Currently, our acquisitariat container is launched by the following script:
#!/bin/sh INSTANCE_NAME=acquisitariat MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=`openssl rand -hex 21` MYSQL_DATADIR=/data/$INSTANCE_NAME/mysql mkdir -p $MYSQL_DATADIR chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t $MYSQL_DATADIR docker run -d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD \ -v $MYSQL_DATADIR:/var/lib/mysql \ --name $INSTANCE_NAME nasqueron/mysql
Actually, we don't need to set or know the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD value, as linked containers will recover the value in environment: any container with --link acquisitariat:mysql can access the root password with MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.
This is what we done in Phabricator container for example:
It would be nice if the image could generate the password.