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Upgrade acquisitariat to MySQL 9
Open, NormalPublic


Currently, our main docker-002 database server acquisitariat currently runs with MySQL 8.0.28.

There is no plan to migrate from MySQL to MariaDB as Docker container.
If an application would like to use MariaDB, migration is still possible to the db-B cluster.

This container uses the nasqueron/mysql image, so that's probably one of the first thing to update.

Blockers and questions:

  • Our plan copes with the 55G size of data? Phabricator file storage and diff take most of them.
  • mysql_native_password is removed, can all application connect without it?


Event Timeline

dereckson triaged this task as Normal priority.Aug 4 2024, 17:22
dereckson created this task.
dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Need Dockerfile or config on the Docker images board.
dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Config on the DevCentral board.