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Laravel on notification is very outdated Upgrading to Laravel 8 and PHP 8.1 For the upgrading : - I use Rector for upgrading : - Laravel to 8 - PhpUnit - setting class on the top of the file - adding new code style rules - using `str_*` PHP 8 methods instead of `Illuminate\Support\Str` class' methods - TO DO: - faire les modifs pour chaque version de laravel (passage des changements suivants la docs) - tester si tout marche - refaire les tests si certains ne fonctionnent plus - se débarrasser de laravel en dev le remplaçant - refaire les tests si certains ont lâche (when do will be in English and move up)
Laravel on notification is very outdated Upgrading to Laravel 8 and PHP 8.1 For the upgrading : - I use Rector for upgrading : - Laravel to 8 - PhpUnit - setting class on the top of the file - adding new code style rules - using `str_*` PHP 8 methods instead of `Illuminate\Support\Str` class' methods - making all the tests work
Laravel on notification is very outdated Upgrading to Laravel 8 and PHP 8.1 For the upgrading : - I use Rector for upgrading : - Laravel to 8 - PhpUnit - setting class on the top of the file - adding new code style rules - using `str_*` PHP 8 methods instead of `Illuminate\Support\Str` class' methods
- TO DO: - faire les modifs pour chaque version de laravel (passage des changements suivants la docs) - tester si tout marche - refaire les tests si certains ne fonctionnent plus - se débarrasser de laravel en dev le remplaçant - refaire les tests si certains ont lâche
(when do will be in English and move up)
- making all the tests work