+We maintain a Docker image for **Phabricator**, with MySQL and Aphlict separation. We rely on nginx / php-fpm.
+##What we offer
+This container provides:
+* a nginx / php-fpm installation
+* Phabricator daemons
+* a non-privileged account 'app' to run daemons and PHP application code
+* starting configuration, so you can easily throw and recreate a new container
+This container doesn't provide but rely on:
+* a MySQL container linked as 'mysql' (`--link <your MySQL container>:mysql`), which could be the official MySQL image or our [nasqueron/mysql](https://hub.docker.com/r/nasqueron/mysql/) image, optimized for Phabricator.
+* an Aphlict container if you wish to provide notifications (you don't need to link it), you can use our [nasqueron/aphlict](https://hub.docker.com/r/nasqueron/aphlict/) Node Docker Image.
+## Launch a Phabricator container
+Step 1. Run a MySQL container:
+docker pull nasqueron/mysql
+docker run -dt --name phabricator-mysql nasqueron/mysql
+Step 2. Create a directory (or a Docker volume) to host repositories and config:
+mkdir /data/phabricator
+If you omit this step, the container will automatically use volumes.
+Lines containing ``-e`` option are not absolutely necessary, they are environment phabricator variables. If they are not set, default values are set instead.
+If you don't want to separate static files and main app domains, you can omit PHABRICATOR_ALT_FILE_DOMAIN.
+Step 4. If you wish an Aphlict notification server:
+docker pull nasqueron/aphlict
+docker run -dt --name aphlict nasqueron/aphlict
+It will listen to default ports 2280-22281.
+**Note:** you only need one Aphlict container for several Phabricator instances.
+## Advanced usage
+If you need avanced features, we also provide tweaks to:
+* add a service to run PhabricatorBot, the shipped IRC bot
+* deploy your own Phabricator code
+### Deploy your own Phabricator code
+So we currently have a container with the upstream code in master branch. To deploy your own code, we need to pull from your private repository a specific branch.
+We suggest you create a script with the following code to first log in to the server and so accept the server host SSH key, then clone the repository.
+Put your keys in the conf volume. If you followed the default instructions, put them on the host in `/data/phabricator/conf/deploy-keys` folder.