
Edit Form: Report security issue

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This form can be used to report a security issue.

This allows responsible disclosure, and allow maintainers to fix the issue before public disclosure.

Project maintainers will work with reporter to synchronize work and reporting.

Nasqueron security operations squad

Event Timeline

dereckson added this form to the "Create" menu.
dereckson changed locked and hidden fields. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Space. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Assigned To. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Status. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Priority. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field View Policy. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Tags. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field Subscribers. (Show Details)
dereckson changed the default value for field View Policy. (Show Details)Sep 20 2018, 21:35
dereckson changed the default value for field Edit Policy. (Show Details)
dereckson changed locked and hidden fields. (Show Details)