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Propagate from monorepo to manyrepo

Build Steps

    • Wait for previous commits to finish building the current plan before continuing.
    • Build a working copy in Drydock.
    Output Artifacts
    Working Copymonorepo-${repository.callsign}
    • Run command _utils/repo/ on monorepo-${repository.callsign}.
    Depends On
    Build StepLease Working Copy
    Input Artifacts
    Drydock Leasemonorepo-${repository.callsign}

Plan Behaviors

Hold DraftsAlwaysRevisions are not sent for review until the build completes, and are returned to the author for updates if the build fails.
Warn When LandingNever"arc land" never warns that the build is still running or has failed.
Affects BuildableNeverThe buildable does not wait for the build.
RestartableNeverThe build may not be restarted.
RunnableIf EditableOnly users who can edit the plan can run it manually.

Run By Herald Rules

  • No active Herald rules trigger this build.

Recent Builds

  • No recent builds.

Event Timeline

dereckson created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
dereckson changed the Warn When Landing behavior for this plan from Always to Never.Feb 19 2022, 12:06
dereckson changed the Affects Buildable behavior for this plan from Always to Never.
dereckson changed the Restartable behavior for this plan from Always to If Failed.
dereckson changed the Runnable behavior for this plan from If Editable to If Viewable.
dereckson changed the Runnable behavior for this plan from If Viewable to If Editable.
dereckson changed the edit policy from "Trusted users (Project)" to "Keruald contributors (Project)".
dereckson added a subscriber: dereckson.
dereckson changed the Restartable behavior for this plan from If Failed to Never.Feb 20 2022, 18:16