Orbeon Forms allows to fill form, but also to build complex forms.
It's deployed as service for all static and dynamic sites, or for surveys.
It runs on a Tomcat 9 container, and uses a PostgreSQL database on db-A cluster.
SMTP uses an Exim container, in the same network.
Tomcat users. This change introduces management for tomcat-users.xml.
This can benefit to future apps needing Tomcat too if we want more monoliths.
Permissions. Most parts, form builder, landing pages for form runners, need
an admin access managed at Tomcat level, with credentials stored in Vault.
The form runner allows anonymous access to create a new form.
Configuration. Configuration uses direct XML files per instance, located
at roles/paas-docker/containers/files/orbeon/<instance>/ to avoid to maintain
both an YAML pillar to define the config, a XML template with lot of if/for.
Ref T1884