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Provide a nasqueron/jdk base image
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OpenJDK doesn't maintain anymore open-source and supported releases of the JDK.

As such the Docker library OpenJDK image is deprecated too.

Instead of choose for each Java application what OpenJDK distribution to use, plan is to create a base nasqueron/jdk image.

Topics to discuss

1. What versions do we support?

That should at least include LTS versions like OpenJDK 17 and 21.

That could include current OpenJDK version if any piece of software we maintain an image for needs it (for example OpenJDK 23).

2. What vendor do we use?

Eclipse Temurin, Amazon Corretto and SapMachine are well maintained.

A matrix of pro/cons should be created, because it's not clear at all

For example:

  • Defaults from SapMachine clearly aims to facilitate observability in production
  • Amazon Corretto updates frequently crypto packages

3. What do we use it for?

  • rDO obviously
  • rDORB currently uses tomcat:9.0.75-jre17 from Docker Library, currently switching to Eclipse Temurin

4. What do we include?

Event Timeline

dereckson triaged this task as Normal priority.Wed, Sep 25, 19:56
dereckson created this task.
dereckson moved this task from Need Dockerfile or config to New images on the Docker images board.