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Project History

Referenced Files
F1541: profile-project.png
Apr 3 2015, 20:54


Looks Like
Drake network

Event Timeline

dereckson renamed this project from to Drake.
dereckson changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Administrators".
dereckson changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Administrators".
dereckson changed the join policy from "All Users" to "Administrators".
dereckson set this project's icon to fa-cloud.
dereckson set this project's color to Grey.
dereckson added a member: dereckson.
dereckson set this project's image to F1541: profile-project.png.
dereckson renamed this project from Drake to Drake network.
dereckson changed the visibility from "Administrators" to "Drake network (Project)".
dereckson changed the edit policy from "Administrators" to "Drake network (Project)".
dereckson changed the join policy from "Administrators" to "Custom Policy".
dereckson changed the visibility from "Drake network (Project)" to "All Users".Dec 3 2024, 17:37
dereckson changed the edit policy from "Drake network (Project)" to "All Users".
dereckson changed the join policy from "Custom Policy" to "All Users".
dereckson changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".