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Database connection error doesn't mention database product
Open, NormalPublic


This message doesn't explicitly indicate the issue is related to the PostgreSQL server:

$ cargo run
ERROR 2018-12-30T15:08:05Z: limiting_factor::kernel: could not connect to server: Connection refused
	Is the server running on host "::1" and accepting
	TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Expected message would contain "database" for abstraction layers, "PostgreSQL" for more precise layers.

Event Timeline

dereckson triaged this task as Normal priority.Dec 30 2018, 15:16
dereckson created this task.
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
dereckson renamed this task from Database cconnection error doesn't mention database product to Database connection error doesn't mention database product.Nov 19 2019, 04:42