Quassel is a distributed client you can attach on a core, connected to the servers and storing the logs.
https://github.com/drawstack-salt-formulas/quassel-formula gives some hints about Debian needs, or about how to merge pillar and a jinja map.
Quassel is a distributed client you can attach on a core, connected to the servers and storing the logs.
https://github.com/drawstack-salt-formulas/quassel-formula gives some hints about Debian needs, or about how to merge pillar and a jinja map.
rOPS Nasqueron Operations | |||
D1529 Configure Quassel core | |||
D1528 Deploy systemd service for Quassel | |||
D1532 | rOPS2a2edf7dd7c6 Allow user to change its own Quassel password | ||
D1531 | rOPS73281a1b5d54 Provide full chain certificate to Quassel | ||
D1530 | rOPS95188b03e72b Use package account instead of to create one | ||
D1526 | rOPSc5c83f7a67b4 Deploy PostgreSQL on Eglide | ||
D1527 | rOPS00bacbfbc607 Install quassel core |
$ sudo -u postgres psql psql (10.3 (Debian 10.3-2)) Type "help" for help. postgres=# CREATE USER quassel ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '...'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# CREATE DATABASE quassel WITH OWNER quassel ENCODING 'UTF8'; CREATE DATABASE
Password has beeen stored in K119.