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Connect to Vault. Allow to fetch a credential and login again if the token is expired, as the current duration lease is 4 hours. vendor/vault.tcl is a work-in-progress Vault client implementation in TCL, to be integrated in a future tcllib revision. Once released, that file will be removed from the repository to use directly the tcllib one.
Connect to Vault. Allow to fetch a credential and login again if the token is expired, as the current duration lease is 4 hours. vendor/vault.tcl is a work-in-progress Vault client implementation in TCL, to be integrated in a future tcllib revision. Once released, that file will be removed from the repository to use directly the tcllib one. Allow nickserv, MySQL and RabbitMQ to consume secrets. The first two are handled by configuration, the RabbitMQ by this change. Ref T1733.
Connect to Vault. Allow to fetch a credential and login again if the token is expired, as the current duration lease is 4 hours. vendor/vault.tcl is a work-in-progress Vault client implementation in TCL, to be integrated in a future tcllib revision. Once released, that file will be removed from the repository to use directly the tcllib one.
Allow nickserv, MySQL and RabbitMQ to consume secrets. The first two are handled by configuration, the RabbitMQ by this change. Ref T1733.