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**Pillar** The web_domains contains groups. The dictionary format allows to merge several pillar states in one, per https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/pillar/#pillar-dictionary-merging The web_static_sites contains sites matching all the following conditions: # The site is in a salt://wwwroot/<domain>/<subdomain> # There is nothing to do to build the site (ie Git version = live version) # Files can be owned by <domain user>:<web group> **Static sites** Static sites can be deployed: - through custom Salt states (see 2995a8f6) - just adding them to web_static_sites (see above) Currently, the nginx configuration isn't handled by Salt, only the file provisioning. **User accounts** A web group is created, each domain receives an account, mainly to serve static content. If an application runs, it should be as much as possible isolated, to avoid to propagate security issues from one application to another. **Sites deployed** - www.nasqueron.org - ftp.nasqueron.org - docker.nasqueron.org - trustspace.nasqueron.org
**Pillar** The web_domains contains groups. The dictionary format allows to merge several pillar states in one, per https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/pillar/#pillar-dictionary-merging The web_static_sites contains sites matching all the following conditions: # The site is in a salt://wwwroot/<domain>/<subdomain> # There is nothing to do to build the site (ie Git version = live version) # Files can be owned by <domain user>:<web group> **Static sites** Static sites can be deployed: - through custom Salt states (see 2995a8f6) - just adding them to web_static_sites (see above) Currently, the nginx configuration isn't handled by Salt, only the file provisioning. **User accounts** A web group is created, each domain receives an account, mainly to serve static content. If an application runs, it should be as much as possible isolated, to avoid to propagate security issues from one application to another. **Sites deployed** - www.nasqueron.org - ftp.nasqueron.org - docker.nasqueron.org - trustspace.nasqueron.org