
Deploy RabbitMQ on docker-001

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Deploy RabbitMQ on docker-001

Define the available ports, so we can enable further protocols when needed.

Define a dedicated "restricted" IP, for use only for Nasqueron servers,
currently the public IP. In a follow-up change, when Drake network is ready,
we'll update that IP to

Upstream image now uses /var/lib/rabbitmq instead of /data.

Nginx uses default config, but like Openfire, we proxy to the dedicated IP.

Test Plan:
Launch on docker-001:

  • salt-call --local state.sls_id /etc/nginx/vhosts/rabbitmq/white-rabbit.conf roles/paas-docker/nginx
  • salt-call --local state.apply roles/paas-docker/containers/rabbitmq

Visit https://white-rabbit.nasqueron.org/

Reviewers: dereckson

Reviewed By: dereckson

Differential Revision: https://devcentral.nasqueron.org/D2353


derecksonAuthored on Sep 30 2020, 02:10
derecksonPushed on Sep 30 2020, 02:47
Differential Revision
D2353: Deploy RabbitMQ on docker-001

Commit No Longer Exists

This commit no longer exists in the repository.