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P172 contains the list of the files in /usr/local/bin not installed through ports. Each of them should be replaced by a package, submitted to FreeBSD ports tree if interesting for anyone, or to rPORTS if only interesting for us. **How to get this list?** It has been generated with: * `pkg info -a -l | grep /usr/local/bin` for the pkg list * `find /usr/local/bin` for the current list Both were appended by `| sort`. Then a diff applied.
P172 contains the list of the files in /usr/local/bin not installed through ports. Each of them should be replaced by a package, submitted to FreeBSD ports tree if interesting for anyone, or to rPORTS if only interesting for us. **How to get this list?** It has been generated with: * `pkg info -a -l | grep /usr/local/bin` for the pkg list * `find /usr/local/bin` for the current list Both were appended by `| sort`. Then a diff applied. ________ **Now in ports, but out of sync** [x] misc/ansiweather — https://bugs.freebsd.org/207403 **New ports for FreeBSD tree** [x] misc/binclock — https://bugs.freebsd.org/207406 **New ports for Nasqueron tree** [ ] www/autochmod — T758
P172 contains the list of the files in /usr/local/bin not installed through ports. Each of them should be replaced by a package, submitted to FreeBSD ports tree if interesting for anyone, or to rPORTS if only interesting for us. **How to get this list?** It has been generated with: * `pkg info -a -l | grep /usr/local/bin` for the pkg list * `find /usr/local/bin` for the current list Both were appended by `| sort`. Then a diff applied.
________ **Now in ports, but out of sync** [x] misc/ansiweather — https://bugs.freebsd.org/207403 **New ports for FreeBSD tree** [x] misc/binclock — https://bugs.freebsd.org/207406 **New ports for Nasqueron tree** [ ] www/autochmod — T758