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Fix Docker library on docker-002
Closed, ResolvedPublic


$ deploy-container penpot_exporter
[ERROR   ] State 'docker_container.running' was not found in SLS 'roles/paas-docker/containers/penpot_exporter'
Reason: 'docker_container' __virtual__ returned False: 'docker.version' is not available.

          ID: penpot_exporter
    Function: docker_container.running
      Result: False
     Comment: State 'docker_container.running' was not found in SLS 'roles/paas-docker/containers/penpot_exporter'
              Reason: 'docker_container' __virtual__ returned False: 'docker.version' is not available.

Summary for local
Succeeded: 0
Failed:    1
Total states run:     1
Total run time:   0.000 ms

Event Timeline

dereckson triaged this task as High priority.EditedJan 17 2024, 23:39
dereckson created this task.

Probably worthwhile a fix in hotfixes/ because Salt still miss support for recent library.

Or here:

$ salt-call --versions | grep docker
docker-py: Not Installed

Ah, yes, as stated on 12b77d6da046, the current solution to still provide old version works only for Python, not for the Salt one installation.

Fix is salt-call pip.install docker==5.0.3 to force the installation of the package to be at onedir level.