result = chanserv_asprintf(result, "I can be triggered by various forms of speech, all which must be addressed to me, in one of the following formats: %s %s %s or even %s . In my database, you can find a topic by saying my nick, <topic> . eg; \37%s nuke\37 . To do a search on a word, or partial text, just type: search <text> or dsearch <text> , eg; \37search nuke\37.",
result = chanserv_asprintf(result, "I can also be triggered with even more human formats: \37%s who is bill gates?\37 . You can also phrase it as a question: \37%s where is msie?\37 . For a list of commands use \37help commands\37 . For a list of setup parameters use \37help parameters\37 . For more info about me, visit .",
return chanserv_asprintf(NULL, "There %s %d server%s in my server list. I am currently on server #%d.", (snr == 1) ? "is" : "are", snr, (snr == 1) ? "" : "s", spr);
return chanserv_asprintf (NULL, "My %s variables are: ^ nick, %% number of joins, & Channel, $ user@host. Example: !setinfo ^ has joined & %% times (also, if you make the first char of your %s a \"+\", the %s will be shown as an ACTION).", cmd, cmd, cmd);
/* The help system uses the first alias for each command for the list of commands.
* So make the first alias the most meaningful, and keep the list sorted by that first alias.
struct chanserv_command chanserv_commands[] =
{NORMAL_COMMAND, ADD_LEVEL, 1, 0, chanserv_add, {"ADD", "REMEMBER", "SAVE", "STORE", NULL}, "<topic> <text>", "Add a topic and it's text."},
{PASSWORD_COMMAND, 3, 4, 0, chanserv_add_user, {"ADDUSER", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<#channel|#*> <user@host> <level> [password]", "Add a user to the access list."},
{SAFE_COMMAND, 2, 2, 0, chanserv_alarm, {"ALARM", "ALARMCLOCK", NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<time type: d/h/m><time> <text to say>", "Set some text to be said by the bot at a later time."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 1, 0, chanserv_autotopic, {"AUTOTOPIC", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<channel topic>", "Refreshes the channel topic every thirty minutes (set to \"0\" to turn off)."},
//#ifndef WIN32
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 0, 0, chanserv_backup, {"BACKUP", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Create a backup of the database."},
{NORMAL_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_google, {"GOOGLE", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<text>", "Look up the text on google."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 0, chanserv_help, {"HELP", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "[command]", "Show some help text to the user."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_idle, {"IDLE", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<nick>", "Shows how long the user has been idle."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 1, 1, 0, chanserv_ignore, {"IGNORE", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<nick>", "Get bot to ignore a user."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 1, chanserv_info, {"INFO", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows some information about bot and it's activity."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 1, chanserv_info_2, {"INFO2", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows when the bot was compiled, and lines processed since startup."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 2, 0, 0, chanserv_info_size, {"INFOSIZE", "DBSIZE", NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Show size of the database."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_isop, {"ISOP", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<nick>", "Is user a channel op?"},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 2, 1, 0, chanserv_join, {"JOIN", "J", NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<#channel>", "Get bot to join a channel."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 1, chanserv_joins_show, {"JOINS?", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows the number of user joins bot has seen in this channel since startup."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 1, 0, chanserv_kick, {"KICK", "WHACK", "K", "NAIL", NULL}, "[#channel] <nick> [reason]", "Kick a user off the channel."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 0, chanserv_language, {"LANGUAGE", "LANG", NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows the language that bot is currently speaking."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 2, 0, 0, chanserv_leave, {"LEAVE", "PART", "L", "P", NULL}, "[#channel]", "Get bot to leave the channel."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_length, {"LENGTH", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<text>", "Show the length of the text."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 0, chanserv_location_show, {"LOCATION?", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows what servers are available and in use."},
{PASSWORD_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_login, {"LOGIN", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<password>", "Gives you access to high level bot commands if you are on the access list."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 3, 0, 0, chanserv_memory, {"MEM", "RAM", NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows some memory usage and process statistics."},
{NORMAL_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_metar, {"METAR", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<city or code>", "Get raw METAR weather data."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 1, 0, chanserv_nick, {"NICK", "N", NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<newnick>", "Change bot's nickname, but not the default."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 1, 0, chanserv_op, {"OP", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "[#channel] <nicks>", "Add channel operator status to users."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 0, chanserv_os_show, {"OS", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Show the operating system that bot is running on."},
{PASSWORD_COMMAND, 0, 2, 0, chanserv_password, {"PASSWORD", "PASS", "PASSWD", NULL, NULL}, "<old password> <new password>", "Change your bot access list password."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 0, 0, chanserv_performs, {"PERFORMS", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Perform the tasks in the perform.ini startup script."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 1, 0, chanserv_perm_ban, {"PERMBAN", "SHITLIST", NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<user@host> [reason]", "Adds a user to the permanent ban list."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 0, chanserv_perm_bans_list, {"PERMBANS?", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows how many permanent bans there are."},
{NORMAL_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_quote, {"QUOTE", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "[text]", "Shows a random quote."},
{NORMAL_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_random_quote, {"RANDQUOTE", "RANDQ", NULL, NULL, NULL}, "[text]", "Shows a random quote."},
{NORMAL_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_random_quote_2, {"RANDQUOTE2", "RANDQ2", NULL, NULL, NULL}, "[text]", "Shows a random quote."},
{NORMAL_COMMAND, RAND_LEVEL, 1, 0, chanserv_random_stuff, {"RANDOMSTUFF", "RANDSTUFF", "RS", NULL, NULL}, "<text>", "Add random stuff to say."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 0, chanserv_random_stuff_list, {"RANDOMSTUFF?", "RANDSTUFF?", NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows time until next random thing is said."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 1, 0, chanserv_raw, {"RAW", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<raw data>", "Get bot to send raw IRC data."},
//#ifndef WIN32
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 0, chanserv_rdb, {"RDB", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "[topic]", "Display information about the random databases."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 3, 0, chanserv_repeat, {"REPEAT", "TIMER", NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<number> <delay> <raw data>", "Get bot to send raw IRC data a number of times."},
{NORMAL_COMMAND, 1, 1, 0, chanserv_replace, {"REPLACE", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<topic> <text>", "Replace the text of a topic."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_search, {"SEARCH", "LOOK", "FIND", NULL, NULL}, "<text>", "Search in the topics."},
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 1, 0, chanserv_seen, {"SEEN", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<nick>", "Show the last time a user was seen."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 1, 0, chanserv_jump, {"SERVER", "JUMP", NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<server> [port]", "Switch bot to a different server."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 3, 1, 0, chanserv_set, {"SET", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<parameter>[=<new value>]", "Set or show the value of a setup.ini parameter. Usually requires a restart."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 1, 1, 0, chanserv_setinfo, {"SETINFO", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<new user greeting|0>", "Set your greeting from the bot when you join a channel."},
{SAFE_COMMAND, SLEEP_LEVEL, 0, 0, chanserv_sleep, {"SLEEP", "HUSH", NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Deactivate bot for a period."},
{DANGER_COMMAND, 2, 0, 0, chanserv_up, {"UP", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Add channel operator status to yourself."},
//#ifndef WIN32
{INFO_COMMAND, 0, 0, 0, chanserv_uptime, {"UPTIME", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, NULL, "Shows the uptime statistics for the computer the bot is running on."},
{SAFE_COMMAND, 0, 2, 0, chanserv_whisper, {"WHISPER", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<nick> [ABOUT] <topic>", "Get bot to recall a topic to a user privately."},