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diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Sphinx
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
+# You can set these variables from the command line.
+SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
+BUILDDIR = _build
+# Internal variables.
+PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
+PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
+# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
+.PHONY: help
+ @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
+ @echo " html to make standalone HTML files"
+ @echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
+ @echo " singlehtml to make a single large HTML file"
+ @echo " pickle to make pickle files"
+ @echo " json to make JSON files"
+ @echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
+ @echo " qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project"
+ @echo " applehelp to make an Apple Help Book"
+ @echo " devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project"
+ @echo " epub to make an epub"
+ @echo " epub3 to make an epub3"
+ @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
+ @echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
+ @echo " latexpdfja to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx"
+ @echo " text to make text files"
+ @echo " man to make manual pages"
+ @echo " texinfo to make Texinfo files"
+ @echo " info to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo"
+ @echo " gettext to make PO message catalogs"
+ @echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
+ @echo " xml to make Docutils-native XML files"
+ @echo " pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes"
+ @echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
+ @echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
+ @echo " coverage to run coverage check of the documentation (if enabled)"
+ @echo " dummy to check syntax errors of document sources"
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
+.PHONY: html
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
+.PHONY: dirhtml
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml."
+.PHONY: singlehtml
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b singlehtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml."
+.PHONY: pickle
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."
+.PHONY: json
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
+.PHONY: htmlhelp
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
+ ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp."
+.PHONY: qthelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
+ ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
+ @echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/salt-wrapper.qhcp"
+ @echo "To view the help file:"
+ @echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/salt-wrapper.qhc"
+.PHONY: applehelp
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b applehelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/applehelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The help book is in $(BUILDDIR)/applehelp."
+ @echo "N.B. You won't be able to view it unless you put it in" \
+ "~/Library/Documentation/Help or install it in your application" \
+ "bundle."
+.PHONY: devhelp
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished."
+ @echo "To view the help file:"
+ @echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/salt-wrapper"
+ @echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/salt-wrapper"
+ @echo "# devhelp"
+.PHONY: epub
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub."
+.PHONY: epub3
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The epub3 file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub3."
+.PHONY: latex
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
+ @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \
+ "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)."
+.PHONY: latexpdf
+ @echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
+ $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
+ @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
+.PHONY: latexpdfja
+ @echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..."
+ $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja
+ @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
+.PHONY: text
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text."
+.PHONY: man
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man."
+.PHONY: texinfo
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
+ @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \
+ "(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)."
+.PHONY: info
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
+ @echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..."
+ make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info
+ @echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
+.PHONY: gettext
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale."
+.PHONY: changes
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes
+ @echo
+ @echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
+.PHONY: linkcheck
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
+ @echo
+ @echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
+ "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
+.PHONY: doctest
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest
+ @echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
+ "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
+.PHONY: coverage
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b coverage $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/coverage
+ @echo "Testing of coverage in the sources finished, look at the " \
+ "results in $(BUILDDIR)/coverage/python.txt."
+.PHONY: xml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/xml."
+.PHONY: pseudoxml
+ $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml."
+.PHONY: dummy
+ @echo
+ @echo "Build finished. Dummy builder generates no files."
diff --git a/docs/admin.rst b/docs/admin.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/admin.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+salt-wrapper administrator manual
+Problems solved
+Run multiple Salt masters on one server
+You want to maintain several Salt masters from an unique server,
+for example to target different projects.
+This can be useful to kickstart the Salt configuration for a new project,
+before you dedicate a standalone instance for this project master.
+This configuration, if not well documented on Salt, is possible:
+you can have several etc salt configuration directories, and pass
+the right one to your salt commands using ``--config-dir`` argument.
+We offer a ``salt-get-config-dir`` command to map working directories
+(generally a clone of a repository containing your Salt states)
+and a Salt configuration directory to pass to the ``--config-dir`` argument.
+The map between working directories and configuration directories is stored
+as a JSON document in ``/usr/local/etc/salt-wrapper.conf``.
+Wrapper to invoke salt commands
+The ``salt-wrapper`` command allows to call a Salt command as the right user,
+with the right configuration directory parameter.
+Use sudo capabilities
+If you've an operations or deployment group, it's convenient to allow through
+sudo capability the group users to run salt commands as ``salt`` user.
+There is one exception: if you need to run ``salt-call --local`` to provision
+your salt master, this should be run as root.
+Instead to need to write or alias something like ``sudo -u salt salt ...``,
+the wrapper takes care to prepend the salt command with the right sudo.
+Allow to avoid configuration parameters
+The wrapper takes cake to call ``salt-get-config-dir`` and to pass the
+result to the ``--config-dir`` argument.
+UNIX-like OS
+Currently, the wrapper targets POSIX operating systems.
+This software has been tested on FreeBSD 11.
+Not intended for Windows
+The ``salt-get-config-dir`` command will work on Windows
+inside a Cygwin environment, but a dedicated wrapper using
+``runas`` should be written.
+Manual installation
+salt-wrapper requires the following software:
+ - Python 3
+ - sudo
+#. Clone the repository or unpack a release archive
+#. Run ``make install``
+#. Unpack a new release archive or use ``git pull`` to update the repository
+#. Run ``make deinstall install``
+#. Go to the source code folder
+#. Run ``make deinstall``
+Configuration file
+The salt-wrapper configuration is written in JSON in the
+``/usr/local/etc/salt-wrapper.conf`` file.
+If you wish to store the configuration file elsewhere,
+define the ``SALT_WRAPPER_CONF`` environment variable
+to the path to the configuration file.
+Here a sample:
+.. code-block:: json
+ :caption: /usr/local/etc/salt-wrapper.conf
+ :name: salt-wrapper-conf
+ {
+ "roots": [
+ {
+ "config": "/usr/local/etc/salt-woodscloud",
+ "states": "/opt/woodscloud-operations"
+ },
+ {
+ "config": "/usr/local/etc/salt",
+ "states": "/opt/nasqueron-operations"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+The ``roots`` array is a map of config and states directories:
+ - the ``config`` directory is the Salt one, containing your ``master`` file.
+ - the ``states`` directory is the one where your top.sls file exists.
+.. _shell-aliases:
+Shell aliases
+You add to your ``.cshrc`` file the following aliases:
+.. code-block:: tcsh
+ alias salt 'salt-wrapper salt'
+ alias salt-call 'salt-wrapper salt-call'
+ alias salt-cloud 'salt-wrapper salt-cloud'
+ alias salt-key 'salt-wrapper salt-key'
+ alias salt-run 'salt-wrapper salt-run'
+ alias salt-ssh 'salt-wrapper salt-ssh'
+You can add to your ``.profile`` or ``.bashrc`` file the following aliases:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ alias salt='salt-wrapper salt'
+ alias salt-call='salt-wrapper salt-call'
+ alias salt-cloud='salt-wrapper salt-cloud'
+ alias salt-key='salt-wrapper salt-key'
+ alias salt-run='salt-wrapper salt-run'
+ alias salt-ssh='salt-wrapper salt-ssh'
+.. _sudo:
+Sudo configuration
+In your /etc/sudoers.d directory (or directly in your /etc/sudoers,
+you can provide rules to allow a dedicated operations or deployment
+group to run salt as the salt user.
+Here a sample for FreeBSD:
+.. code-block:: none
+ :caption: /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/salt
+ :name: sudo-for-salt
+ Cmnd_Alias SALT = /usr/local/bin/salt, /usr/local/bin/salt-api, /usr/local/bin/salt-call, /usr/local/bin/salt-cloud, /usr/local/bin/salt-cp, /usr/local/bin/salt-key, /usr/local/bin/salt-master, /usr/local/bin/salt-minion, /usr/local/bin/salt-proxy, /usr/local/bin/salt-run, /usr/local/bin/salt-ssh, /usr/local/bin/salt-syndic, /usr/local/etc/rc.d/salt_master
+ %salt ALL=(salt) NOPASSWD: SALT
+ %salt ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/salt-call
+Here a sample for Linux:
+.. code-block:: none
+ :caption: /etc/sudoers.d/salt
+ :name: sudo-for-salt-linux
+ Cmnd_Alias SALT = /usr/bin/salt, /usr/bin/salt-api, /usr/bin/salt-call, /usr/bin/salt-cloud, /usr/bin/salt-cp, /usr/bin/salt-key, /usr/bin/salt-master, /usr/bin/salt-minion, /usr/bin/salt-proxy, /usr/bin/salt-run, /usr/bin/salt-ssh, /usr/bin/salt-syndic, /usr/local/etc/rc.d/salt_master
+ %salt ALL=(salt) NOPASSWD: SALT
+ %salt ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/salt-call
+The last line allows to run ``salt-call`` as root, to be able to run
+``salt-call --local`` to provision the master. That implies you give
+root access to group, as they can run through Salt anything they want
+as root.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Sphinx configuration for salt-wrapper
+# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+# Project: salt-wrapper
+# License: Trivial work, not eligible to copyright
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# Table of contents
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# :: General onfiguration
+# :: HTML output
+# :: LaTeX output
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# General configuration
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+extensions = []
+templates_path = ['_templates']
+source_suffix = '.rst'
+master_doc = 'index'
+project = u'salt-wrapper'
+copyright = u'2017, Nasqueron'
+author = u'Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson'
+version = u'0.1'
+release = u'0.1'
+language = None
+exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
+pygments_style = 'sphinx'
+todo_include_todos = False
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# HTML output
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+html_theme = 'alabaster'
+html_static_path = ['_static']
+htmlhelp_basename = 'salt-wrapperdoc'
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+# LaTeX output
+# -------------------------------------------------------------
+latex_elements = {
+ 'papersize': 'a4paper'
+latex_documents = [
+ (master_doc, 'salt-wrapper.tex', u'salt-wrapper Documentation',
+ u'Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson', 'manual'),
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+.. salt-wrapper documentation master file, created by
+ sphinx-quickstart on Tue Oct 3 10:57:36 2017.
+Welcome to the salt-wrapper documentation
+The documentation is divided in two parts,
+by target users.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 3
+ admin
+ user
+* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/docs/make.bat b/docs/make.bat
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/make.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
+if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
+ set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
+set BUILDDIR=_build
+if NOT "%PAPER%" == "" (
+ set I18NSPHINXOPTS=-D latex_paper_size=%PAPER% %I18NSPHINXOPTS%
+if "%1" == "" goto help
+if "%1" == "help" (
+ :help
+ echo.Please use `make ^<target^>` where ^<target^> is one of
+ echo. html to make standalone HTML files
+ echo. dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories
+ echo. singlehtml to make a single large HTML file
+ echo. pickle to make pickle files
+ echo. json to make JSON files
+ echo. htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project
+ echo. qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project
+ echo. devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project
+ echo. epub to make an epub
+ echo. epub3 to make an epub3
+ echo. latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter
+ echo. text to make text files
+ echo. man to make manual pages
+ echo. texinfo to make Texinfo files
+ echo. gettext to make PO message catalogs
+ echo. changes to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items
+ echo. xml to make Docutils-native XML files
+ echo. pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes
+ echo. linkcheck to check all external links for integrity
+ echo. doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation if enabled
+ echo. coverage to run coverage check of the documentation if enabled
+ echo. dummy to check syntax errors of document sources
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "clean" (
+ for /d %%i in (%BUILDDIR%\*) do rmdir /q /s %%i
+ del /q /s %BUILDDIR%\*
+ goto end
+REM Check if sphinx-build is available and fallback to Python version if any
+if errorlevel 9009 goto sphinx_python
+goto sphinx_ok
+set SPHINXBUILD=python -m sphinx.__init__
+if errorlevel 9009 (
+ echo.
+ echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
+ echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point
+ the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
+ echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
+ echo.
+ echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
+ echo.
+ exit /b 1
+if "%1" == "html" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/html.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "dirhtml" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/dirhtml.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "singlehtml" (
+ %SPHINXBUILD% -b singlehtml %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The HTML pages are in %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "pickle" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; now you can process the pickle files.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "json" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; now you can process the JSON files.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "htmlhelp" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the ^
+.hhp project file in %BUILDDIR%/htmlhelp.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "qthelp" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the ^
+.qhcp project file in %BUILDDIR%/qthelp, like this:
+ echo.^> qcollectiongenerator %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\salt-wrapper.qhcp
+ echo.To view the help file:
+ echo.^> assistant -collectionFile %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\salt-wrapper.ghc
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "devhelp" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "epub" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The epub file is in %BUILDDIR%/epub.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "epub3" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The epub3 file is in %BUILDDIR%/epub3.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "latex" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; the LaTeX files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "latexpdf" (
+ cd %BUILDDIR%/latex
+ make all-pdf
+ cd %~dp0
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; the PDF files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "latexpdfja" (
+ cd %BUILDDIR%/latex
+ make all-pdf-ja
+ cd %~dp0
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished; the PDF files are in %BUILDDIR%/latex.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "text" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The text files are in %BUILDDIR%/text.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "man" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The manual pages are in %BUILDDIR%/man.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "texinfo" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The Texinfo files are in %BUILDDIR%/texinfo.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "gettext" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The message catalogs are in %BUILDDIR%/locale.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "changes" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.The overview file is in %BUILDDIR%/changes.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "linkcheck" (
+ %SPHINXBUILD% -b linkcheck %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output ^
+or in %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck/output.txt.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "doctest" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the ^
+results in %BUILDDIR%/doctest/output.txt.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "coverage" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Testing of coverage in the sources finished, look at the ^
+results in %BUILDDIR%/coverage/python.txt.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "xml" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The XML files are in %BUILDDIR%/xml.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "pseudoxml" (
+ %SPHINXBUILD% -b pseudoxml %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/pseudoxml
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in %BUILDDIR%/pseudoxml.
+ goto end
+if "%1" == "dummy" (
+ if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
+ echo.
+ echo.Build finished. Dummy builder generates no files.
+ goto end
diff --git a/docs/user.rst b/docs/user.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/user.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+salt-wrapper user manual
+**salt-wrapper** allows you to run Salt command to target the correct
+Salt configuration folder (for example if you've several Salt
+masters on one server) and to prepend your command by sudo.
+Configure shell aliases
+See :ref:`shell-aliases` in the admin manual.
+Run a salt command
+1. Go to the right folder containing your Salt states
+2. Run from there (or any subdirectory) your Salt commands
+The aliases configured in the previous section will take care
+to run salt-wrapper <your command> instead.
+If you don't want such alias, you can manually prepend your Salt
+command by ``salt-wrapper``, it will works too.
+Nothing happens
+If you run a ``salt-wrapper`` command and nothing happens, check you aren't
+outside a directory declared in ``/usr/local/etc/salt-wrapper.conf``
+configuration file.
+You can also check that through the exit code of the wrapper script:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ cd /tmp
+ $ salt-wrapper salt-call
+ $ echo $?
+ 1
+I got a sudo prompt
+To use comfortably with seamless integration the wrapper,
+you need to configure sudo to allow an ops group to run
+commands as salt.
+See :ref:`sudo` in the admin manual.
+I need to disable something
+The ``salt-wrapper`` development follows the YAGNI principle: to reduce
+the cost of maintenance, we only implement features deemed necessary.
+As such, in the initial release, there is no flag to enable of disable
+features. If you've a root problem requiring such flag to disable a feature,
+we'll be happy to add an option in ``salt-wrapper.conf`` or offer a workaround.
+Just report an issue on our tracker.
+Report issues
+Issues can be reported at

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Jan 24, 00:50 (9 h, 24 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text (26 KB)

Event Timeline