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<?php namespace Nasqueron\Notifications\Listeners; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Actions\NotifyNewCommitsAction; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Events\GitHubPayloadEvent; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Events\ReportEvent; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Phabricator\PhabricatorAPI; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Phabricator\PhabricatorAPIException; use Event; class PhabricatorListener { /// /// GitHub → Phabricator /// /** * Handles payload events * * @param GitHubPayloadEvent $event The GitHub payload event */ public function onGitHubPayload (GitHubPayloadEvent $event) { if ($event->event === 'push') { $this->notifyNewCommits($event); } } /** * @return string the repository call sign "OPS", or "" if not in Phabricator */ private static function getCallSign (PhabricatorAPI $api, $remoteURI) { $reply = $api->call( 'repository.query', [ 'remoteURIs[0]' => $remoteURI ] ); if (!count($reply)) { return ""; } return PhabricatorAPI::getFirstResult($reply)->callsign; } /** * Notifies Phabricator new commit are t$callSignhere */ public function notifyNewCommits (GitHubPayloadEvent $event) { $api = PhabricatorAPI::forProject($event->door); if (!$api) { // We don't have a Phabricator instance for this project. return; } $callSign = static::getCallSign( $api, $event->payload->repository->clone_url ); if ($callSign === "") { return; } $actionToReport = new NotifyNewCommitsAction($callSign); try { $api->call( 'diffusion.looksoon', [ 'callsigns[0]' => $callSign ] ); } catch (PhabricatorAPIException $ex) { $actionToReport->attachException($ex); } Event::fire(new ReportEvent($actionToReport)); } /// /// Events listening /// /** * Register the listeners for the subscriber. * * @param Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher $events */ public function subscribe ($events) { $class = 'Nasqueron\Notifications\Listeners\PhabricatorListener'; $events->listen( 'Nasqueron\Notifications\Events\GitHubPayloadEvent', "$class@onGitHubPayload" ); } }
<?php namespace Nasqueron\Notifications\Listeners; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Actions\NotifyNewCommitsAction; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Events\GitHubPayloadEvent; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Events\ReportEvent; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Phabricator\PhabricatorAPI; use Nasqueron\Notifications\Phabricator\PhabricatorAPIException; use Event; class PhabricatorListener { /// /// GitHub → Phabricator /// /** * Handles payload events * * @param GitHubPayloadEvent $event The GitHub payload event */ public function onGitHubPayload (GitHubPayloadEvent $event) { if ($event->event === 'push') { $this->notifyNewCommits($event); } } /** * @return string the repository call sign "OPS", or "" if not in Phabricator */ private static function getCallSign (PhabricatorAPI $api, $remoteURI) { $reply = $api->call( 'repository.query', [ 'remoteURIs[0]' => $remoteURI ] ); if (!count($reply)) { return ""; } return PhabricatorAPI::getFirstResult($reply)->callsign; } /** * Notifies Phabricator new commit are t$callSignhere */ public function notifyNewCommits (GitHubPayloadEvent $event) { $api = PhabricatorAPI::forProject($event->door); if (!$api) { // We don't have a Phabricator instance for this project. return; } $callSign = static::getCallSign( $api, $event->payload->repository->clone_url ); if ($callSign === "") { return; } $actionToReport = new NotifyNewCommitsAction($callSign); try { $api->call( 'diffusion.looksoon', [ 'callsigns[0]' => $callSign ] ); } catch (PhabricatorAPIException $ex) { $actionToReport->attachException($ex); } Event::fire(new ReportEvent($actionToReport)); } /// /// Events listening /// /** * Register the listeners for the subscriber. * * @param Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher $events */ public function subscribe ($events) { $class = 'Nasqueron\Notifications\Listeners\PhabricatorListener'; $events->listen( 'Nasqueron\Notifications\Events\GitHubPayloadEvent', "$class@onGitHubPayload" ); } }