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Upgrade servers to FreeBSD 14
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Early November, we should have a new release of FreeBSD 14.

It should be deployed on the following machines:

  • WindRiver
  • Ysul {pending, by Dereckson, will be very slow with I/O issues}
  • Complector
  • web-001 [pkg update step will be blocked by T1937]
  • Hervil
  • router-001 [to discuss]
  • db-A-001
  • db-B-001

See for releases schedule.

Event Timeline

WindRiver done last week. Works perfectly fine.

router-001 update would cut network connections between Ysul, WindRiver, CloudHugger and IntraNought VMs.

I think that's actually acceptable, as production services can reach web-001/db-*/ directly through their dedicated network card.


  • IRC bots wouldn't be able to reach MySQL or Vault as they're still on Ysul
  • Services still on Ysul can't reach
  • Development servers can't reach production services, or Dwellers

Another issue is we lose connections to all those machines, as router-001 is used to route traffic to them.

Probably best to ship router-002 under FreeBSD 14 so we can prepare to minimize this impact if we need more hypervisors in the future.

dereckson claimed this task.

router-001 is out of scope as long as T1939 is implemented