+ "entry": "Imported configuration from Ysul \/usr\/local\/etc\/murmur.ini"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-17T03:32:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Added performance schema to MySQL"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-17T03:33:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Tweaked performance schema to MySQL (non prod features)"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-17T19:03:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "yum upgrade (P164)"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-18T04:25:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "pkg upgrade"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-19T14:14:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Stormshear",
+ "entry": "Pt\u00eat un reboot \u00e0 pr\u00e9voir un jour \u2026"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-21T00:56:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Disabled login authentication by passwords. Restarted SSHD."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-21T01:01:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Reenabled challenged auth, restarted SSHD (direct password test by OpenSSH without PAM still disabled)"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-21T01:41:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "\/etc\/rabbitmqadmin.conf contains credentials information, sent to the container: docker run -it --rm -v \/etc\/rabbitmqadmin.conf:\/root\/.rabbitmqadmin.conf nasqueron\/rabbitmqadmin $*"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-21T02:12:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Updated \/data\/notifications\/storage\/app\/PhabricatorPayloadAnalyzer\/Nasqueron.json to include Salt"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-21T02:14:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Wearg",
+ "entry": "Killed #nasqueron-ops-log, we'll print here ops stuff"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-21T02:40:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Software with security-related fixes upgrade available: D169"
+ "entry": "Reinstalled portshaker using ports to enable Git and Hg"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-23T19:34:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/Notifications",
+ "entry": "Updated GitHubPayloadAnalyzer\/Nasqueron.json with P174 - created devtools group"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-28T15:28:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/Notifications",
+ "entry": "git pull && composer update"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-02-29T04:46:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "pkg upgrade to fix sofware security issues"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-02T03:54:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/Notifications",
+ "entry": "Upgrade to get T764"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-03T21:00:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Account created for Harmonia. New SSH key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMcNpIvMr68eAhnfNjmFfrpW1Z\/kwYTQJi3Qwdrz1OWJ harmonia@Kanomire"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-03T22:16:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "New server provisionned with Debian Sid on Kaliiiixx Scaleway account. IP:"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-03T22:29:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "IPv4 properly configured at DNS level: <> eglide.nasqueron.org"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-03T22:59:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "apt install netscript"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-03T23:01:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "Manually set the interface through ip linux route 2"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-03T23:03:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "IPv6 configured, but not working. Port 41?"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-04T05:16:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "Updated local IP address for IPv6 tunnel in \/etc\/network\/interface. Recreated tunnel with `ip tunnel add he-ipv6 mode sit remote local ttl 255`."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-04T13:46:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "apt install mtr-tiny"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-05T05:25:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/Notifications",
+ "entry": "Update to last version to get rNOTIF2117ad551bef"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-07T22:20:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Deploying manually rSTG on tools.nasqueron.org"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-12T03:00:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Recycling white-rabbit container"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-12T03:14:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "new white-rabbit container launched"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-12T03:50:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "DevCentral redeployed. Deployment done at Sat Mar 12 04:49:40 CET 2016."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-13T01:44:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/DevCentral",
+ "entry": "Update Phabricator, so we can have consistent UI for Tasks and Differential (new layout for Diff just reached the repo)"
+ "entry": "`letsencrypt renew`: only phabricator-files-for-devcentral-nasqueron.spacetechnology.net renewed, the others are too young"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-16T02:47:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/DevCentral",
+ "entry": "Updated Phabricator with `git checkout master && git pull && git checkout production && git rebase master && bin\/celerity map`"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-03-18T03:13:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "pkg upgrade node to fix CVE-2016-0797, CVE-2016-0705 and CVE-2016-0702, per https:\/\/vuxml.FreeBSD.org\/freebsd\/6d33b3e5-ea03-11e5-85be-14dae9d210b8.html"
+ "entry": "Edited \/usr\/local\/etc\/nginx\/includes\/espace-win.conf to use \/\\.(?!well-known) instead of \/\\. to deny dot files, so we can use Let's encrypt (T813)."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-04-20T22:36:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "letsencrypt renew"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-04-26T18:08:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/Discourse",
+ "entry": "Can't update. pngcrush missing. Known issue, installing it manually."
+ "entry": "Updated libphutil, Phabricator. We've a lot of Migrated URI \"ssh:\/\/callsign\" for repository \"rDRABBITMQADMIN\", Migrated URI \"ssh:\/\/shortname\" for repository \"rDRABBITMQADMIN\", Migrated URI \"ssh:\/\/id\" for repository \"rDRABBITMQADMIN\", etc. Merge conflict in storage\/PhabricatorRepository.php (keep both)."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-05-17T15:54:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Installed reptyr-0.6.3a_2 (T827)"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-05-20T15:41:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Restarted aphlict container, with server side JSON config, per https:\/\/secure.phabricator.com\/T10794"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-05-20T15:52:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Upgraded Phabricator"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-05-21T14:26:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Some letsencrypt renew to test mail.bioty.co error has gone, rewrite \/etc\/nginx.conf to split mail.* into indivual vhosts, restart nginx"
+ "entry": "Updated to origin\/master, backported D25. Doesn't work, debugging."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-01T22:01:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/Login",
+ "entry": "Restarted nginx, `php artisan optimize`, restarted php-fpm. We now correctly have https:\/\/login.nasqueron.org\/auth\/login."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-01T22:06:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Added `-e TRUST_ALL_PROXIES=1` to \/usr\/local\/bin\/run-login, see D25"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-01T22:06:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Added `-e TRUST_ALL_PROXIES=1` to \/usr\/local\/bin\/run-login, see D25"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-02T05:10:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Recycled login Docker container to deploy code at 0f370cd"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-02T05:10:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "run-login update: bind port only to"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-02T05:18:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "nginx config update to force https:\/\/ for login.nasqueron.org: http:\/\/devcentral.nasqueron.org\/transactions\/detail\/PHID-XACT-PSTE-y4esxedio73nhu3\/"
+ "entry": "Deployed Let's encrypt certificate for arsmagica.espace-win.org (certificates issue limit was previously reached)"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-03T15:43:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Deployed Let's encrypt certificate for hotglue.nasqueron.org and notes.nasqueron.org (supersedes StartSSL)"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-03T16:20:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "yum upgrade nginx"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-03T16:32:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Switched SSL cypher suites to Mozilla recommendation for legacy clients ; old configuration file is \/etc\/nginx\/ssl_params.old"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-03T17:04:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Reinstalled Apache with correct SuEXEC docroot, adding `SUEXEC_DOCROOT=\/var\/wwwroot` to \/etc\/make.conf"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-04T00:06:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Sandlayth",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-04T00:34:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "killall -u paladox: ghost tmux session with a PHP interpreter open"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-04T13:22:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Removed bioty.co.conf and otrs.wolfplex.be.conf from \/usr\/local\/etc\/letsencrypt\/renewal, first has expired per T831 and T833, second is for Dwellers."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-04T13:25:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Murmur configuration now points to a Let's encrypt certificate."
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-05T21:43:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "touch \/var\/letsencrypt-auto\/.well-known\/acme-challenge\/qa ; group wheel \/ chmod 664"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-05T22:24:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "nginx: moved `include letsencrypt;` to HTTPS vhost for login.nasqueron.org (T654)"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-05T23:18:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Eglide",
+ "entry": "Salt: `master: ysul.nasqueron.org` in \/etc\/salt\/minion"
+ "entry": "chmod 770 \/opt\/nasqueron-operations: could be 775, as it only contains public information, but if someone use the folder to fire one shot sls with credentials, that's not a bad idea to protect it"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-06-05T23:49:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "`git config core.fileMode false` in \/opt\/nasqueron-operations rOPS"
+ "entry": "Upgrade and configure MediaWiki to get Pygments and bash session\/console language"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-07-25T15:32:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers\/Notifications",
+ "entry": "Updated container live code to rNOTIFcea98ec53a9e"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-07-25T16:37:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Dwellers",
+ "entry": "Added Eglide to \/data\/notifications\/storage\/app\/credentials.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-07-25T17:12:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Restarting php-fpm to switch to 5.6.23"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-07-25T17:17:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Updated `notifications` CLI client (tested, works fine)"
+ },
+ {
+ "date": "2016-07-25T17:35:00Z",
+ "emitter": "Dereckson",
+ "source": "#nasqueron-ops",
+ "component": "Ysul",
+ "entry": "Updated agora configuration to use wfLoadExtension for syntax highlighting extension, updated this extension so we can use <syntaxhighlight lang=\"console\">"