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Migrate to more modern and modular PHP 7.2 code
Changes PlannedPublic

Authored by dereckson on Oct 14 2018, 03:17.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Jul 25, 03:10
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Jul 24, 17:37
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Jul 24, 17:37
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Jul 24, 17:36
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Jul 24, 17:35
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Jul 24, 16:29
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Jul 21, 07:34
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Jul 21, 02:37



Transfer the utility methods responsibility to Keruald OmniTools.

Use PSR-4 namespace Keruald\Core for main features.
The configuration, error global functions and not yet migrated
functions are kept.

Offer a transparent migration path to convert user passwords from legacy MD5
to a modern hash (by default, under PHP 7.2, the default is Argon2i) when
they log in successfully.

Use type hints for signature methods.

Test Plan

Build a small site with a login form and some MD5 password to migrate.

Dump session.

Diff Detail

rK Keruald legacy core libraries
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage
migration (branched from master)
Build Status
Buildable 2998
Build 3246: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

dereckson created this revision.

Use mysqli classes from root namespace

dereckson added inline comments.

Class MUST be fully qualified with namespace.

Not sure the best strategy for this change.

I've archived the repository on GitHub, to create a more flexible system based on:

  • keruald/omnitools for helpers functions (rKOT)
  • keruald/database (rDB)
  • keruald/application to create a web application, repository to create

The MD5 to salted hash migration path is pretty important here and should be extracted and promoted to legacy web applications still using that hash.

Obsidian Workspaces has a better approach for the session code I think (rOBSIDIAN).