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Welcoming mail
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In the french version of the welcoming mail, some english paragraphs in English are displayed, particularly in " Qui me parle ? " and " Quand est-ce qu'une conversation est nouvelle ? " sections. Remove them.

Event Timeline

Sandlayth assigned this task to dereckson.
Sandlayth raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Sandlayth updated the task description. (Show Details)
Sandlayth added a project: Forum.
Sandlayth added a subscriber: Sandlayth.
dereckson added a project: upstream.

Would interest upstream probably.

They use to perform the English to French translation.

But when I see the poor quality of the translation based on the headings you give ("Qui me parle ?" and "Quand est-ce que", seriously?), I wonder if locally, we shouldn't write our own welcome text instead.

(This task will need another volunteer than me. I'm not interested to fix French translation tasks ah this moment.)

dereckson triaged this task as High priority.Apr 5 2015, 14:57