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Update login.conf for FreeBSD server
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When testing roles/core on router-001, I've noticed FreeBSD defines now C.UTF-8 as default locale, and UTF-8 as default charset for all accounts, including service accounts.

That should be updated, so we can avoid any charset issue for system accounts (user accounts are UTF-8 from a decade).

      ID: /etc/login.conf
Function: file.managed
  Result: None
 Comment: The file /etc/login.conf is set to be changed
          Note: No changes made, actual changes may
          be different due to other states.
 Started: 18:55:53.756628
Duration: 17.988 ms
              @@ -23,9 +23,8 @@
              -     :welcome=/var/run/motd:\
              -     :setenv=BLOCKSIZE=K:\
              -     :mail=/var/mail/$:\
              +     :welcome=/etc/motd:\
              +     :setenv=MAIL=/var/mail/$,BLOCKSIZE=K:\
                    :path=/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin ~/bin:\
              @@ -45,9 +44,7 @@
              -     :umask=022:\
              -     :charset=UTF-8:\
              -     :lang=C.UTF-8:
              +     :umask=022:

               #   -------------------------------------------------------------
               #   Common class names to forward to 'default'
              @@ -59,14 +56,7 @@
              -# This PATH may be clobbered by individual applications.  Notably, by default,
              -# rc(8), service(8), and cron(8) will all override it with a default PATH that
              -# may not include /usr/local/sbin and /usr/local/bin when starting services or
              -# jobs.
              -     :path=/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/local/bin:\
              -     :mail@:\

Event Timeline

dereckson triaged this task as High priority.Apr 12 2023, 19:00
dereckson created this task.
dereckson claimed this task.

Deployed everywhere, excepted on Ysul, still on FreeBSD 12.