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exceptions4c: don't intercept SIGCHLD
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There is no legitimate reason SIGCHLD should be handled by the extension, so it shouldn't be intercepted.

So, instead of e4c_context_set_signal_mappings(e4c_default_signal_mappings); in mq_command (and perhaps in Rabbitmq_Unload if extension unload code has been implemented), we should:

  1. define our own signals array, with SIGSEGV, etc. but not SIGCHLD - the goal is to include every valuable signal risking to lead to a crash if not intercepted, but not the normal signals
  2. call this array in e4c_context_set_signal_mappings instead of e4c_default_signal_mappings

Downstream workaround to cleanup

Dæghrefn — When this bug is resolved, revert D111, which implements a workaround.

Event Timeline

dereckson raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
dereckson triaged this task as Normal priority.
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Dev on the good-first-issue board.
dereckson added a subscriber: dereckson.