
Edit Form: New server account or SSH key change request

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Use this form to request an access on a server or add a new SSH key:

  1. Under title, replace <account> by your username, or the username you want and <server> by the relevant machine
  2. Let Priority to High, excepted if you're blocked on a very urgent task without ; in such case use Unbreak now!
  3. Paste your public key in description. Double check you only paste the public part.

If you don't have an idea of the server, it's probably Eglide if you request an IRC shell or WindRiver if you need a dev environment.

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dereckson changed the default value for field Assigned To. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Status. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Priority. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field View Policy. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Space. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Tags. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Subscribers. (Show Details)
dereckson changed locked and hidden fields. (Show Details)
dereckson added this form to the "Create" menu.
dereckson changed locked and hidden fields. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)Feb 8 2016, 23:37
dereckson changed the default value for field Subscribers. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Description. (Show Details)
dereckson updated the preamble for this form. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Priority. (Show Details)Jul 7 2017, 19:32
dereckson renamed this form from SSH key request to New server account or SSH key change request.Jun 27 2020, 17:00