array with the cached infomrmation about installed languages. * * @return array the installed languages, each item a PLL_Language object */ function pll_get_languages_list () { global $polylang; return $polylang->model->get_languages_list(); } /** * Gets default language information * * @param string $language_code ISO 639 or locale code * @return array|null the default information for the the specified language, or null if it doesn't exist */ function pll_get_default_language_information($language_code) { global $polylang; - require(PLL_ADMIN_INC.'/languages.php'); + require(PLL_SETTINGS_INC . '/languages.php'); foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($language[0] == $language_code || $language[1] == $language_code) { $rtl = (count($language) > 3) && ($language[3] == 'rtl'); return array( 'code' => $language[0], 'locale' => $language[1], 'name' => $language[2], 'rtl' => $rtl ); } } return null; } /** * Determines if the specified language code is a valid one. * * @param string $language_code ISO 639 or locale code * @return bool true if the language code is valid; otherwise, false. */ function pll_is_valid_language_code($language_code) { return pll_get_default_language_information($language_code) !== null; } /** * Adds a language with the default locale, name and direction. * * @param string $language_code ISO 639 or locale code * @param int $language_order language order [optional] * @param int &$error_code the error code, or 0 if the operation is successful * @return bool true if the language has been added; false if an error has occured */ function pll_add_language($language_code, $language_order = 0, &$error_code = 0) { global $polylang; $adminModel = new PLL_Admin_Model($polylang->options); $info = pll_get_default_language_information($language_code); $args = array( - name => $info['name'], - slug => $info['code'], - locale => $info['locale'], - rtl => $info['rtl'] ? 1 : 0, - term_group => $language_order + 'name' => $info['name'], + 'slug' => $info['code'], + 'locale' => $info['locale'], + 'rtl' => $info['rtl'] ? 1 : 0, + 'term_group' => $language_order ); $error_code = $adminModel->add_language($args); return $error_code !== 0; } /** * Determines whether a language is currently installed. * * @param string $language_code The language slug * @return bool true if the language is installed; otherwise, false. */ function pll_is_language_installed($language_code) { global $polylang; $languages = $polylang->model->get_languages_list(); foreach ($languages as $language) { if ($language->slug == $language_code) { return true; } } return false; } diff --git a/Polylang_Command.php b/Polylang_Command.php index 12ab4d0..dde40bc 100644 --- a/Polylang_Command.php +++ b/Polylang_Command.php @@ -1,187 +1,198 @@ * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD * @filesource */ if (!defined('WP_CLI')) { return; } +if(!defined('PLL_ADMIN')) + define('PLL_ADMIN', true); + require_once 'PolylangHelperFunctions.php'; /** * Implements polylang command, to interact with the Polylang plug-in. */ class Polylang_Command extends WP_CLI_Command { /** * Prints the languages currently available * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp polylang languages * * @synopsis * @alias langs + * + * @when after_wp_load */ function languages ($args, $assocArgs) { $languages = pll_get_languages_list(); if (!count($languages)) { WP_CLI::success("Less than two languages are currently configurated."); return; } $default = pll_default_language(); foreach ($languages as $language) { $line = "$language->slug — $language->name"; if ($language->slug == $default) { $line .= ' [DEFAULT]'; } WP_CLI::line($line); } } /** * Gets the site homepage URL in the specified language * * ## OPTIONS * * * : The language to get the home URL to. * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp polylang home * wp polylang home fr * * @synopsis [] + * + * @when after_wp_load */ function home ($args, $assocArgs) { $lang = (count($args) == 1) ? $args[0] : ''; $url = pll_home_url($lang); WP_CLI::line($url); } /** * Gets a post or a term in the specified language * * ## OPTIONS * * * : 'post' or 'term' * * * : the ID of the object to get * * * : the language (if omitted, will be returned in the default language) * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp polylang get post 1 fr * * @synopsis [] + * + * @when after_wp_load */ function get($args, $assocArgs) { $lang = (count($args) == 2) ? '' : $args[2]; switch ($what = $args[0]) { case 'post': case 'term': $method = 'pll_get_' . $what; break; default: WP_CLI::error("Expected: wp polylang get ..., not '$what'"); } $id = $method($args[1], $lang); WP_CLI::line($id); } /** * Adds, gets information about or removes a language * * ## OPTIONS * * * : the language operation (add, info, del) * * * : the language code * * * : for add operation, indicates the order of the language * * ## EXAMPLES * * wp polylang language add fr * wp polylang language add nl 2 * wp polylang language info vec * wp polylang language del vec * * @synopsis [] * @alias lang + * + * @when after_wp_load */ function language ($args, $assocArgs) { $language_code = $args[1]; $language_order = (count($args) == 3) ? $args[2] : 0; $language_info = pll_get_default_language_information($language_code); if ($language_info === null) { WP_CLI::error("$language_code isn't a valid language code."); return; } $language_installed = pll_is_language_installed($language_code); switch ($args[0]) { case 'info': WP_CLI::line('Code: ' . $language_info['code']); WP_CLI::line('Locale ' . $language_info['locale']); WP_CLI::line('Name: ' . $language_info['name']); WP_CLI::line('RTL: ' . ($language_info['rtl'] ? 'yes' : 'no')); WP_CLI::line('Installed: ' . ($language_installed ? 'yes' : 'no')); break; case 'add': if ($language_installed) { WP_CLI::warning("This language is already installed."); return; } if (pll_add_language($language_code, $language_order, $error_code)) { WP_CLI::success("Language added."); return; } WP_CLI::error("Can't add the language."); break; case 'del': if (!$language_installed) { WP_CLI::warning("This language isn't installed."); return; } WP_CLI::error("Not implemented: del language"); break; default: WP_CLI::error("Unknown command: polylang language $args[0]. Expected: add/del/info."); } } } WP_CLI::add_command('polylang', 'Polylang_Command'); WP_CLI::add_command('pll', 'Polylang_Command'); //alias for the users expecting to use the API shortname. diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json index 7eff6d7..0ec5bfc 100644 --- a/composer.json +++ b/composer.json @@ -1,27 +1,33 @@ { "name": "dereckson/wp-cli-polylang", "type": "wp-cli-package", "description": "Add a `wp polylang` command to support the Polylang plug-in", "keywords": [ "wp-cli", "polylang", "i18n" ], "homepage": "https://github.com/dereckson/wp-cli-polylang", "license": "GPLv2", "authors": [{ "name": "Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson", "email": "dereckson@espace-win.org", "homepage": "http://www.dereckson.be", "role": "Developer" + }, + { + "name": "Mati Kärner", + "email": "mati@adaptive.ee", + "homepage": "https://www.adaptive.ee", + "role": "Developer" }], "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0" }, "autoload": { "files": [ "PolylangHelperFunctions.php", "Polylang_Command.php" ] } }