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ZFS collector doesn't work everywhere
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It works well on WindRiver (FreeBSD 14.1) and router-001 (FreeBSD 13.2), but it fails on all FreeBSD 14.0 servers:

Jul 23 20:52:40 complector node_exporter[65986]: ts=2024-07-23T20:52:40.262Z caller=collector.go:169 level=error msg="collector failed" name=zfs duration_seconds=0.000281033 err="couldn't get sysctl: no such file or directory"
Jul 23 20:50:58 hervil node_exporter[99709]: ts=2024-07-23T20:50:58.421Z caller=collector.go:169 level=error msg="collector failed" name=zfs duration_seconds=0.000154978 err="couldn't get sysctl: no such file or directory"

Plan is to disable ZFS collector pending FreeBSD 14.1 upgrade.

Event Timeline

dereckson created this task.
dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Prometheus on the Monitoring and reporting board.
dereckson claimed this task.

I suspect the version 1.6.1 (currently in packages) is compatible with FreeBSD 13 while the version 1.8.2 is compatible with FreeBSD 14.

Issue solve by deploying 1.8.2 built on WindRiver everywhere, and keeping old package for router-001.

Version change:
