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Review and deploy extensions for Wolfplex wiki
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I'm a little puzzled by the list of extensions used by the Wolfplex wiki.

It seems SMW was installed, probably to edit events in form mode.

grep from LocalSettings.php
require_once( "$IP/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php" );
require_once( "$IP/extensions/Gadgets/Gadgets.php" );
require_once($IP . '/extensions/RawMsg.php');
require_once( "$IP/extensions/ContactPage/ContactPage.php" );
require_once( "$IP/extensions/Vector/Vector.php" );
//require_once( "$IP/extensions/semantic-bundle/SemanticBundleSettings.php" );
//require_once( "$IP/extensions/semantic-bundle/SemanticBundle.php" );

Vector is not needed anymore, as it's full merged in core.

We also have this full list in the extensions directory:

AdminLinks                      DataTransfer                    RawMsg.php                      SemanticMaps
Akismet                         ExtensionFunctions.php          README                          SemanticMediaWiki
ApprovedRevs                    ExternalData                    ReplaceText                     SemanticResultFormats
ArrayExtension                  Gadgets                         semantic-bundle                 SemanticTasks
AzharAuthPlugin.php             HeaderTabs                      SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi
CategoryTree                    Maps                            SemanticCompoundQueries         Validator
Cite                            PageObjectModel                 SemanticDrilldown               Vector
ConfirmEdit                     ParserFunctions                 SemanticForms                   Widgets
ContactPage                     Poem                            SemanticInternalObjects

We should track the use for those extensions, and enable only the ones needed.

Furthermore, if it's only to provide forms, SMW is a no.

Event Timeline

dereckson added a subscriber: ledesillusionniste.

@ledesillusionniste any souvenir about one of those wiki extensions and why/where it's needed?

dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)

The ParserFunctions extension is configured on Wolfplex to allow legacy string replace, pos, etc. operations but SQL queries to try to find them used in the actual content shows we don't have use that.

SELECT DISTINCT rev_page FROM mw_revision WHERE rev_text_id IN (
    SELECT old_id FROM mw_text WHERE old_text LIKE '%#replace%'

Currently loaded extensions:

  • SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi
  • Poem
  • Cite
  • ParserFunctions
  • Gadgets (tested with HotCat, updated to use ResourceLoader)
  • ContactPage (configured)
  • CategoryTree

Not needed anymore:

  • Vector (merged into core)

The last remaining case is RawMsg, something I'm not glad to see used:
this extension allows to embed arbitrary HTMKL content, like a bunch of JavaScript code without any special rights to edit interface, so anyvody can write malicious content on the wiki.

dereckson set the cover image to Restricted File.Mar 26 2018, 16:29