Stacktrace :
21:22:24 <Wearg> [DEBUG] can't read "component": no such variable 21:22:24 <Wearg> while executing 21:22:24 <Wearg> "could_be_a_component $component" 21:22:24 <Wearg> (procedure "pubm:log" line 8) 21:22:24 <Wearg> invoked from within 21:22:24 <Wearg> "pubm:log $_pubm1 $_pubm2 $_pubm3 $_pubm4 $_pubm5"
Relevant code:
bind pubm - "#* \[*\] *" pubm:log proc pubm:log {nick uhost handle chan text} { # ... regexp "^\\\[(.*)\\\] (.*)" $text match component entry if {![could_be_a_component $component]} { return 0 } # ... }
Seems there is a way to call this function with something not matching "[component] lorem ipsum"