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Install rkhunter on Ysul and launch a dry run
Closed, ResolvedPublic


@ledesillusionniste evoked rkhunter on wolfplex IRC channel while @dereckson has noted false positive were annoying.

Install it on Ysul and run it to see how it evolved these last years (ie do we still have a lot of false positives?).

Event Timeline

dereckson claimed this task.
dereckson triaged this task as Normal priority.
dereckson added a project: Servers.
dereckson added a subscriber: dereckson.
dereckson added a subscriber: ledesillusionniste.
$ pkg install rkhunter
New packages to be INSTALLED:
        rkhunter: 1.4.2_2
        p5-Digest-SHA1: 2.13_1


You should keep your rkhunter database up-to-date.
This can be done automatically by putting this line to periodic.conf(5) files:

daily_rkhunter_update_flags="--update --nocolors"

Also, you can run rkhunter as a part of the daily security check by
putting this line to periodic.conf(5) files:

daily_rkhunter_check_flags="--checkall --nocolors --skip-keypress"
