New feature: custom header and footer at workspace level
[ Feature description ]
At workspace level, an overall header or footer can be added.
It's defined by an URL, by a path to a local filename, or any
others supported by PHP protocols and wrappers.
It's displayed as is, not parsed or executed.
[ Goal ]
To allow workspaces to customized their environment
[ WorkspaceConfiguration class ]
- string WorkspaceConfiguration::$header Contains the URL or path to the header to print
- string WorkspaceConfiguration::$footer Contains the URL to path to the footer to print
[ Workspace configuration file ]
Two parameters are added to the JSON configuration files:
- header: the URL or path to the header to print (optional)
- footer: the URL to path to the footer to print (optional)
[ Views ]
- header.tpl: prints the custom header at first element of body
- footer.tpl: prints the custom footer at one of the last element of body, but before the JS libraries calls.
[ Notes ]
- This system is not intended to replace full customization. For that, create a new theme, and request as new feature a support of themes at workspace level.
- Login and error pages don't use header/footer views, so won't print them. For that, we should allow a workspace to replace some templates files by its owns.
[ Future plan ]
- Caching and caching invalidation of this feature (bug 24).
- Detect Smarty templates to offer access to variables (bug 25).