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Ensure forum configuration file is ASCII
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The launcher script call pups. This one wants an ASCII configuration file to work.

Currently, our config file seems to contains non breakable spaces to clean.

$ cd /var/discourse
$ ./launcher rebuild forum
I, [2016-04-26T21:26:11.927645 #37]  INFO -- : Loading --stdin
/pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:15:in `split': invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (ArgumentError)
        from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:15:in `run'
        from /pups/bin/pups:8:in `<main>'
** FAILED TO BOOTSTRAP ** please scroll up and look for earlier error messages, there may be more than one
NOTE: Upstream isn't interested to switch the default encoding to UTF-8, with the rationale "not to force encoding" of the configuration file, ie force it to ascii instead.
dereckson triaged this task as High priority.Apr 26 2016, 21:44