At Nasqueron, I maintain this Phabricator instance, and overview the operations infrastructure.
Individual board: User-Dereckson
At Nasqueron, I maintain this Phabricator instance, and overview the operations infrastructure.
Individual board: User-Dereckson
WindRiver looks stable enough, green light for other servers (still router-001 excepted)
New config
In T2103#32089, @dereckson wrote:False alert, server correctly booted but doesn't answer ICMP packets, see T2104.
Problem from the guest network firewall, not about WindRiver.
False alert, server correctly booted but doesn't answer ICMP packets, see T2104.
On WindRiver. 14.2 has been upgraded, not alive after reboot, KVM access pending.
The configuration option "_comment" is not recognized. It may be misspelled, or it might have existed in an older version of the software. It has no effect, and should be corrected or deleted.
Should use port 587 for submission. Port 25 (smptd) should be server-to-server only.
I like it, that's a good step to improve automation for DevCentral container.
Incident fixed, Grafana is running.
Path to where Grafana stores the sqlite3 database (if used), file-based sessions (if used), and other data. This path is usually specified via command line in the init.d script or the systemd service file.
Accepted, but identify video-vcodec-webp.mp4 can create a ffmpeg process going on and on and on, perhaps an infinite loop code path.
I don't know why a lot of files was mine.
Tested on WindRiver with a 220M archive, works fine.
roles/webserver-core/nginx/files/includes/proxy_upload_params is a copy of roles/webserver-core/nginx/files/includes/proxy_params without the file upload block.
Adapt tests to adhere more to the payload content and our fixes to the Events classes (peer programming session).
Rebased. Improved classes with feedback from tests.
Next step: nginx configuration inside the container
DNS change
It's been moved to '@babel/polyfill'.
As npm is installed, any React component can be installed.
Released on PyPI as version 0.2.0 per setup.cfg version bump
Add semver requirements, generate requirements.txt too