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Add AMR, x265, opus and speex support to ffmpeg on Ysul
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We need to convert an .amr file to an .ogg file.

Currently, ffmpeg is compiled without AMR support.

We should also add in the mix x265 and the voice codecs (Opus, Speex).

Event Timeline

dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)

Dependencies installed

  • opencore-amr-0.1.3_1
  • opus-1.1_1
  • speex-1.2.r2,1
  • speexdsp-1.2.r3_1
  • x265-1.6

Pending operation

Ffmpeg is recompiling against these new libraries.

dereckson renamed this task from Support AMR files on Ysul to Add AMR, x265, opus and speex support to ffmpeg on Ysul.Jun 13 2015, 11:47
dereckson triaged this task as Wishlist priority.
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Working on on the Servers board.

libaacplus issue

Compilation configure step raises an issue, libaacplus not found.

Reinstalling libaacplus port.

Jun 13 11:43:17 ysul pkg-static: libaacplus-2.0.2_4 deinstalled
Jun 13 11:44:58 ysul pkg-static: libaacplus-2.0.2_7 installed


Jun 13 12:10:29 ysul pkg-static: ffmpeg-2.3.6_2,1 deinstalled
Jun 13 12:10:38 ysul pkg-static: ffmpeg-2.3.6_3,1 installed