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namespace Keruald\OmniTools\Collections;
use Keruald\OmniTools\Reflection\CallableElement;
use Keruald\OmniTools\Strings\Multibyte\OmniString;
use ArrayAccess;
use ArrayIterator;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use IteratorAggregate;
use Traversable;
class Vector extends BaseCollection implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate {
/// Properties
private array $items;
/// Constructors
public function __construct (iterable $items = []) {
if (is_array($items)) {
$this->items = $items;
foreach ($items as $item) {
$this->items[] = $item;
public static function from (iterable $items) : static {
return new self($items);
/// Specialized constructors
* Constructs a new instance of a vector by exploding a string
* according a specified delimiter.
* @param string $delimiter The substring to find for explosion
* @param string $string The string to explode
* @param int $limit If specified, the maximum count of vector elements
* @return static
public static function explode (string $delimiter, string $string,
int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX) : self {
// There is some discussion to know if this method belongs
// to Vector or OmniString.
// The advantage to keep it here is we can have constructs like:
// Vector::explode(",", "1,1,2,3,5,8,13")
// ->toIntegers()
// >map(function($n) { return $n * $n; })
// ->toArray();
// In this chaining, it is clear we manipulate Vector methods.
return (new OmniString($string))
->explode($delimiter, $limit);
/// Interact with collection content at key level
public function get (int $key) : mixed {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->items)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Key not found.");
return $this->items[$key];
public function getOr (int $key, mixed $defaultValue) : mixed {
return $this->items[$key] ?? $defaultValue;
public function set (int $key, mixed $value) : static {
$this->items[$key] = $value;
return $this;
public function unset (int $key) : static {
return $this;
public function contains (mixed $value) : bool {
return in_array($value, $this->items);
/// Interact with collection content at collection level
public function count () : int {
return count($this->items);
public function isEmpty () : bool {
return $this->count() === 0;
public function clear () : self {
$this->items = [];
return $this;
public function push (mixed $item) : self {
$this->items[] = $item;
return $this;
* Append all elements of the specified iterable
* to the current vector.
* If a value already exists, the value is still added
* as a duplicate.
* @see update() when you need to only add unique values.
public function append (iterable $iterable) : self {
foreach ($iterable as $value) {
$this->items[] = $value;
return $this;
* Append all elements of the specified iterable
* to the current vector.
* If a value already exists, it is skipped.
* @see append() when you need to always add everything.
public function update (iterable $iterable) : self {
foreach ($iterable as $value) {
if (!$this->contains($value)) {
$this->items[] = $value;
return $this;
* Gets a copy of the internal vector.
* Scalar values (int, strings) are cloned.
* Objects are references to a specific objet, not a clone.
* @return array
public function toArray () : array {
return $this->items;
/// HOF :: generic
public function map (callable $callable) : self {
return new self(array_map($callable, $this->items));
public function filter (callable $callable) : self {
$argc = (new CallableElement($callable))->countArguments();
if ($argc === 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"Callback should have at least one argument"
$mode = (int)($argc > 1);
return new self(array_filter($this->items, $callable, $mode));
public function mapKeys (callable $callable) : self {
$mappedVector = [];
foreach ($this->items as $key => $value) {
$mappedVector[$callable($key)] = $value;
return new self($mappedVector);
public function filterKeys (callable $callable) : self {
return new self(
array_filter($this->items, $callable, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY)
/// HOF :: specialized
public function toIntegers () : self {
array_walk($this->items, ArrayUtilities::toIntegerCallback());
return $this;
public function implode(string $delimiter) : OmniString {
return new OmniString(implode($delimiter, $this->items));
/// ArrayAccess
/// Interface to provide accessing objects as arrays.
private static function ensureOffsetIsInteger (mixed $offset) {
if (is_int($offset)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"Offset of a vector must be an integer."
public function offsetExists (mixed $offset) : bool {
return array_key_exists($offset, $this->items);
public function offsetGet (mixed $offset) : mixed {
return $this->get($offset);
public function offsetSet (mixed $offset, mixed $value) : void {
if ($offset === null) {
$this->set($offset, $value);
public function offsetUnset (mixed $offset) : void {
/// IteratorAggregate
public function getIterator () : Traversable {
return new ArrayIterator($this->items);

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Thu, Dec 26, 16:28 (8 h, 19 m)
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Vector.php (6 KB)

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